Date Posted: July 31, 2015
Jupiter’s transit in the sidereal zodiac Leo (July 13)
On July 13, Jupiter left (sidereal) Cancer and entered the next zodiac sign, Leo. Jupiter’s transit from one zodiac sign to the next occurs, on average, once a year. Leo being a fixed and fire sign ruled by friendly Sun, Jupiter in Leo has a tendency to enhance material prosperity of those who have well placed and connected Sun and Jupiter in their birth charts while others who have unfavorably placed Jupiter with respect to Sun are likely to experience their prosperity diminish. In general, transit of Jupiter in Leo is positive. For one thing, material prosperity around the world is likely to expand. (It must be noted that despite Jupiter’s positive influence on world material prosperity, effects of other planets should also be taken into account to assess the net result or effect). In addition, the influence of the leaders in all and every field will shape the future direction of our social evolution through the material, philosophical and spiritual debate. In general, the Leo Jupiter is known to be responsible for world material and wealth expansion. So from that perspective expect some positive economic changes during this period and welcome the Jupiter’s entry in Leo.
On individual levels, for those who have dominant Jupiter in their birth charts and have Libra, Cancer, Aries, Aquarius and Sagittarius as their natal ninefold (Navamansha) ascendant are likely to experience a very positive twelve month period since July 13.
Retrograde Venus (July 25 – September 6)
On July 25, the planet Venus became retrograde in its motion in sidereal zodiac sign Leo. With its retrograde (backward) motion Venus enters the sidereal Cancer on August 14 and then it becomes direct in Cancer on September 6. Venus becomes retrograde about once every 19 months, and stays retrograde for about six weeks. In general, a retrograde Venus means a very challenging period for women, marriages, home life, lovers, entertainment industries. Expect the divorce rates to peak, fighting between spouses to intensify, and delays, frustrations, and misunderstandings to take a center-stage in domestic matters. In particular, while the Leo retrograde Venus means challenging period for lead personalities in entertainment field and women at high places, the retrograde Cancer Venus also means emotional breakdown for Cancer dominated individuals. If you have a dominating Venus in your birth chart, and if your current planetary cycle influences your life via Venus then you are more likely to experience the effects of the retrograde Venus till September 6. The lead entertainers like lead actors, actresses, musicians, comedians, movie directors and producers may find themselves in a miserable situation during the retrograde Venus period especially if they are currently being influenced by Venus through their current progressive cycles.
Global Predictions……
The important challenging planetary configurations for August include Pluto-Rahu (July 23 – Aug 12) and Neptune-Saturn (Aug 17-28) ninefold oppositions, Pluto-Mars (Aug 27-29) and Neptune-Mars (Aug 20-22) quincunxes, Pluto-Uranus (July 13 – Sept 21) and Saturn-Rahu (Aug 26 – Sept 1) ninefold quincunxes, and Saturn-Jupiter (July 29 – Aug 6) square.
The manifestation of the Pluto-Rahu (July 23 – Aug 12) ninefold opposition maybe reflected in the both natural and man-made calamities causing destruction and loss of lives all around the world.
The Neptune-Saturn (Aug 17-28) ninefold opposition may become responsible for rise in covert activities among leading nations and natural as well as man-made calamities in places like Russia and China. Also, Russia and China are likely to experience political and social turmoil. Non-democratic countries are likely to see shift of power from one faction (or dictator) to another. Religious activities around the world will likely to appear more secretive than open.
The Pluto-Mars (Aug 27-29 ) quincunx may become responsible for a sudden outbreak of an undesirable happening and possibilities of both natural and man-made calamities in places like Middle-East (Iraq, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Palestine and Israel) and the United States.
The Neptune-Mars (Aug 20-22) quincunx may mean outbreak of covert activities among leading nations and possibilities of both natural and man-made calamities all around the world.
The Pluto-Uranus (July 13 – Sept 21) ninefold quincunx may become responsible for a critical and difficult period of international interaction for the United States. This quincunx could manifest in the form of having the USA involved in international conflict or in a failed international diplomacy.
The manifestation of Saturn-Rahu (Aug 26 – Sept 1) ninefold quincunx maybe reflected social or political unrest in places like Russia or China. Also, in the United State for the Republic Party and republicans it may prove to be prudent to stay on guard during this period.
The Saturn-Jupiter (July 29 – Aug 6) square is likely to become responsible for difficult period for religious leaders all around the world in carrying out their activities. There will be occurrences of more controversies and testing of traditional moral values, and in general, religious authorities will have difficulty in keeping people happy.
The countries that are more likely to be affected during this month are: United States and Middle East (Syria, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan and Palestine-Israel regions).
About President Obama….
President Obama’s operating planets (the planets that presently influence him most) continue to be Mercury and Sun. During August, Mercury stays in sidereal Cancer (and in the 12th house of his progressive chart) till August 4, then it enters the sidereal Leo (in the 1st house of his progressive chart), and on August 23, it moves in sidereal Virgo where it remains till the end of the month.
Since the twelfth house Mercury is not favorable (slow and agonizing period with few possible setbacks) for him, until 4th of August, he is likely to be frustrated with Congress, especially with respect to the Iran deal. He may experience insulting treatment by the media. Furthermore, during Aug 5-23, since the first house Mercury is not that favorable either, he will have to deal with people who are likely to cheat on him. In addition, his position on some of the important issues will likely to perceived as vacillating. However, during the last eight days (July 24-31) of the month, the second house Mercury, despite his continued stressful situation, may turn out to be positive for him from the standpoint of having success in carrying out his agenda.
The other planet, Sun is presently transiting through the 12th house of his progressive chart till Aug 17. And then for the remaining part of the month, through the first house of his progressive chart. As a result, until Aug 17, he will have real tough time dealing with his adversaries (6th house) and he is likely to experience some disappointment and few setbacks in carrying out his agenda. For the remaining part of the month, Sun being in the first house of his progressive chart, he will continue to have real tough time as he will be filled with anxieties in dealing with delays, fear and worries.
About USA…..
The manifestation of the Pluto-Uranus (July 13 – Sept 21) ninefold quincunx maybe reflected in a critical and difficult period for the USA from the international crisis (including terrorism) standpoint. In addition, the manifestation of Saturn-Rahu (Aug 26 – Sept 1) ninefold quincunx maybe reflected in chaotic situation for the Republic Party and republicans as the ongoing sago between the GOP establishment and Donald Trump will very likely to reach the most critical phase of out of control situation.
During July 29 – Aug 6, the world religions in general, and world religious leaders in particular, may experience difficult period in carrying out their activities. There will be occurrences of more controversies and testing of traditional moral values. There will be occurrences of more controversies and testing of traditional moral values, and in general, religious authorities will have difficulty in keeping people happy.
Natural and Man-made Calamities……..
The natural calamities like extreme weather conditions, wildfires, unbearable heat, hurricanes, heavy rains, air crashes as well as man made accidents are likely to occur during Aug 1-12 and Aug 17-28.
Earthquakes: Based on the latest earthquake prediction model III (yet to be published) the earthquake(s) of magnitude 7 or higher, if occur, are likely to occur on August 5, 9, 15, 18, 20, 22-23 and 25-28. Earthquake predictions for the entire year 2015 is provided at Earthquake Predictions 2015.
While man-made calamities may manifest themselves in terrorism, unrest, violence, accidents, and air crashes, the natural calamities are likely to include extreme weather conditions such as severe cold winters, and equally intensive droughts, hurricanes or typhoons, thunderstorms, earthquakes and fires.