December 31, 2011
Wishing you a very happy and prosperous year 2012
During the entire 2012, all the modern planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) will continue to reside in spiritual (sidereal) zodiac signs: Pluto in Sagittarius, the fire and mutable sign ruled by Jupiter; Neptune in Aquarius, the air and fixed sign ruled by Saturn; and Uranus in Pisces, the water sign ruled by Jupiter. Both the Saturn and Jupiter being the planets of spiritual forces (as they rule the last four signs of the zodiac), the entire year will continue to be dominated by subtle spiritual human evolution at a phenomenal speed.
In addition, the Jupiter’s transit in Aries will last through May 16, 2012, and Aries being a cardinal and fire sign, Jupiter’s collective influence will be the result of the process of our spiritual growth during the first half of the year. The spiritual growth will be reflected in our collective search for something other than the normal inclination towards material growth. The United States (Uranus country) will continue to provide the platform for this future human endeavor since Uranus resides in Pisces, a sign ruled by Jupiter. This process of collective human spiritual growth actually began when Pluto entered Sidereal Sagittarius in January of 2005 with the accelerated process of globalization and universalization. As a result, we human are so closely connected that we practically share of our experiences via internet (or other similar interactive medium of communications) every minute, every hour, every day! Thus, the seed for collective human experience has already been in place for us to move forward and grow spiritually. In addition, Libra resident exalted Saturn is likely to provide additional boost to spiritual growth. After May 16, 2012, Jupiter will enter the earth sign sidereal Taurus, and it will then become responsible for material expansion around the world.
However, it must be pointed out that with all the rosy picture of our spiritual growth as painted above, the path or transformation process is likely to be accompanied with pain and possibly sufferings. The pain and the human suffering will be reflected in violence and terrorism in places like Afghanistan-Pakistan, North Africa, Iraq-Iran, and some other places around the world.
On January 24, 2012, Mars becomes retrograde in sidereal Leo, and stays retrograde until April 14, 2012 in Leo. For President Obama, Mars being the active planet for him in the first house of his progressive chart for the period January 17 thru March 1, 2012, he should be very careful in charting his political course as he will be challenged every day by his adversaries during this period. The retrograde Mars in Leo will also influence negatively for those who have Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius ascendant in their ninefold natal charts.
On May 16, 2012, Venus becomes retrograde in sidereal Taurus. Venus becomes retrograde about once every 19 months, and stays retrograde for about six weeks. In general, a retrograde Venus means a very challenging period for women, marriages, home life, lovers, entertainment industries. Expect the divorce rates to peak, fighting between spouses to intensify, and delays, frustrations, and misunderstandings to take a center-stage in domestic matters. If you have a dominating Venus in your birth chart, and if your current planetary cycle influences your life via Venus then you are more likely to experience the effects of the retrograde Venus during May 16 – June 28, 2012. The entertainers like actors, actresses, musicians, comedians, movie directors and producers may find themselves in a miserable situation during the retrograde Venus period especially if they are currently being influenced by Venus through their current progressive cycles.
During this year, several ninefold squares occur between the planets of action (Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and Mars) that may become cause for collective anxiety and insecurity. And the entire year is likely to witness the events that will make a strong and long lasting impact on us. Especially June through October period may turn out to be very crucial for such events. During the same period, the world financial markets will exhibit marked volatility.
Despite the challenges of economic growth around the world, advances in technology and sciences will absolutely be phenomenal. The major scientific and technological breakthroughs in fields of medicine, biotechnology, high technology and space science will be remarkable.
Finally, according to Mayan calendar, the last date of their calendar falls on December 21-23, and there has been a lot of hype about it all around the world. From planetary standpoint, besides strong influence of the modern planets due to their disposition in spiritual signs (Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces) I don’t see any particular and special planetary configuration that will happen in December 2012. Perhaps we as human will collectively transform to the next level of spiritual growth before the end of this year.