Consulting Services

Astro Insight provides individuals with useful information relevant to their lives based on the scientific method of Astrology. The following indicate certain common type of services and the associated charges for the service. Please understand that Astrology is a very complex science and requires a lot of customized research based upon each individual’s charts. Payment Methods:  Zelle, Venmo, online paypal, online major credit cards, or check (mailing address). Also, will need birth information (Date, Time, and Place) via email for birth chart reading.
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Consulting Services

Fee (in US $)

Online Course - Principles of Vedic astrology Part I

  • A six week or an intensive one weekend online course of Principles of Vedic astrology - Part I, includes a free chart software package of $60 value and book (shipping not included).

$ 375.00

Online Course - Principles of Vedic astrology Part II

  • A six week online course of Principles of Vedic astrology - Part II

$ 375.00

Online Lecture Series or Vedic Chart interpretation

  • $60 per two hour session

$ 45.00 per session

Horary Chart Reading

  • If birth information is not known, still can answer the (just one) question for which you are genuinely seeking an (astrological) answer
  • Up to 45 minutes of consultation

$ 175.00

Astro Insight Report (Mini-Birth Chart Reading)

  • The report entails the essence of the birth chart: personality, strengths and weaknesses, hidden talents and possibilities about different aspects of your life).  
  • While it's not a detailed reading, it will provide you with a glimpse about yourself and possibilities in your life, and if you decide to go for a detailed birth chart reading a credit of $50 will be applied towards the detailed reading.
  • Need birth information (Date, Time and Place)

$ 40.00

First Time Birth Chart Reading (or 3 years after the preceding reading)

  • Overview (Essence of horoscope: personality, strengths and weaknesses, hidden talents, etc.)
  • Near term outlook (6 to 12 months) includes profession, relationship, travel, money matters, health, and almost anything that you have on your mind
  • Up to 75 minutes of consultation
  • House Call: $600 for the first chart and $250 for each additional chart

$ 250.00

Birth Chart Reading (Subsequent -no more than 3 years after the preceding reading)

  • Overview (Essence of horoscope: personality, strengths and weaknesses, hidden talents, etc.)
  • Near term outlook (one to two years) includes profession, relationship, travel, money matters, health, and almost anything that you have on your mind
  • Up to 55 minutes of consultation
  • House Call: $400 for the first chart and $150 for each additional chart

$ 200.00

Business Astrology

  • Deals with any business related question without revealing birth information required.
  • Up to 55 minutes of consultation

$ 200.00

Birth Chart  Compatibility (Matching)

  • For Marriage, Business Partnership, or any other relationship
  • Up to 55 minutes of consultation

$ 200.00

Consulting on a regular basis 

  • 4 Times a year

$ 500.00

In-depth monthly consulting

  • Includes in-depth monthly day-by-day analysis based on extensive research on individual's chart and provides useful insight for (and timing of) important events.

$ 500.00/mo

Dwelling (Feng Shui, Wastushastra) consulting

  • Includes in-depth inspection and consequent recommendations of auspicious arrangement and layout of your existing dwelling (house) with respect to natal charts of individuals who own and live in the house.  Must consult for optimum benefits if you are having build your own house.
  • Mini consulting:  $100  Includes basic recommendations without taking in to account the natal charts of individuals who own and live in the house.

$ 300.00

 Entertainment Parties

  • Includes information about Vedic astrology in an entertaining fashion to quickly assess the ball park characteristics of an individual just by looking at him or her.  Fun way to learn astrology. $175/hour (minimum 2 hours) and for only Houston and surrounding locations.

$ 300.00


Cost (in US $)

Book: "It's All in Timing"

  • Cost includes postage and handling for USA


$ 25.00 

World Financial Markets Prediction Annual Subscription


Astro Insight Natal chart Graphic Software

  • This Software provides you with four different options (Tropical-Placidus, Tropical-Whole House, Sidereal (Vedic)-Whole House, Sidereal (Vedic)-Placidus.  Using the North-Indian style (diamond shaped) chart layout, it displays natal graphics with respective planetary positions and house cusps (for Placidus charts), planetary aspects.  For sidereal charts, Moon Nakshatra, Navamansa natal Chart. The READMe file provides instructions necessary to install and run the software.

$ 99.00 

Courses in Houston

  • Introduction to Vedic astrology  I  (2 1/2 hours)
  • Introduction to Vedic astrology II  (2  1/2 hours)
  • Vedic astrology workshop (5 hours)
  • Relationships and Compatibility Analysis (2 1/2 hours)


$50 ($60 at the door) per session

$50 ($60 at the door) per session 

$100 ($150 at the door)

$50 ($60 at the door)

Electional (Muhurat) Astrology

  • Recommendation of an auspicious time (or date) to start a new business, new venture, start living in a new home, etc., based on the natal chart and the current planetary positions.




  • Enter your amount in multiple of $10.



  • Rubies ranging from $200 to $250

Ruby is for Sun

Please use Miscellaneous category (above) to order this stone.  Add $50 for charming it (optional)

  • Corals ranging from $80 to $100

Coral is for Mars

Please use Miscellaneous category (above) to order this stone.  Add $50 for charming it (optional)

  • Emeralds ranging from $300 to $350

Emerald is for Mercury

Please use Miscellaneous category (above) to order this stone.  Add $50 for charming it (optional)

  • Yellow Sapphires ranging from $450 to $500

Yellow Sapphire is for Jupiter

Please use Miscellaneous category (above) to order this stone.  Add $50 for charming it (optional)

  • Blue Sapphires ranging from $250 to $300

Blue Sapphire is for Saturn

Please use Miscellaneous category (above) to order this stone.  Add $50 for charming it (optional)

  • Hessonites (Gomed) ranging from $100 to $120

Hessonite (Gomed) is for North lunar node (Rahu)

Please use Miscellaneous category (above) to order this stone.  Add $50 for charming it (optional)

  • Cat's eye ranging from $80 to $100

Cat's eys is for South lunar node (Ketu)

Please use Miscellaneous category (above) to order this stone.  Add $50 for charming it (optional)