Date Posted: August 4, 2007
The predictions analysis is based on the following important ninefold planetary configurations (within 3 ninefold degrees or 1/3 regular degree orb) for this month.
Pluto-Jupiter ninefold quincunx ( July 17 – Aug 16)
Saturn-Jupiter ninefold quincunx (Aug 4 -8)
Neptune-Rahu ninefold quincunx (Aug 19 – Sept 11)
Uranus-Jupiter ninefold quincunx (Aug 24 -30)
Ketu-Jupiter ninefold trine (Aug 23 – 28)
Neptune-Saturn ninefold trine (Aug 10 – 14)
Neptune-Uranus ninefold trine (Aug 25 – Oct 3)
Uranus-Rahu ninefold square (July 31 – Sept 5)
Uranus-Ketu ninefold square ( July 31 – Sept 5)
Saturn-Rahu ninefold square (Aug 13 – 16)
Saturn-Ketu ninefold square (Aug 13 – 16)
Neptune-Jupiter ninefold square (Aug 19 – 27)
Rahu-Jupiter ninefold sextile (Aug 23 – 28)
Pluto-Saturn ninefold conjunction (Aug 4 – 8)
Uranus-Saturn ninefold conjunction (Aug 13-16)
The important regular planetary angles (within 1 degree orb) for this month are as follows:
Mars-Jupiter opposition (Aug 21 – 25)
Mars-Pluto quincunx (July 31- Aug 3)
Pluto-Saturn trine (July 30 – Aug 13)
Mars-Saturn square (July 29- Aug 3)
Other important information pertaining to this month is as follow:
On August 1 and August 16, Mercury enters sidereal Cancer and sidereal Leo respectively.
On August 7, Jupiter becomes direct in sidereal Scorpio.
On August 12, the ninefold Saturn enters Taurus.
On August 17, Sun enters sidereal Leo.
On August 19, the retrograde Venus enters sidereal Cancer.
On August 20, the ninefold retrograde Neptune enters Leo.
On August 24, the ninefold Rahu enters Capricorn and the ninefold Ketu Cancer.
On August 26, the ninefold Jupiter enters Sagittarius.
On August 28, the ninefold retrograde Uranus enters Aries.
A total lunar eclipse occurs on August 28, between 8:00 and 13:36 GMT. It will be visible in the North American continent and far East Asia and Australia.