Date Posted: August 31, 2024
The important regular planetary angles (within 1 degree orb) for this month are as follows:
Pluto-Mars quincunx (Sept 3-5)
Saturn-Mars trine (Sept 29 – Oct 1)
Neptune-Mars square (Sept 2-4)
Rahu-Mars square (Sept 15-18)
Ketu-Mars square (Sept 15-18)
Pluto-Neptune sextile (July 28 – Sept 4)
The predictions analysis is based on the following important ninefold planetary configurations (within 3 ninefold degrees or 1/3 regular degree orb) for this month.
Pluto-Jupiter ninefold opposition (Sept 6-11)
Uranus-Jupiter ninefold quincunx (Sept 13-20)
Saturn-Jupiter ninefold quincunx (Sept 26 – Oct 1)
Saturn-Jupiter ninefold trine (Sept 4-7)
Neptune-Saturn ninefold trine (Sept 11-25)
Ketu-Jupiter ninefold trine (Sept 14-18)
Pluto-Rahu ninefold trine (Sept 24 – Oct 7)
Uranus-Rahu ninefold square (Sept 8-24)
Uranus-Ketu ninefold square (Sept 8-24)
Pluto-Saturn ninefold sextile (Sept 14-18)
Rahu-Jupiter ninefold sextile (Aug 24 – Sept 4)
Pluto-Ketu ninefold sextile (Sept 24 – Oct 7)
Neptune-Jupiter ninefold conjunction (Aug 30 – Sept 3)
Other important information pertaining to this month is as follow:
On September 4, Mercury enters sidereal Leo.
On September 11, the ninefold Rahu enters Libra and Ketu Aries.
On September 16, Sun enters sidereal Virgo.
On September 18, 2:36 GMT a weak lunar eclipse occurs.
On September 18, Venus enters sidereal Libra.
On September 19, the ninefold Jupiter enters Virgo.
On September 23, Mercury enters sidereal Virgo.