Based on information obtained from Astro-data Bank (Astro.Com) with Rodden rating AA, President Trump’s birth details are: Birth Date: June 14, 1946 Birth Time: 10:54 AM (EDT) Birth Place: Jamaica, New York (40N41, 73W48) For Vice President Kamala Harris, based on information obtained from Astro-data Bank ( with Rodden rating AA, Madame Kamala Harris’s birth details are: Birth Date: October 20, 1964 Birth Time: 9:28 PM (PDT)) Birth Place: Oakland, CA (122W16, 37N48) The analysis is based on the sidereal zodiac system with Placidus house division, and the method of interpretation is mostly according to Vedic astrology. President Donald J Trump President Trump was fittingly born under the Leo ascendant (rising sign), which signifies an independent-minded person with a strong sense of self, fire, and a charismatic personality. As shown in his sidereal natal chart (large left chart below), the ascendant ruler, the Taurus Sun, occupies the tenth house, which governs profession, business, politics, fame, and prestige. This placement makes him someone whose life revolves largely around accumulating wealth and seeking status. The ruler of the tenth house cusp, Cancer Venus, is positioned in the 11th house, suggesting potential success in business endeavors and financial gains. He was born under the “Jeshta” Nakshatra (a star cluster in the sidereal Scorpio from 16°40’ to 30°), with the Moon at Scorpio 28°11’. This Nakshatra is symbolized by an umbrella, earrings, and is associated with being an elder, distinguished, and honorable. However, on the downside, Jeshta can also signify arrogance, conceit, secrecy, and ill intentions Sidereal Natal and Ninefold Charts of President Trump
In addition, the most striking planetary configuration in Trump’s birth chart is the placement of the lunar nodes, Rahu (the North Node) and Ketu (the South Node). He was born just a few hours before the beginning of a total lunar eclipse. Had he been born during the eclipse itself, the story might have been entirely different, and perhaps he wouldn’t have achieved the same prominence. Moreover, since he was born during the late morning hours, the Moon was not visible, which minimized the direct influence of the eclipse. Despite this, Trump was born close enough to the eclipse to feel its influence. In his chart, the Sun, ruler of the first house, conjuncts Rahu in the tenth house, while the Moon, ruler of the twelfth house, conjuncts Ketu in the fourth house. The materialistic Rahu thrives in the tenth house, and when combined with a powerful Sun (as the ruler of the first house, a yogakaraka planet), it contributes to Trump’s extraordinary ego and wealth in his professional life. Additionally, Taurus Uranus is within three degrees of Rahu in the tenth house, enhancing his potential to lead the USA, since Uranus shares many characteristics associated with the country itself. Interestingly, the Rahu-Uranus conjunction is also present in the natal charts of former Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama. This suggests that the Rahu-Uranus conjunction could serve as one of the indicators for the potential to become President of the United States. Therefore, despite how unexpected it seemed at the time, Donald Trump’s rise to the presidency in 2016 is not entirely surprising. In my view, the axis along which the lunar nodes (Rahu and Ketu) lie in a natal chart often defines the major challenges a person faces in life. For Trump, this axis runs through the 4th and 10th houses. His life experiences demonstrate that many of his highs and lows have centered around 4th house matters (real estate, home, construction) and 10th house matters (profession, business, politics). The Sun, representing showmanship, is in Taurus (ruled by Venus, the planet of celebrity) in the 10th house, while the 10th house ruler Venus is in the 11th house of fame—contributing to Trump’s well-known status as a celebrity. However, in Vedic astrology, when the ruler of the first house (the ascendant) conjuncts Rahu, it often indicates a significant character flaw that may eventually lead to the person’s downfall. In Trump’s case, the Sun, ruler of the first house, is conjunct Rahu in the 10th house within three degrees. Despite Rahu’s favorable position in the 10th house and the Taurus sign, this conjunction suggests that Trump might eventually undermine himself. The Sun conjunct Rahu in the 10th house can lead to an inflated ego, narcissistic tendencies, and a “know-it-all” attitude—all of which, according to astrological interpretations, could result in his eventual downfall. Other notable planetary configurations in Trump’s natal chart include the placement of Virgo Jupiter, ruler of the 5th, 8th, and 9th houses, in the second house (associated with material wealth). This positioning suggests he was born into a large, wealthy, and well-to-do family, and has been blessed with luck and children. Leo Mars, the ruler of his 4th house, is placed in the 12th house, indicating stubbornness and a love for confrontation. For someone in the public eye, Mars in the 12th house often points to frequent involvement with litigation and court battles. Additionally, the Saturn-Venus conjunction in the 11th house has significant implications. Saturn rules his 6th and 7th houses, and Venus rules his 10th house. This conjunction suggests that in professional settings (whether in business or politics), Trump is likely to face difficulties when dealing with women. Finally, the placement of Rahu and the Sun in the cardinal fourth house of his ninefold natal chart (smaller right chart as shown above) emphasizes the dominance of these planets on the 4th-10th house axis, further affirming the importance of Sun and Rahu in his natal chart dynamics. In addition, Uranus occupies the third house, Pluto the seventh, and Venus the second house in Trump’s ninefold natal chart. Uranus, the unconventional planet of change, in the adventurous and dynamic third house, confirms its strength in his natal chart’s tenth house. Since Uranus symbolizes many qualities associated with the USA, Trump’s chart appears to align closely with the country’s destiny. It’s no surprise, then, that he could successfully tap into the psyche of the American people and the nation as a whole. Vice President Kamala Harris Vice President Kamala Harris was born under the “Ashwini” Nakshatra (a star cluster in the sidereal Aries from 0° to 13°20’) with her Moon at 4°22’ Aries. The symbols for this Nakshatra include physical power, a warrior spirit, leadership, and a healing touch—traits that align with strength and leadership qualities. Additionally, she was born with Gemini (as shown below in her natal chart–larger one on left) as her ascendant (rising sign). Gemini is a mutable sign, known for being flexible, adaptable, and sometimes restless or indecisive until fully weighing all options. It’s also an air sign, associated with intelligence, dynamism, ambition, and a humanistic outlook, ruled by the planet Mercury. A standout feature in her chart is the exalted Rahu (North Lunar Node) in Gemini, located right on the ascendant cusp within one degree. Generally, the energy of a well-placed Rahu in the first house, without any malefic aspects, signifies a strong potential for tremendous success and leadership in any chosen field. Rahu’s position on the first house cusp nearly guarantees her ability to rise to the top. Moreover, the presence of Saturn in Aquarius, the ruler of the tenth house (house of profession), situated in the ninth house (house of destiny), forms a beneficial trine aspect with Rahu within three degrees. This further reinforces her potential to achieve great success in her professional life. Thus, it is no surprise that she became the Vice Presidential nominee of a major party in the United States. Interestingly, when Rahu is positioned alone in the first house, without the influence of other planets, individuals tend to be shorter in height. Vice President Kamala Harris’s sidereal natal and ninefold charts The ascendant ruler, Libra Mercury, is placed in the fifth house—a house also ruled by Mercury—which creates an ideal position for pursuing a career in law and becoming a successful lawyer. In Kamala Harris’s natal chart, Mercury forms a close superior conjunction with the Sun in the fifth house, within four degrees. This powerful superior conjunction enhances the strength of Mercury as the first house ruler, making it extremely influential in her chart.
Additionally, the third house ruler, Aries full Moon, is positioned perfectly in the 11th house, the house of success, prestige, networking, and connections with influential people. This placement provides favorable energy to both the Sun and Mercury in the fifth house, as well as to Saturn and Rahu, thanks to harmonious sextile aspects. Another significant planetary configuration is the favorable trine aspects among four key planets: Rahu, Saturn, Sun, and Mercury, involving the first, fifth, and ninth houses—considered highly auspicious. These aspects create a chart that marks her as a standout leader, especially in the realm of professional and political success. The combination of Sun, Saturn, and Rahu—planets associated with politics—further highlights her potential for thriving in a political career. As mentioned earlier, the tenth house ruler, Aquarius Saturn, is positioned in the ninth house, signifying that her destiny is intricately tied to her profession, especially her rise as a well-known politician. Additionally, Mars—a planet associated with politics and leadership—resides in her third house. While Mars also rules the twelfth house (which sometimes leads to controversy, particularly in matters of litigation and legal battles), it still imparts strength, determination, and a combative spirit. This Mars placement reflects her ability to fight ruthlessly against injustice. Perhaps the most significant destiny-driven planetary configuration in Kamala Harris’s chart is the Pluto-Uranus conjunction in Leo in the fourth house. This powerful combination directly aspects her tenth house—the house of profession—giving it immense strength and influence. The energy of this conjunction rivals the power of the Uranus-Rahu conjunction, a prominent aspect in the natal charts of U.S. presidents, which amplifies her potential in national leadership, including presidential aspirations. In her ninefold natal chart (as shown above, smaller right chart), the placement of Rahu in the first house highlights the dominance of Rahu as a critical planet in Kamala Harris’s chart. This first-house Rahu confirms her strong potential for success, leadership, and recognition in her professional life. Additionally, Pluto’s placement in the first house (and Uranus’s proximity, as it is nearly in the first house) further solidifies the powerful Rahu-Uranus-Pluto conjunction in her ninefold chart. This combination amplifies Rahu’s already potent influence, providing her with the transformative and unconventional energy that strengthens her ability to navigate the complexities of politics and leadership with resilience and strategic insight. This configuration further enhances the likelihood of her rising to significant heights in her professional and public life. Election Day Analysis Election Day Analysis for President Trump On the evening of election day (November 5, 8 PM ET), the active planets influencing former President Trump, in his Gochar (transit) chart for that day, are Venus and Saturn. In Trump’s natal chart, Saturn and Venus are conjunct in the eleventh house, which is associated with success. Venus rules the tenth house of his chart, relating to profession, business, politics, and showmanship, while Saturn governs both the sixth house (adversaries) and the seventh house (spouse, professional, or business partners). The Saturn-Venus conjunction in the eleventh house suggests that Trump may encounter challenges in his professional interactions, particularly with women. On election night, Venus will be positioned in the sixth house of his transit chart, as indicated in the chart (with Roman numerals representing their respective houses). The sixth house, associated with adversaries, is considered unfavorable for Venus, especially when facing a female opponent. Since Venus also rules the tenth house in his natal chart, this positioning implies that his success against his female rival, Vice President Kamala Harris, is likely to be disappointing. The other active planet, Saturn, is positioned in the ninth house of Trump’s transit chart and, although not shown here, is in the tenth house of Kamala Harris’s ninefold transit chart. Saturn’s disposition in both the transit and ninefold transit charts is favorable for Trump’s professional success. Overall, the planetary configurations for election night indicate a mixed outcome for former President Trump. Transit chart of President Trump for the Election night (November 5, 2020, 9 PM ET)  When considering the relationship between the transiting planets and the natal planets, election day coincides with the transiting Uranus sextiles both natal Venus and Saturn (notably, both Venus and Saturn are active planets for election night). While these sextile aspects are generally positive, they involve Venus and Saturn; thus, the Venus-Saturn conjunction in his natal chart, which tends to be challenging in dealings with females, suggests that a favorable outcome is not guaranteed However, if he were to survive and win the election, it would likely be attributed to the Rahu-Uranus conjunction, indicating that the country may not yet have finished working through its karmic lessons with Trump as president. Election Day Analysis for Vice President Kamala Harris For Vice President Kamala Harris, the active planets on election night are Mercury, Venus, Uranus, and Pluto. In her natal chart, Mercury, which rules the 1st, 2nd, and 5th houses, is favorably placed in the 5th house and is in a superior conjunction with the Sun. Venus, although not a planet of politics, is also favorably positioned in the 4th house alongside Uranus and Pluto, the latter two being political planets that directly aspect the 10th house, which represents profession. In her election day transit chart, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto are favorably placed, while Uranus in the 8th house is not as favorable. However, in her ninefold transit chart for the same day, the slow-moving planets Uranus and Pluto are reasonably well-placed. Additionally, the north lunar node, Rahu—her most powerful planet in the natal chart—occupies the 6th house of her transit chart, indicating a favorable position. Overall, the election day transit chart analysis for Vice President Harris appears reasonably favorable. Transit Chart of Vice President Kamala Harris for the Election night (November 5, 2024, 9 PM ET)  When considering the relationship between the transiting planets and her natal chart, the transiting Pluto squares her natal Moon, Sun, and Mercury, indicating challenges she must overcome. Additionally, the lunar node Rahu quincunxes her natal Mercury, suggesting that the challenges she faces may be beyond her control. However, both Mercury and Rahu are very favorably placed in her natal chart, pointing to the challenges being of insignificant magnitude. The 10th house ruler, the transiting (auspicious) Saturn, opposes her natal Uranus and Pluto, which suggests a tough and prolonged fight or battle. Ultimately, this configuration indicates that she is likely to emerge victorious. ConclusionThe natal charts of both candidates exhibit similar strengths, with both being dominated by powerful nodes in the cardinal houses and both born under a full Moon. Mr. Trump was born just hours before a strong lunar eclipse. For him, the tenth house is particularly predominant, highlighted by Rahu’s conjunction with the first house ruler, the Sun, as well as the powerful Rahu-Uranus conjunction. In contrast, Vice President Harris draws her strength from a well-placed Rahu in the 1st house, alongside Uranus and Pluto positioned in the fourth house. Additionally, she benefits from auspicious trines among Saturn-Rahu and the Sun, as well as between Saturn-Rahu and Mercury, which connect the favorable houses of the 1st, 5th, and 9th. While former President has a favorable Rahu-Uranus conjunction that supports his potential for becoming U.S. president, his opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, equally possesses the potential for the presidency, as evidenced by the last election (2020) when Vice President Biden won against former President Trump. When compared their transit charts for the election night, Vice president appears to have a slight edge over Mr. Trump due to the favorable placement of her active planet Mercury Now, let us compare each candidate’s planetary transits with respect to their natal charts for election day. On election day, and for at least another month afterward, transiting Uranus sextiles former President Trump’s natal Venus and Saturn. While both of these sextiles are generally favorable, the unfavorable Saturn-Venus conjunction in his natal chart presents challenges, especially given that his opponent is female. For Vice President Harris, the transiting active planet Pluto squares her natal Sun and Moon, indicating challenges that she must overcome. The election day analysis indicates that both candidates are nearly equally favored. In my opinion, the race will be very close, and based on the planetary configurations of the transiting planets on election night, the outcome is unlikely to be realized that evening. It may be postponed for at least a week or more, with the worst-case scenario extending until December 16, when the retrograde Uranus returns to sidereal Aries. Despite the close race, I wouldn’t be surprised if Vice President Kamala Harris manages to secure at least a narrow victory, if not a convincing one, over Mr. Trump, as the overall transit charts and the transits on election day slightly favor her chances. It must be noted that as described in 2024 annual predictions, “Another important aspect of Uranus’s transit in Taurus is the prominence of female dominance in leadership roles. Taurus being the female sign, more females will be replacing their male counterparts for leadership positions in both political and financial world.” This suggests that Uranus’s energy might favor the chances for vice president Harris becoming the next US president. However, by December 16, Uranus will return to Aries for a few months, lasting until March 16, 2024. During this period, when Uranus is in Aries (a male sign), it may be unlikely for the U.S. to have a female president unless the inauguration process is delayed beyond March 16. Therefore, politically, while Uranus is in Aries from December 16, 2024, to March 16, 2025, Americans will likely experience a period of chaos and extreme instability. Post-US Presidential Election Comment Date posted: November 30, 2024 Based on my interpretation/analysis of natal and transit charts of both Donald Trump and kamala Harris, I anticipated a narrow victory for Vice President Kamala Harris. However, this outcome did not materialize. In hindsight, I realized my interpretation overlooked a key factor: historically, individuals who transitioned from vice president to president, such as George H. W. Bush and Joe Biden, were two-term vice presidents before ascending to the presidency. Kamala Harris, by contrast, is a one-term vice president. A deeper analysis highlights significant astrological patterns. George H. W. Bush won against Michael Dukakis partly because George H Bush’s chart did not feature a Uranus-Rahu conjunction, whereas he later lost to Bill Clinton, who did possess this powerful conjunction. Similarly, another vice president, Al Gore, lost an extremely close race to George W. Bush, who also had the Uranus-Rahu conjunction in his chart. Joe Biden succeeded against Donald Trump, as Trump’s natal Uranus-Rahu conjunction was undermined by a detrimental Sun-Rahu conjunction. Looking ahead, the brief return of Uranus to Aries from December 16, 2024, to March 16, 2025, could herald a period of political chaos and instability. This transit may disrupt the inauguration process and could potentially influence the eventual political outcome. |