January 31, 2025
The events of February are likely to be dominated by the energy of the Neptune-Rahu conjunction. This challenging aspect often creates instability and sudden changes for individuals with this alignment in their natal charts, manifesting as frustrating and unfortunate experiences. During this time, it is advisable to avoid new commitments and maintain a low-profile approach.
At a collective level, covert activities worldwide may escalate under the influence of this conjunction. Neptune’s secretive nature may obscure the full extent of these activities, particularly in matters related to terrorism and international conflicts. Regarding the Ukraine-Russia war, Neptune’s transit in sidereal Pisces does not favor authoritarian regimes. However, Rahu’s concurrent transit in Pisces counters Neptune’s energy, temporarily stalling the decline of authoritarian influence. This planetary combination may intensify the Ukraine-Russia conflict. By the end of May 2025, as Rahu exits sidereal Pisces, its counteracting influence on Neptune will diminish. Consequently, Russian President Putin’s grip on the Ukraine-Russia war may begin to weaken.
From January 21, 2025, to February 24, 2025, retrograde Mars will transit through Gemini. As an air sign ruled by Mercury, Gemini emphasizes intellectual energy over physical strength. Mars in Gemini blends materialistic pursuits (Mars being a material planet) with intellectual endeavors (Gemini’s domain under Mercury), leading to significant fluctuations in both knowledge and material outcomes. Globally, this period is likely to bring tremendous ups and downs, with pronounced impacts on research and academic institutions, diplomats, space technology, and industries related to artificial intelligence, communication (e.g., cell phones, the internet, social media), and information technology.
Uranus’s brief transit in Aries from December 19, 2024, to March 16, 2025, is poised to bring substantial changes. Uranus, the planet of transformation, resonates strongly with Aries, a fiery and cardinal sign characterized by independence, ambition, energy, and impulsiveness. This short transit is expected to dramatically influence the global political landscape. In the U.S., Uranus’s retrograde return to Aries has historically been associated with political chaos and instability. This could potentially add another layer of unpredictability to an already turbulent period, especially considering recent actions by the Trump administration. For instance, the administration’s recent freeze on federal grants and loans caused widespread confusion and was temporarily blocked by a federal judge. reuters.com Additionally, the administration’s moves to expand executive power have sparked concerns over a possible constitutional crisis. wabe.org
These developments underscore the current political volatility, which may be further amplified by Uranus’s transit in Aries.
Retrograde Mars (Dec 7 – Feb 24)
From an astrological perspective, the retrograde motion of Mars is one of the significant planetary events of 2024, occurring towards the end of the year. On December 7, Mars began its retrograde journey in sidereal Cancer. This retrograde period continued as Mars returned to Gemini on January 21, 2025, where it remains retrograde until February 24, 2025, before turning direct. Mars will then reenter Cancer on April 1, 2025. Typically, Mars retrogrades approximately once every two years, lasting about eight to ten weeks.
Astrologically, when a planet turns retrograde, its positive energy tends to diminish. In the case of Mars—a planet associated with independence, energy, ego, and impulsivity—this shift can bring sudden challenges that emerge with remarkable speed. Those with a poorly placed or predominant Mars in their natal charts, particularly if Mars is active in their Gochar (transit) chart, are more likely to face setbacks, both professionally and personally. Such individuals may encounter frustrating circumstances, repeated efforts to achieve success, or unexpected and unfortunate events.
During the retrograde Mars transit in Gemini (January 21, 2025, to February 24, 2025), its effects are further influenced by Gemini’s nature as an air sign ruled by Mercury. Gemini emphasizes intellectual energy over physical power, and Mars in Gemini blends materialistic pursuits (Mars being a material planet) with intellectual endeavors (Gemini’s domain under Mercury). This dynamic is likely to cause significant fluctuations in both knowledge and material outcomes. Globally, this period may bring pronounced impacts on research and academic institutions, diplomacy, artificial intelligence, space technology, and industries related to communication, such as cell phones, the internet, social media, and information technology.
This retrograde phase highlights the importance of exercising caution, engaging in reflection, and building resilience to navigate the challenges and uncertainties it presents.
Neptune-Rahu conjunction (Jan 17 – Mar 28)
Authoritarian regimes under fire
This period marks one of the most challenging astrological aspects, featuring a conjunction between spiritual and humanitarian Neptune in Pisces and the ruthless, explosive north lunar node, Rahu, in Pisces—a particularly unfavorable sign for Rahu. These opposing energies are often associated with turbulence, especially where humanitarian values clash with authoritarian forces, as reflected in the ongoing Ukraine-Russia conflict.
Neptune’s transit through sidereal Pisces generally undermines authoritarian regimes. However, Rahu’s presence in Pisces counters Neptune’s influence, temporarily bolstering authoritarian powers. This dynamic may create a period favorable to authoritarian rule, even as the close conjunction between Neptune and Rahu (January 17 – March 28) is likely to intensify tensions and conflicts, particularly in the Ukraine-Russia war.
Looking ahead, by May 20, 2025, Rahu will exit sidereal Pisces, removing its counteractive influence on Neptune. This shift is expected to weaken the grip of authoritarian leaders, including Russian President Vladimir Putin, potentially diminishing his influence in the Ukraine-Russia war.
On an individual level, if Neptune and Rahu (or Neptune and Ketu) are poorly placed in your natal chart–especially in connection with the sixth, eighth, or twelfth house—and one of these planets is active in your current transit (Gochar) chart, you may experience instability and sudden changes in your surroundings. These changes could feel frustrating or unfortunate. During this time, it is advisable to avoid new commitments and adopt a low-profile approach.
Retrograde Uranus returns to sidereal Aries (December 18 – March 16)
On December 16, 2024, retrograde Uranus returned to sidereal Aries. After transiting through Aries until March 16, 2025, Uranus will reenter Taurus, where it will remain for approximately seven years.
Although its stay in Aries is brief, Uranus, the planet of change and innovation, will leave a significant impact on Aries-related matters. Aries, a fiery and cardinal sign, aligns with Uranus’s independent, ambitious, energetic, impulsive, and often unpredictable nature. This alignment is expected to profoundly influence the global political landscape.
Key groups impacted by this transit include military personnel, business leaders, and political figures. In scientific and technological fields, groundbreaking innovations and discoveries are anticipated as the pace of progress accelerates dramatically. This period is likely to coincide with the rise of a new wave of political and corporate leaders, bringing transformative perspectives to global affairs and temporarily reshaping the world order.
On the downside, this transit increases the likelihood of fire-related calamities and man-made accidents globally, particularly in the United States—most notably in California, where Uranus’s influence is considered prominent—and in the United Kingdom, an island nation closely aligned with Aries’s energy.
For individuals with Aries as their ninefold ascendant, significant changes are on the horizon, especially if Uranus holds prominence in their natal charts. These changes may manifest suddenly, impacting various aspects of life, including marriage, career, environment, perceptions, beliefs, and lifestyle. This short yet intense cycle underscores the need for adaptability and readiness to embrace transformation.
Global Insights……..
The important challenging possibilities for February include:
Jan 17 – March 28: Social as well as economic turmoil in Russia and/or China. Covert activities around the world may find a new momentum (but because of Neptune’s secretive nature we may never know) with regard to Ukraine-Russia war and other international conflicts.
Feb 4-11: Politically Challenging periods for Russia and China.
Feb 11-18: High probability of an eruption of a new wave of violence in Ukraine, the Palestine-Israel region, Syria or Iran. And perhaps, towards the end of this period the resulting changes are likely to become irreversible.
Feb 14-17: Potential for Barbaric activities all around the world. Social turmoil in Europe and Russia is likely. Religious activities could get stalled for no apparent reason.
Feb 22-27: Social or political turmoil in the United States, Russia and/or China as well as tensions building among these nations.
The important auspicious possibilities for February include:
Jan 24 – Feb 5: Reconciliation between the democrats and republicans resulting in a successful bipartisan effort in solving some key issues concerning national security. Additionally, it’s a good period for technological breakthroughs in information and artificial intelligence areas.
Jan 25 – Mar 6: New and inspiring changes in religious, academic, and social fields.
Feb 13-19: Exciting period for the European economy. Progress in technical fields, including new innovations and discoveries is likely. Additionally, there may be opportunities for religious reconciliation during this time.
The countries that are more likely to be affected during this month are: the United States, Ukraine, Russia, China, and Middle-East–especially Syria, Iran and the Palestinian-Israel region.
Natural and Man-made Calamities……..
The natural calamities like extreme weather conditions, wildfires, hurricanes, heavy rains, snow storms, air crashes as well as man-made accidents are more likely to occur -mad e accidents are more likely to occur during February 4-17 and 19-26.
While man-made calamities may manifest themselves in terrorism, unrest, violence, accidents, and air crashes, the natural calamities are likely to include extreme weather conditions such as severe cold winters, and equally intensive droughts, hurricanes or typhoons, thunderstorms, earthquakes and fires.
Planetary Energies for Individuals
Neptune-Rahu conjunction and Neptune-Ketu opposition (Jan 17 – Mar 28)
If you have a poor placing of Neptune and Rahu (or Neptune and Ketu) by being connected to the sixth, eighth, and the twelfth house in your birth chart, and if one of them is currently active in your transit (Gochar) chart, then you are likely to experience instability caused due to sudden changes your activities and surroundings around you. Such experiences might turn out to be very unfortunate and frustrating. It would certainly be wise not to commit to anything new during this period and stay low key.
Rahu-Jupiter ninefold sextile (Ketu-Jupiter ninefold trine) (Feb 22-26)
The Jupiter-Rahu sextile is favorable for individuals with such a sextile in their natal charts. Finding a balance between optimism and conservatism is the key to avoiding extremes of over-optimism or aggression, as well as excessive protectiveness. If you have this sextile in your birth chart and if either of these planets is currently influencing you through the current progressive cycle, you’re likely to experience this period with enthusiasm and success, as it aligns naturally with your abilities. Enjoy this time to the fullest! (More )