Basic Principles of Vedic Astrology – Part I
An online class/course in Vedic astrology (Basics of Vedic Astrology, Part I) of seven sessions of two hours each is offered on every other Wednesdays 7 to 9 pm (Central Time) starting January 8. This online class will allow you to learn basics of Vedic astrology from the comfort of your home from anywhere in the world. This class not only will provide you with the basic knowledge of planets, Nakshatras, houses and zodiac signs and what they mean in a Vedic natal chart, but how to understand their intricate relationships to arrive at interpretation.
This course includes a software package created to cast a birth chart in Vedic chart format providing the necessary information for interpreting the chart. It allows you to cast a natal chart in Vedic chart format for 4 different types of charts (Tropical, Sidereal, Whole House and Placidus). It also includes Book.
Vedic astrology dates back to about 5000 BC. The first record of Vedic astrology is in the Vedas. The Vedas are ancient scriptures. There are four Vedas. Vedic astrology is a part of the fourth Veda– the Atharva Veda which is a body of scientific knowledge. Vedic astrology is called “Jyotish” in Sanskrit, meaning A Flow of Light Energy. Vedic Astrology includes the Sun and the Moon and the personal planets: Mercury and Venus, and outer planets Mars, Jupiter and Saturn and the fictitious planets: lunar nodes-Rahu and Ketu. The modern planets: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto were not known (or discovered) when the Vedas were written; traditional Vedic astrology does not consider them in chart analysis. However, since their discovery, these planets have become a part of our human consciousness, and therefore, rightfully, contemporary Vedic astrologers include them in their analysis and they will be included in this course. This course covers both the traditional and contemporary approaches to interpret a Vedic chart.
The Basic principles of Vedic astrology are presented in two parts, Part I and Part II. There is no prerequisite for Part I. Part I is for learners, beginners with little or no knowledge of astrology.
With the aid of a Vedic chart format software, you will learn the difference(s) between the Tropical and Sidereal zodiac and you will be able to understand the Ninefold (Navamansa) concept within Vedic astrology. This software allows you to focus on the critical information that you will need to easily interpret a Vedic chart.
Indicators of character qualities and the physical, emotional and mental action employed by yourself and others will be explained. Vedic astrology helps you understand your potentials and limitations thereby increasing possibilities for making the best life choices and setting the right life goals. Through the lens of Vedic astrology you will understand why you are drawn to certain people and experiences.
Part-I is essential for interpreting charts and is a prerequisite for Part II. The activation of planetary impulses affecting individuals is the sum total of varying degrees of planetary effects due to their mutual orientation, inner-aspects, the zodiac signs they occupy and the houses they reside in. You will work with your natal chart. Step by step you will construct and interpret a natal chart. Example natal charts will be used to develop an in-depth understanding of the principles of both traditional and contemporary Vedic astrology. With active student participation this class will be fun and an enjoyable learning exploration.
Class handouts for each class will be emailed to you three to five days in advance.
Vedic Astrology – Part-I
Session 1
Introduction to a Vedic chart – Planets, Nakshatras, Zodiac Signs, Houses and their cusps
Our Solar System — The Sun and the Planets and their astrological significance
Planets – Characteristics, Significance, Archetypal relationships
Session 2
Zodiacs – Moving (Tropical) and Fixed (Sidereal)
Zodiac signss – Characteristics, Inter-relationships, and relationship with planets
Nakshatras – Twenty seven group of stars of equal size along the sidereal zodiac, their symbols, characteristics and significance.
Session 3
Houses – Characteristics, their interrelations with signs and planets
Planetary Yogas, and Angles (aspects) and characteristics with respect to zodiac signs
Construct your own chart
Session 4
Planetary Aspects, Natal Chart Analysis and Ninefold Concept
Session 5
Ninefold natal chart construction, Natal chart interpretation with the ninefold chart using examples
Sessions 6 and 7
A detailed chart analysis outlining every step for applying the entire concept of chart interpretation will be presented. We will use several examples of famous people.
It is offered online via Zoom on every other Wednesdays 7 to 9 pm (Central Time) starting January 8.
Fee: Two options:
Option 1: $60 per class and can dropout anytime or postpone. It does not include software or the recommended book.
Option 2: $400 for a 7 session course to be paid in full and in advance. It also includes software and the recommended Book, “It’s All in Timing”. If you need to make payments in installments please let me know.
Method of payment: Venmo, Zelle, check, credit cards, or others
Email: or call/Text 832-368-8702