Earthquake Predictions for January 2025

Beginning January 1, 2025, the monthly earthquake predictions page will be archived every month to make it easier for you scroll.  At the end of the month the comments will be in the same post but now archived. 

December 31, 2024

Presented here are two models: Aggressive and less Aggressive.  Based on the these models (work is still in progress) the earthquake(s) of magnitude 6.9 or higher, if occur, are likely to occur on the following dates, times and at possible locations.  Please note that these dates and time refer to the Universal time (GMT).  Comments for December 2024 predictions click here. 

These dates and time refer to the Universal time (GMT)

Most Aggressive Model                                                Aggressive Model

Start TimeEnd TimeHoursPossible Earthquake Location Start TimeEnd TimeHoursPossible Earthquake Location
Jan 13   23:00Jan 15   23:0048Japan, Indonesia, west of Macquarie Island, AlaskaJan 13   16:00Jan 15   23:0056Fiji Islands, Philippines, Indonesia, Northern Sumatra, Japan
Jan 18   6:00Jan 18   15:0010Eastern Russia, Philippines Jan 18   6:00Jan 18   15:0010Eastern Russia, Philippines
Jan 18   16:00Jan 18   19:004China, Mexico, Eastern Russia Jan 18   16:00Jan 21   8:0065Alaska, Fiji, Vanuatu, Indonesia, Honuras, Jamaica
Jan 18   20:00Jan 19   18:0023Alaska, Fiji, Vanuatu, Indonesia, Honuras, JamaicaJan 21   9:00Jan 21   11:003China, Mexico, Eastern Russia
Jan 20   19:00Jan 21   11:0017China, Mexico, Eastern Russia Jan 21   12:00Jan 23   11:0048Eastern Russia, Pakistan, Tonga, India, Kuril Islands, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Mexico, Peru
Jan 25   23:00Jan 26   20:0022Japan, Indonesia, Fiji Islands Jan 23   14:00Jan 24   23:0034Eastern Russia, Pakistan, Tonga, India, Kuril Islands, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Mexico, Peru
     Jan 25   23:00Jan 26   20:0022Japan, Indonesia, Fiji Islands
 Out of 744 hours124 Hours      
      Out of 744 Hours238 Hours 

January 31, 2025

In January, there was only one earthquake of magnitude 6.9 or higher occurred on January 7.

January 7: Region: western Xizang, Geographic coordinates: 28.580N,  87.395E, Magnitude: 7.0, Universal Time (UTC): 7 Jan 2025  01:05:17, Time near the Epicenter (1): 7 Jan 2025  09:05:17

It missed the prediction date and time. However, the failure did help uncover the weakness in model tuning.