Date Posted: July 31, 2008
Although it’s very difficult to predict the influence of planets on a given individual without referring to his or her birth chart the following is intended only as a general guideline. For confirmation, however, you must refer to your birth chart. Based on the assessment of planetary strengths or weaknesses in your birth chart, placement of planets in your current progressive regular and ninefold charts, and the current operating planetary cycles the following may or may not be applicable.
Total Lunar Eclipse (Aug 16)
A total lunar eclipse occurs on August 16, approximately during the hours of 19:00 (Aug 16) to 1:00 GMT (Aug 17). This eclipse will be visible in Europe, Middle-East, Western Asia including Indian sub-continent, Africa, South America, and Eastern part of the United States and Canada.
This eclipse is important since the Sun and Moon will be within 2 degrees from Ketu and Rahu respectively, and therefore will last for a long time (6 hours). The eclipse will occur with the Southern or descending node Ketu, in the sidereal zodiac sign Cancer and the ascending node Rahu in Capricorn . Consequently this eclipse, according to Vedic astrology, is likely to be unfavorable for those who have sidereal Cancer or Capricorn rising or Cancer or Capricorn as moon sign.
For those who have in their natal charts the lunar nodes in conjunction with either Sun or Moon should watch-out. It’s not a good day! Take extra precaution and avoid any sort of outdoor activity requiring you to get out of house.
On world scene, Europe, Western Asia, Middle-East, Africa, South America, and the United States are likely to experience undesirable events.
Uranus-Ketu ninefold trine (Uranus-Rahu ninefold sextile) (July 28 – Aug 26)
Uranus-Rahu trine is going to be very favorable for those who have lunar nodes favorably placed in their natal charts with respect to Uranus. If such placing is connected to the first house, second house, ninth house, tenth house, or eleventh house then expect monetary as well as power gains, promotions and improved prestige in professional and social fields. The ideas that you always wanted to pursue but somehow could never get started….now is the time to follow that dream. You will distinctly notice and feel the positive energy flowing through you during this period. It’s time to jump in and enjoy this period.
Pluto-Rahu and Pluto-Ketu ninefold squares (July 28 – Aug 14)
The ninefold squares of Pluto with the lunar nodes are generally have tendencies to destroy the present setting of life and transform it in to a totally new one. Those who have better placed lunar nodes and their connections with Pluto, are likely to adapt well to this new change and move to their next level of evolution while others are likely to struggle and may find the change unbearable. Perhaps the best way to deal with this situation is to stay alert and be extremely cautious in dealing with your surroundings that affect you. Avoid taking any new risk during this period. And probably be prepared for situations that are going to get worse before they get better with new direction in life. Staying low key is certainly the way to go. Avoid any new ventures and postpone the matters that you wanted to begin till this period is passed.
On a collective level, a new wave of renewed violence in Iraq, Israel and Palestinians, as well as outbreak of terrorism around the world during these days are real possibilities.
Mars-Rahu quincunx (July 30 – Aug 1)
During this period Mars quincunxes Rahu. Typically Mar’s quincunx with a lunar node is very unfavorable and unfortunate situation in general. If you have such quincunx or opposition in your birth chart, and if you have any one of these planets influencing you through your current progressive cycle then you need be very careful about the matters indicated by the respective houses in your birth chart. Probably the best thing to do is to lay low key, not make any new commitment and avoid taking any sort of new risk.
On the world scene, during this period both natural and man-made calamities causing destruction and loss of lives, and perhaps a demise of an international level political leader are likely.
Mars-Uranus opposition (August 4 – 6)
Watch-out for these 3 days in August from sudden and undesirable happenings in your life if you have such opposition or square in your birth chart. It could be a sudden loss of money, unfortunate accident, or a bad news. Only thing I suppose you could do is be prepared and avoid taking in new risk during that time.
On a collective level, natural and man-made calamities are likely, especially in the United States of America.
Mars-Neptune Quincunx (August 6-8)
This three-day period is likely to be very frustrating for those who have Mars-Neptune opposition, quincunx, square, or conjunction in their natal charts. Typically this quincunx is very unfavorable from the point of view of being deceived or becoming a victim of a scam or scheme. Usually one does not notice problems until it’s too late. For those who have such quincunx, opposition or conjunction in their birth chart, and if they have any one of these planets influencing them through the current progressive cycle need to be on guard and absolutely not take any risk whatsoever. Stay very low key and do not make any new commitment. Also, unwanted experiences involving external forces, such as ghost or spirit, or a victim of a voodoo experiment are very possible.
On the world scene, outbreak of covert activities among leading nations and possibilities of both natural and man-made calamities are likely. The countries that are most likely to be affected during this period will be: the United States of America, Russia, China, Iraq, Iran, Palestine and Israel.
Saturn-Ketu ninefold opposition (and Rahu-Saturn ninefold conjunction) (Aug 7-10)
The time when Saturn-Ketu ninefold opposition occurs is not good for those who have such opposition or squares in their birth charts. In addition, if the lunar node Rahu (or Ketu), or Saturn is affecting your life via your current progressive chart, then you might want to consider taking extra precautions in the areas which are affected by these planets as shown in your natal chart. Such people should avoid taking any kind of risk at any cost during this period. Such opposition can make things so miserable and difficult for you that you are never going to forget them in your life. Staying low key is certainly the way to go. Avoid any new ventures and postpone the matters that you want to begin till this period is passed.
On a collective level, Russia or China may experience social or political turmoil. Also, in the United State for the Republic Party and republicans including the republican president Bush it may prove to be prudent to stay on guard during this period.
Pluto-Saturn ninefold square (Aug 7 -11)
If in your birth chart Pluto makes a square with Saturn, and if either of these planets is currently influencing your life via your current progressive chart, then you want to consider taking extra precaution in dealing with money matters, people at work, especially with your adversaries. In general, this is the time to stay low key and not be aggressive. Be cautious and alert as much as possible. Do not trust anybody during this period.
On a collective level, Russia is likely to face with some serious challenges and perhaps sudden changes. To some extent China is also going to have a similar experience.
Pluto-Mars Square (Aug 15 – 17)
This square starts on August 15 and lasts for 3 days. It may cause great turmoil in lives of individual who have Pluto-Mars square in their natal charts. Depending on the positions of these planets the matters related to the respective houses are likely to be affected. The severity of the manifestation would be proportional to the strength of this square in the natal chart. The sudden or drastic change in profession or work places are common results.
On a collective level or on world scene some sort of natural calamities or even made made calamities can not be ruled out.
Uranus-Saturn ninefold square (Aug 28 – 31)
The time when Saturn-Uranus ninefold square occurs is unfavorable for those who have such square or opposition in their birth charts. In addition, if the planet Uranus or Saturn is affecting your life via your current progressive chart, then you might want to consider taking extra precautions in the areas which are affected by these planets as shown in your natal chart. Such people should avoid taking any kind of risk at any cost during this period. Such opposition can make things so miserable and difficult for you that most likely you are not going to forget them in your entire life. Staying low key is certainly the way to go. Avoid any new ventures and postpone the matters that you want to begin till this period is passed.
On a collective level, the United States of America, Russia or China may experience a social or political turmoil at home as well as tensions rising between them.