Date Posted: December 31, 2009
Although it’s very difficult to predict the influence of planets on a given individual without referring to his or her birth chart the following is intended only as a general guideline. For confirmation, however, you must refer to your birth chart. Based on the assessment of planetary strengths or weaknesses in your birth chart, placement of planets in your current progressive regular and ninefold charts, and the current operating planetary cycles the following may or may not be applicable.
Retrograde Mars (December 21 – March 10)
From the planetary influence standpoint, one of the major events during the winter of 2009/2010 is the retrograde Mars which, on average, occurs once every two years. On December 21, Mars became retrograde in the sidereal zodiac sign Cancer, and will stay retrograde till March 10 in Cancer. Astrologically speaking, what does the retrograde Mars mean? And what can we expect from the retrograde Mars?
In general, when a planet turns retrograde, the positive energy offered by that planet is expected to slowly diminish. In case of Mars, being a planet of total independence, high ego, and less maturity usually make things worse with incredible speed.
For those of you who have predominant Mars in their birth chart and if it’s influencing you through the current progressive chart, then you are very likely to experience a sudden setback in your professional as well as in other activities. You may have to repeat things over many times to get it right, or you may have to deal with unfortunate and totally unexpected circumstances, and in general, you may end up in having a very frustrating experience. In particular, mothers, people who are very sensitive and emotional, philanthropists and social workers, and like are likely to be more affected than others.
At a collective level, expect upheaval in political and religious worlds. Financial markets will become extremely volatile. Destruction of wealth due to natural calamities or man made accidents are also very likely. Other possibilities include a positive shift in spiritual world, outbreak of war or war like atmosphere in Afghanistan-Pakistan-India region.
Retrograde Mercury (Dec 27 – Jan 16)
On December 27, the planet Mercury turned retrograde in sidereal Sagittarius. It will stay retrograde until Jan 16 in Sagittarius. Typically a retrograde Mercury means anxieties, communication breakdowns, unexpected delays, frustrations, missing deadlines, unforeseen obstacles and disappointment in daily chores. Retrograde Mercury in Sagittarius means more frustrating periods for explorers, entrepreneurs, philanthropist, philosophers, entertainers and religious leaders. This is the time not to start a new project or venture, but rather reflect on what’s been done so far. Also, this is the best time to cleanup that closet and do other chores that you have been postponing due to lack of time.
In addition, if you have a dominating Mercury in your birth chart, and if your current planetary cycle provides the results of Mercury then you are more likely to experience the pronounced effects of retrograde Mercury during this period with respect to matters signified by the house it’s transiting in your progressive chart.
Total Solar Eclipse (January 15)
A total solar eclipse occurs on January 15 approximately during the hours of 6:30 to 8:30 GMT. This eclipse will be visible in continents of Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia.
This eclipse is important since the Sun and Moon will be within 4 degrees from Rahu, the Northern or ascending node in the sidereal zodiac sign Sagittarius. Consequently this eclipse, according to Vedic astrology, is likely to be unfavorable for those who have sidereal Sagittarius rising or Sagittarius as moon sign.
For those who have the lunar nodes in conjunction with either Sun or Moon should watch-out. It’s not a good day! Take extra precaution and avoid any sort of outdoor activity requiring you to get out of house.
On world scene, the Middle East (especially Israel, Palestine, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran) countries are likely to experience violence.
Pluto-Uranus ninefold conjunction (Dec 6 – Feb 20)
At a collective level, the Pluto-Uranus ninefold conjunction could bring a unique change in the way the current US administration deals with other nations with respect to its war against terrorism agenda and other global issues, and also with domestic matters. There will be a transformation of political strategy that might become responsible for a change in the current political agenda, and foreign policy matters of the Obama administration as the planet Pluto with its tremendous energy has a power of irreversibly transforming the field of politics to a new level or setting with a new set of norms. Therefore it’s likely that the Obama administration could get a positive break despite serious issues in dealing with international matters.
On an individual level, if in your birth chart Pluto makes a square with Uranus, and if either of these planets is currently influencing your life via your current progressive chart, then you are very likely to be affected by this square. Depending on the houses these planets occupy in your birth chart, you are going to have a sudden and a totally new and very unpleasant experience in that particular field. Be ready to face this unwanted experience. Stay alert and try not to start a new venture that requires taking a risk. It’s like you are on a business trip or company assignment and you are immediately called off or caught in a situation that you find very difficult if not impossible to get out.
Neptune-Saturn ninefold opposition (Dec 13 – Jan 13)
If you have a Neptune-Saturn square or opposition in your birth chart, and if your current planetary operating cycle is influenced by either of these planets then you are likely to experience a subtle but serious financial or social setback or an unpleasant secret will be revealed to you. If you are planning to take a long distance (overseas) trip during this period, be extra careful of nasty surprises, or even being stranded in places you never dream of.
On the collective level, covert activities will be on rise. Possibilities of natural as well as man-made calamities are very likely. Places like Russia and China are likely to experience political and social turmoil. Non-democratic countries are likely to see shift of power from one faction (or dictator) to another. Religious activities around the world will likely to appear more secretive than open.
Pluto-Saturn Square (Jan 1 – Feb 13) and Pluto-Saturn ninefold square (Jan 26 – Feb 5)
If in your birth chart Pluto makes a square with Saturn, and if either of these planets is currently influencing your life via your current progressive chart, then you want to consider taking extra precaution in dealing with money matters, people at work, especially with your adversaries. In general, this is the time to stay low key and not be aggressive. Be cautious and alert as much as possible. Do not trust anybody during this period.
On a collective level, Russia is likely to face with some serious challenges and perhaps sudden changes. To some extent China is also going to have a similar experience.
Pluto-Rahu ninefold quincunx (Jan 16-23)
Unless these planets are favorably placed in your birth chart, such quincunx between Pluto and lunar nodes, in general, means drastic unwanted changes (transformations) pertaining to aspects of your life described by the houses they belong to. Usually such transformations are very painful if lunar node Rahu (or Ketu), and/or Pluto is affecting your life via your current progressive chart. In my opinion, best way to deal with this situation is to (which is not easy to do) accept it (the inevitable change), and move on with your life. There’s no point in brooding over it, and not letting your past go.
On a collective level, an eruption of new waves of violence in the Palestine-Israel, Afghanistan and Kashmir regions are likely. And perhaps, towards the end of this period due to Pluto’s transformation process, the resulting changes are likely to become irreversible. In addition, world religions in general, and religious leaders in particular, may experience themselves having to go through crisis that demand changes. In other words, the orthodox religious leaders may come under social and moral pressures to change the way they handle their responsibilities.
Uranus-Rahu ninefold quincunx (Jan 19-25)
If in your birth chart Uranus is in the direct quincunx with the lunar node Rahu, and if any one of these two planets are influencing you now via your current progressive chart, then you might want to consider taking extra precautions in your professional and financial areas during this period and be prepared for unwanted surprises and obstacles. This quincunx can become dangerous, and ruin your plans and bring about the unexpected disaster in every which way. In short during this period you have been tested. If you have very strong and positively placed lunar nodes and Uranus in your birth chart, then perhaps you need not worry.
On a collective level, the United States and in particular, the Republic Party and to some extent President Obama are likely to run into very difficult period. Also, USA and China may go through a crisis situation during this period.
Uranus-Saturn ninefold square (Jan 29 – Feb 6))
Saturn-Uranus ninefold square is unfavorable for you if you have such a square or opposition in your birth chart. In addition, if the planet Uranus or Saturn is affecting your life via your current progressive chart, then you might want to consider taking extra precautions in the areas which are affected by these planets as shown in your natal chart. You should avoid taking any kind of risk at any cost during this period. Such square or opposition can make things so miserable and difficult for you that most likely you are not going to forget them in your entire life. Staying low key is certainly the way to go. Avoid any new ventures and postpone the matters that you want to begin till this period is passed.
On a collective level, the United States of America, Russia or China may experience a social or political turmoil at home as well as tensions rising between them.
Saturn-Rahu ninefold trine (Saturn-Ketu sextile) (Jan 3-12)
Saturn-Rahu ninefold trine is usually favorable for those who have lunar nodes favorably placed in their natal charts with respect to Saturn. If such placing is connected to the first house, second house, ninth house, tenth house, or eleventh house then expect monetary as well as power gains, promotions and improved prestige in professional and social fields. The ideas that you always wanted to pursue your desired goals but somehow could never get started….now is the time to follow that dream. You will distinctly notice and feel the positive energy flowing through you during this period. It’s time to jump in and enjoy this period.