Date Posted: May 31, 2019
Although it’s very difficult to predict the influence of planets on a given individual without referring to his or her birth chart the following is intended only as a general guideline. For confirmation, however, you must refer to your birth chart. Based on the assessment of planetary strengths or weaknesses in your birth chart, placement of planets in your current progressive regular and ninefold charts, and the current operating planetary cycles the following may or may not be applicable.
Saturn-Rahu opposition (and Ketu-Saturn conjunction) (April 25 – September 30)
The occurrence of the Saturn-Rahu opposition is certainly not positive for those who have such opposition in their birth charts. In addition, if the lunar node Rahu (or Ketu), or Saturn is affecting you via your current progressive chart, then you might want to consider taking extra precautions in areas which are affected by these planets as indicated by your natal chart. Such people should avoid taking any kind of risk at any cost during this period. Such opposition can make things so miserable and difficult for you that you are never going to forget them in your life. Staying low key is certainly the way to go. Avoid any new ventures and postpone the matters that you want to begin till this period is passed. Remember it’s a long period!
On a collective level, Russia or China may experience social or political unrest. Also, in the United State for the Republic Party and republicans it may prove to be prudent to stay on guard during this period.
Pluto-Rahu ninefold quincunx (May 25 – June 12)
Unless these planets are favorably placed in your birth chart, such quincunx between Pluto and any one of the lunar nodes, in general, means drastic unwanted changes (transformations) pertaining to aspects of your life described by the houses they belong to. Usually such transformations are very painful if lunar node Rahu (or Ketu), and/or Pluto is affecting your life via your current progressive chart. In my opinion, best way to deal with this situation is to (which is not easy to do) accept the inevitable change, and move on with your life. There’s no point in brooding over it, and not letting your past go.
On a collective level, an eruption of new waves of violence in the Palestine-Israel, Syria and Afghanistan-Pakistan regions are likely. And perhaps, towards the end of this period due to Pluto’s transformation process, the resulting changes are likely to become irreversible. In addition, world religions in general, and religious leaders in particular, may experience themselves having to go through crisis that demand changes. In other words, the orthodox religious leaders may come under social and moral pressures to change the way they handle their responsibilities.
Neptune-Rahu trine (Neptune-Ketu sextile) (June 1 – July 5)
For those who have well placed Neptune, and if she is in trine with any of the two lunar nodes, and are presently being influenced by any of these planets (Neptune, Rahu, or Ketu) through their current operating cycles, are likely to experience a very positive period. Rise in self confidence, strong intuitive power, and in general feeling great about everything around are some of the symptoms that you are likely to enjoy.
Collectively on global scene, this period is very positive for Russia and China. Also, most of the technological areas are likely to make significant progress via inventions and discoveries. Spiritual and religious activities are likely to impart positive energy and create a very healthy atmosphere around us.
Neptune-Saturn sextile (June 2 – July 1)
Neptune-Saturn sextile is going to be favorable for those who have these planets favorably placed in their natal charts. Expect a positive period that could include promotions and improved prestige in professional and social fields. Also, a subtle shift in your attitude towards looking at the things would change for better, and thus help you understand your role in life. You will distinctly notice and feel positive about yourself and possibly far more relax and content.
On a collective level, religious activities all around the world are likely to expand with new vigor and energy, conservatives will find ways to expand their agenda without compromising with liberals on sticky issues. Republicans will have upper hand over democrats. China and Russia are likely to experience a positive and rewarding period in handling their domestic issues as well as improving the foreign relations through better policies.
Rahu-Jupiter quincunx (June 2-29)
Jupiter-Rahu quincunx is going to be very unfavorable for those who have such quincunx in their natal charts. Insecure feeling, loss of direction in life, general unhappiness, difficulty in keeping the faith in God are some of the symptoms of these squares. If you have such quincunx in your birth chart, and if any one of these planets is presently influencing you through the current progressive cycle then you need to look at the things with a different attitude. The best thing to do is to stay the course of present action without making any new commitment. Remember the time when you felt the life is not fair and not worth living, very unsure to yourself, and unhappy with family.. Well, that’s how you going to feel this time. Keep your faith strong!
On a collective level, religions around the world will find difficulty in carrying out their activities and in general, keeping people happy.
Neptune-Jupiter square (June 8-23)
Both Jupiter and Neptune are considered as auspicious planets. While Jupiter deals with outward and material things Neptune’s influence on us is very abstract and subtle. Jupiter-Neptune square occurs once (actually 2-3 times with in a year’s period due to their retrograde motions) in about 6-7 years. If you have such square in your birth chart, and if you have any one of these two planets influencing you through your current progressive cycle then you are certainly going to experience a transformation (irreversible change) in your beliefs and moral values that you have been attached to. It’s time for marching ahead with a quantum step in the process of self discovery (or evolution). Embrace this period with total openness and vulnerability. It’s the time of rejuvenation with a positive force in your life. Enjoy!
On the world scene, world religions are likely to be challenged with earthshaking ideas that they must attend to. Those religious leaders, who are willing to be open minded and ready to listen and act on new and fresh ideas, are the ones that going to be responsible to transform our religious world to a new level. Others are going to fade away with time.
Neptune-Uranus ninefold sextile (June 8-25)
Uranus-Neptune ninefold sextile is going to be very favorable for those who have these planets favorably placed in their natal charts. Expect some sort of spiritual awakening, monetary gains, promotions and improved prestige in professional and social fields. The idea that you always wanted to pursue a non-material goal but somehow could never get started….now is the time to follow that dream. You will distinctly notice and feel the positive energy flowing through you during this period. It’s time to jump in and enjoy this spiritual period.
On a collective level, this is an extraordinary time for collective spiritual growth, technological discoveries and inventions. Expect some new important technological breakthroughs during this month. For the United States, in general, it’s going to be a remarkable and very successful period.
Saturn-Jupiter ninefold square (June 10-19)
Jupiter-Saturn ninefold square is going to be unfavorable for those who have such square in their natal charts. Loss of motivation, insecure feeling, loss of direction in life, general unhappiness, difficulty in keeping the faith in God are some of the symptoms of this square. This is like a test period. A period that can be viewed a real positive from self discovery standpoint since it will require you to bring best out of you to deal with situations around you. If you have such a square in your birth chart, and if any one of these planets is presently influencing you through your current progressive cycle then you need to look at the things with a different attitude. The best thing to do is to stay the course of present action without making new commitment. Remember the time when you felt the life is not fair and not worth living, very unsure of yourself, and unhappy with family.. well, that’s how you going to feel this time. Keep your faith strong!
On a collective level, religions around the world will find difficulty in carrying out their activities, more controversies that test traditional moral values are likely to occur, and in general, religious authorities will have difficulty in keeping people happy.
Neptune-Rahu ninefold conjunction and Neptune-Ketu opposition (June 11-22)
If you have a poor placing of Neptune-Rahu (or Neptune-Ketu) by being connected to the sixth, eighth, and the twelfth house in your birth chart, and have current operating cycles influenced by one of these planets, then you are likely to experience instability caused due to sudden changes in activities and surroundings around you. Such experiences might turn out to be very unfortunate and frustrating. It would certainly be wise not to commit to anything new during this period and stay low key.
On the collective level, social as well as economic turmoil in Russia and China can not be ruled out. Eastern European countries are also likely to be negatively influenced by this planetary configuration. Covert activities around the world may find a new momentum (but because of Neptune’s secretive character we may never know) with regard to terrorism and other international conflicts.
Mars-Saturn Opposition (June 12-14)
Mars-Saturn opposition, for no apparent reason, changes a perfectly normal and healthy situation in to the one with a severe tension and friction. If you have such opposition in your birth chart, and if you have any one of these planets influencing you through the current progressive cycles, then you certainly need to be on guard. Simply lay back and do nothing. If you must involve in an unwanted situation, be extra careful and try to minimize the damage. Experiences like fire burns, rape, accidents, loss of precious things, and monetary disasters are real possibilities.
On the world scene, a short term but very intensive friction between India and Pakistan is very likely. Terrorism and violence, especially in Middle East will be on rise. Outbreak of an undesirable happening, and strong occurrences of both natural and man-made calamities are real possibilities.
Mars-Rahu conjunction and Mars-Ketu opposition (June 12-14)
During these three days Mars conjuncts Rahu and opposes Ketu. Typically Mar’s conjunction and opposition with lunar nodes are very unfavorable and unfortunate in general. For those who have such oppositions or conjunctions in their birth chart, and if they have any one of these planets influencing them through the current progressive cycle need be very careful about the matters indicated by the respective houses in their birth charts. Probably the best thing to do is to lay low key, not make any new commitment and avoid taking any unnecessary risk.
On the world scene, during these days both natural and man-made calamities causing destruction and loss of lives, and perhaps a demise of an international level political leader are likely.
Neptune-Saturn ninefold opposition (June 13-22)
If you have a Neptune-Saturn square or opposition in your birth chart, and if your current planetary operating cycle is influenced by either of these planets then you are likely to experience a subtle but serious financial or social setback or an unpleasant secret will be revealed to you. If you are planning to take a long distance (overseas) trip during this period, be extra careful of nasty surprises, or even being stranded in places you never dream of.
On the collective level, covert activities will be on rise. Possibilities of natural as well as man-made calamities are very likely. Places like Russia and China are likely to experience political and social turmoil. Non-democratic countries are likely to see shift of power from one faction (or dictator) to another. Religious activities around the world will likely to appear more secretive than open.
Uranus-Rahu ninefold sextile (Uranus-Ketu ninefold trine) (June 14-20)
Uranus-Rahu ninefold sextile is going to be very favorable for those who have lunar nodes favorably placed in their natal charts with respect to Uranus. If such placing is connected to the first house, second house, ninth house, tenth house, or eleventh house then expect monetary as well as power gains, promotions and improved prestige in professional and social fields. The ideas that you always wanted to pursue but somehow could never get started….now is the time to follow that dream. You will distinctly notice and feel the positive energy flowing through you during this period. It’s time to jump in and enjoy this period.
Uranus-Jupiter ninefold quincunx (June 15-18)
While Jupiter deals with outward and material things Uranus’s influence on us is very sudden and intense. If you have this quincunx in your birth chart, and if you have any one of these two planets influencing you through your current progressive cycle then you are certainly going to experience a period of self inquiry confrontation requiring for you to very closely pay attention to your own self. Of course, it’s up to you to deal with this process and courageously and spiritually transform by understanding yourself better or escape from it to have to go through the similar frustration (experience) again in future. It also means you have the opportunity to transform (irreversible change) in your beliefs and moral values that you have been attached to. This period is challenging. If you overcome the challenge it’s time for marching ahead with a quantum step in the process of self discovery (or evolution).
On the world scene, world religions are likely to be challenged with earthshaking ideas that they must attend to. The religious leaders, who are willing to be open minded and ready to listen and act on new and fresh ideas, are the ones that going to be responsible to transform our religious world to a new level. Others are going to fade away with time.
Uranus-Saturn ninefold trine (June 15-20)
This is a very good period for those who have Uranus-Saturn trine in their natal charts, and one of these two planets are operating though the current cycle. Depending on the houses involved expect some real positive development in your life.
On a collective level, this is a good period for religious activities all around the world. Also, this is a great time for the USA to make some extraordinary progress in enhancing her image both internationally and domestically.
Mars-Pluto Opposition (June 18-20)
This short period of three days is likely to be very frustrating for those who have Mars-Pluto opposition, conjunction or square in their natal charts. Typically this opposition is very unfavorable. Unexpected problems are likely to occur with astonishing speed and without any notice. For those who have such opposition or conjunction in their birth chart, and if they have any one of these planets influencing them through the current progressive cycle need to be on guard. Stay very low key, not make any new commitment, and avoid taking any sort of risk. Also, experiences like a sudden incident of fire, or an accident involving explosive material are likely.
On the world scene, expect some sudden outbreak of an undesirable happening, possibilities of both natural and man-made calamities. The countries that are most likely to be affected during this period would be the Syria, Iraq, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Palestine and Israel, and the United States.
Pluto-Uranus ninefold quincunx (June 19-30)
If in your birth chart Pluto makes a quincunx with Uranus, and if either of these planets is currently influencing your life via your current progressive chart, then you are very likely to be affected by this quincunx. Depending on the houses these planets occupy in your birth chart, you are going to have a sudden and a totally new and a very unpleasant experience in that particular field. Be ready to face this unwanted experience. Stay alert and try not to start a new venture that requires taking a risk. It’s like you are on a business trip or company assignment and you are immediately called off or caught in a situation that you find very difficult if not impossible to get out.
At a collective level, the Pluto-Uranus ninefold quincunx could bring a unique change in the way the current US administration deals with other nations with respect to its war against terrorism agenda, and also with its domestic matters. There will be a transformation of a political strategy that might become responsible of a change in the current political agenda, and foreign policy matters of the Trump administration as the planet Pluto with its tremendous energy has a power of irreversibly transforming the field of politics to a new level or setting with a new set of norms. Expect some serious issues that the Trump administration could get tangled with.
Pluto-Neptune ninefold quincunx (June 23 – Sept 21)
For those who have quincunx, square, or opposition of Pluto and Neptune in their birth charts, and for those whose current planetary operating cycle is influenced by either of these planets are likely to experience a subtle setback due to deceptive surroundings around you. Such quincunx can become a very strong force in creative an illusion and as a result confusion around and with in you. It can become very difficult to stay cool, and there’s not a whole lot you can do about it except by not venturing into anything new and bear with the current situation with a grin.
On a collective level, expect another outbreak of violence and terrorist activities in Middle east, especially in Afghanistan, Israel and Palestine region. Also, the occurrences of natural as well as man-made calamities are more likely. Some of the east-European countries, Russia, and China may experience political as well as social turmoil.