Date Posted: February 28, 2016
Although it’s very difficult to predict the influence of planets on a given individual without referring to his or her birth chart the following is intended only as a general guideline. For confirmation, however, you must refer to your birth chart. Based on the assessment of planetary strengths or weaknesses in your birth chart, placement of planets in your current progressive regular and ninefold charts, and the current operating planetary cycles the following may or may not be applicable.
Saturn’s entry into the sidereal Sagittarius (Jan 24)
On January 24, Saturn entered the sidereal zodiac sign Sagittarius, and it will remain in Sagittarius till June 22, 2017 before it returns to Scorpio via its retrograde motion and will stay in Scorpio until October 25. Then it reenters sidereal Sagittarius and remains there till January 23, 2020.
Sagittarius being the fire and mutable sign, for the next two and half to three years, Saturn will strongly influence the world psyche and world religions. Philosopher, pioneers, scientists and reformers will shape the future of the world. Those who have Saturn in Sagittarius will see their lives transformed to a new settings due to a drastic change (mostly at spiritual and mental level). In my opinion, it’s going to be a very positive and exciting two and half years for those who have dominant Saturn in their birth chart and have Pisces, Aquarius, Libra, and Cancer as their natal ninefold ascendant.
In the next two and half to three years, on a world political scene, countries like India and Pakistan will make news headlines. Religious leaders, reformers, philosophers and scientists will likely to further transform the world with their successful creative and productive activities.
Retrograde Venus (March 4 – April 15)
On March 4, the planet Venus turns retrograde in its motion in sidereal zodiac sign Pisces. Venus becomes retrograde about once every 19 months, and stays retrograde for about six weeks. In general, a retrograde Venus means a very challenging period for women, marriages, home life, lovers, entertainment industries. Expect the divorce rates to peak, fighting between spouses to intensify, and delays, frustrations, and misunderstandings to take a center-stage in domestic matters. If you have a dominating Venus in your birth chart, and if your current planetary cycle influences your life via Venus then you are more likely to experience the effects of the retrograde Venus till April 15. The entertainers like actors, actresses, musicians, comedians, movie directors and producers may find themselves in a miserable situation during the retrograde Venus period especially if they are currently being influenced by Venus through their current progressive cycles.
Pluto-Uranus ninefold trine (Jan 1 – Mar 13)
Uranus-Pluto ninefold trine is going to be very favorable for those who have these planets favorably placed in their natal charts. Expect monetary as well as power gains, promotions and improved prestige in professional and social fields. The ideas that you always wanted to pursue but somehow could never get started….now is the time to follow that dream. You will distinctly notice and feel the positive energy flowing through you during this period. It’s time to jump in and enjoy this period.
On a collective level, this is an extraordinary time for technological discoveries and inventions. Expect some new important technological breakthroughs during this month. For the United States, in general, this month is going to be remarkable and successful month.
Uranus-Jupiter opposition (Feb 21 – March 9)
While Jupiter deals with outward and material things Uranus’s influence on us is very sudden and with intensity. Jupiter-Uranus opposition occurs once (actually 2-3 times with in that year period due to their retrograde motions) in about 16 years. If you have such opposition in your birth chart, and if you have any one of these two planets influencing you through your current progressive cycle then you are certainly going to experience an extreme transformation (irreversible change) in your beliefs and moral values that you have been attached to. This period is challenging and of transformation. If you overcome the challenge, it’s time for marching ahead with a quantum step in the process of self discovery (or self evolution).
On the world scene, world religions are likely to be challenged with earthshaking ideas that they must attend to. Those religious leaders, who are willing to be open minded and ready to listen and act on new and fresh ideas, are the ones that going to be responsible to transform our religious world to a new level. Others will fade away with time. The new age philosophers are likely to emerge as lead contemporary philosophers.
Uranus-Rahu (and Ketu) ninefold square(s) (March 8-13)
Uranus-Rahu (and Ketu) ninefold squares are going to be very unfavorable for those who have such squares in their natal charts. Expect sudden loss of money, power, demotions at work place and/or tarnished reputation in professional and social fields. If you have such squares in your birth chart, and if any one of these planets is presently influencing you through the current progressive cycle then you need be very careful. The best thing to do is not to make any new commitment, and totally avoid taking any business or monetary risk. Remember the time when you felt financially very secured, happy with family, and suddenly the landscape turned against you and everything disappears. Well, if not exactly this way but something like this has a good potential to happen (again) …be careful!
On a collective level, United States and particularly the President Trump and his administration should take extra precaution in dealing with foreign matters. Terrorist activities are likely to occur in the United States besides the volatile region of the Middle-East (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Israel and Palestine).
Pluto-Neptune ninefold trine (March 8 – April 6)
If in your birth chart Pluto is in sextile with Neptune or Pluto-Neptune form a ninefold trine, and if either of these planets is currently influencing your life via your current progressive chart, then you are very likely to be positively affected by this trine. Depending on the houses these planets occupy in your birth chart, you are going to have a positive experience in that particular field. Enjoy this experience!
At a collective level, the Pluto-Neptune ninefold trine is positive in either bringing terrorism under control or even wiping out major terrorist cells through covert operation. In addition, this ninefold trine is good for Russia and to some extent for China. Also, on technological front, expect some positive breakthroughs in medical, high technology and biotechnology fields.
Pluto-Rahu ninefold quincunx (March 10-18)
Unless these planets are favorably placed in your birth chart, such quincunx between Pluto and any one of the lunar nodes, in general, means drastic unwanted changes (transformations) pertaining to aspects of your life described by the houses they belong to. Usually such transformations are very painful if lunar node Rahu (or Ketu), and/or Pluto is affecting your life via your current progressive chart. In my opinion, best way to deal with this situation is to (which is not easy to do) accept the inevitable change, and move on with your life. There’s no point in brooding over it, and not letting your past go.
On a collective level, an eruption of new waves of violence in the Palestine-Israel, Syria and Afghanistan-Pakistan regions are likely. And perhaps, towards the end of this period due to Pluto’s transformation process, the resulting changes are likely to become irreversible. In addition, world religions in general, and religious leaders in particular, may experience themselves having to go through crisis that demand changes. In other words, the orthodox religious leaders may come under social and moral pressures to change the way they handle their responsibilities.
Neptune-Rahu (and Ketu) ninefold square(s) (March 13-20)
Neptune-Rahu (and Ketu) ninefold squares are going to be very unfavorable for those who have such squares in their natal charts. Expect sudden loss of money, power, demotions at work place and/or tarnished reputation in professional and social fields. If you have such squares in your birth chart, and if any one of these planets is presently influencing you through the current progressive cycle then you need be extra careful. The best thing to do is not make any new commitment, and totally avoid taking any business or monetary risk. Remember you never suspected a close friend, and then you suddenly find out that he or she secretly doing things behind your back to hurt you….well something similar is likely to happen….be careful!
On a collective level, secret activities all around the world are likely to accelerate including political covert activities. Social confusion and chaos in countries like Russia and China is a real possibility.
Pluto-Jupiter Square (March 22 – April 5)
This is an important planetary event for people who deal with religion, religious and academic institutes. This square will create religious challenges as the planet Pluto with its tremendous energy has a power of irreversibly transforming the field of religion and academics to a new level or setting with a new set of norms.
In your birth chart if Jupiter and Pluto are either in square, and if either of these planets is currently influencing your life via your current progressive chart, then you are about to face new challenges in your life. Depending on the houses these planets occupy in your birth chart, you are going to have a totally new and very different and challenging experience in that particular field. Be ready to accept this new challenge since you could receive the rewards if you succeed.
On a collective level, religious and academic and to some extent social fields are very likely to see changes coming in their respective fields. Initial reaction to the change might appear to be a bit confusing and perhaps chaotic, but the majority of us are going to embrace this new wave of change and are very likely to enjoy it.