Date Posted: October 31, 2011
Although it’s very difficult to predict the influence of planets on a given individual without referring to his or her birth chart the following is intended only as a general guideline. For confirmation, however, you must refer to your birth chart. Based on the assessment of planetary strengths or weaknesses in your birth chart, placement of planets in your current progressive regular and ninefold charts, and the current operating planetary cycles the following may or may not be applicable.
Saturn‘s entry in the sidereal zodiac sign Libra (November 13)
On November 13, Saturn will enter the sidereal zodiac sign Libra, and it will remain in Libra till May 20, 2012, and then it goes back in Virgo due to its retrograde motion (actually Saturn becomes retrograde on February 8, 2012) and will stay in Virgo till July 31, 2012 before reentering Libra.
Libra being the air and cardinal sign, and the sign in which Saturn becomes exalted for the next two and half years, Saturn will strongly influence the world psyche, world philosophers, world religions, commerce, and economy. New philosophies are likely to emerge complementing the ongoing spiritual evolution. Those who have Saturn in Libra will see their lives evolved (transformed) to a new and higher setting due to a drastic change (mostly at emotional and psychological level) in their perception about the world. It’s going to be a very positive and exciting two and half years for those who have dominant Saturn in their birth chart and have Leo, Sagittarius, Capricorn or Taurus as their natal ninefold ascendant.
On a collective level, for the next two and half years countries like USA, China and Russia will make news headlines. World economies are likely to flourish and in general, people are likely to exhibit happiness.
Neptune-Uranus ninefold sextile (Oct 8 – Nov 4)
Uranus-Neptune ninefold sextile is going to be very favorable for those who have these planets favorably placed in their natal charts. Expect some sort of spiritual awakening, monetary gains, promotions and improved prestige in professional and social fields. The idea that you always wanted to pursue a non-material goal but somehow could never get started….now is the time to follow that dream. You will distinctly notice and feel the positive energy flowing through you during this period. It’s time to jump in and enjoy this spiritual period.
On a collective level, this is an extraordinary time for collective spiritual growth, technological discoveries and inventions. Expect some new important technological breakthroughs during this month. For the United States, in general, it’s going to be a remarkable and very successful period.
Pluto-Jupiter Trine (Oct 21 – Nov 2)
This is an important planetary event for people who deal with religion, religious and academic institutes. This auspicious trine could become responsible for a unique transformation in the field of religion as the planet Pluto with its tremendous energy has a power of irreversibly transforming the field of religion and academics to a new level or setting with a new set of norms.
In your birth chart if Jupiter and Pluto are either in conjunction or trine or sextile, and if either of these planets is currently influencing your life via your current progressive chart, then you are perhaps standing on the thresh-hold of a new era that’s about to begin in your life. Depending on the houses these planets occupy in your birth chart, you are going to have a totally new and a very different experience in that particular field. Be ready to accept this new settings with new challenges as well as the rewards that come with them.
On a collective level, religious and academic and to some extent social fields are very likely to see changes coming in their respective fields. Initial reaction to the change might appear to be a bit confusing and perhaps chaotic, but the majority of us are going to embrace this new wave of change and are very likely to enjoy it.
Saturn-Rahu ninefold trine (Saturn-Ketu sextile) (Nov 2-5)
Saturn-Rahu ninefold trine is usually favorable for those who have lunar nodes favorably placed in their natal charts with respect to Saturn. If such placing is connected to the first house, second house, ninth house, tenth house, or eleventh house then expect monetary as well as power gains, promotions and improved prestige in professional and social fields. The ideas that you always wanted to pursue your desired goals but somehow could never get started….now is the time to follow that dream. You will distinctly notice and feel the positive energy flowing through you during this period. It’s time to jump in and enjoy this period.
Neptune-Mars opposition (Nov 5-7)
This short period may turn out to be deadly for those who have unfavorable placing of Mars with respect to Neptune in their natal charts. Expect subtle but very strong and negative forces working against you that surely would bring you misfortune. Stay low key and avoid taking any unwanted or unnecessary risk. For those who have well placed Neptune-Mars configurations in their birth charts would likely to be rewarded with fame and good times.
On a collective level, covert activities will be at their peak. China and Russia are likely to experience some very drastic changes in the political arena, and those changes will influence the psyche of those nations at a deeper level.
Pluto-Rahu ninefold opposition (Pluto-Ketu conjunction) (Nov 7-14)
Pluto-Rahu ninefold opposition is not favorable for those who have such opposition or squares in their birth charts. In addition, if the lunar node Rahu (or Ketu), or Pluto is affecting your life via your current progressive chart, then you might want to consider taking extra precautions in the areas which are affected by these planets as shown in your natal chart. Such people should avoid taking any kind of risk at any cost during this period. Such opposition can make things so miserable and difficult for you that you are never going to forget them in your life. Staying low key is certainly the way to go. Avoid any new ventures and postpone the matters that you want to begin till this period is passed.
On a collective level, natural accidents and calamities to occur all around the world are likely.
Mars-Uranus quincunx (Nov 10-13)
Watch-out for bad news during these 3-4 days! Sudden and undesirable happenings are likely to occur if you have such quincunx in your birth chart. It could be a sudden loss of money, unfortunate accident, or a bad news. Only thing I suppose you could do is be prepared and avoid taking any new risk during this period.
On a collective level, natural and man-made calamities are likely, especially in the United States of America.
Neptune-Ketu ninefold trine (Nep-Rahu sextile) (Nov 21-30)
For those who have well placed Neptune, and if she is in trine with any of the two lunar nodes, and are presently being influenced by any of these planets (Neptune, Rahu, or Ketu) through their current operating cycles, are likely to experience a very positive period. Rise in self confidence, strong intuitive power, and in general feeling great about everything around are some of the symptoms that you are likely to enjoy.
Collectively on global scene, this period is very positive for Russia and China. Also, most of the technological areas are likely to make significant progress via inventions and discoveries. Spiritual and religious activities are likely to impart positive energy and create a very healthy atmosphere around us.
Saturn-Rahu (and Ketu) ninefold square(s) (Nov 22-25)
Saturn-Rahu (and Ketu) ninefold squares are going to be devastating for those who have such squares in their natal charts. Anything that you attempt will be failed or will result in agonizing and frustrating experience. This is not the time to take any risk. If you have such squares in your birth chart, and if any one of these planets is presently influencing you through the current progressive cycle then you need be extra careful. The best thing to do is not make any new commitment, and totally avoid taking any business or monetary risk.
On a collective level, barbaric activities all around the world are likely to increase. Terrorists are likely to be successful in creating confusion and chaos. Social turmoil in Europe and Russia is likely. Religious activities could get stalled for no apparent reason.