Date Posted: September 30, 2006
Although it’s very difficult to predict the influence of planets on a given individual without referring to his or her birth chart the following is intended only as a general guideline. For confirmation, however, you must refer to your birth chart. Based on the assessment of planetary strengths or weaknesses in your birth chart, placement of planets in your current progressive regular and ninefold charts, and the current operating planetary cycles the following may or may not be applicable.
Pluto-Rahu and Pluto-Ketu squares (Sept 20 – Oct 18)
The squares of Pluto with the lunar nodes are generally have tendencies to destroy the present setting of life and transform in to a totally new one. Those who have better placed lunar nodes and their connection with Pluto are likely to adapt well to this new change and move to their next level of evolution, and others are likely to struggle and may find the change unbearable. Perhaps the best way to deal with this situation is to stay alert and be extremely cautious in dealing with your surroundings that affect you. Avoid taking any new risk during this period. And probably be prepared for situations that are going to get worse before they get better with new direction in life. Staying low key is certainly the way to go. Avoid any new ventures and postpone the matters that you want to begin till this period is passed.
On a collective level, a new wave of renewed violence between Israel and Palestinians, as well as outbreak of terrorism around the world during these ten days are real possibilities.
Mars-Rahu quincunx (Oct 12 – 15)
Typically Mar’s quincunx with a lunar node is very unfavorable and unfortunate situation in general. If you have such quincunx or opposition in your birth chart, and if you have any one of these planets influencing you through your current progressive cycle then you need be very careful about the matters indicated by the respective houses in your birth chart. Probably the best thing to do is to lay low key, not make any new commitment and avoid taking any sort of new risk.
On the world scene, during this period both natural and man-made calamities causing destruction and loss of lives, and perhaps a demise of an international level political leader is likely.
Saturn-Rahu quincunx (Oct 16-31)
The occurrence of Saturn-Rahu quincunx is not good for those who have such quincunx in their birth charts. In addition, if the lunar node Rahu (or Ketu), or Saturn is affecting you via your current progressive chart, then you might want to consider taking extra precautions in areas affected by these planets as indicated by your natal chart. Such people should avoid taking any kind of risk at any cost during this period. Such quincunx can make things so miserable and difficult for you that you are never going to forget them in your life. Staying low key is certainly the way to go. Avoid any new ventures and postpone the matters that you want to begin till this period is passed.
On a collective level, Russia or China may experience social or political unrest. Also, in the United State for the Republic Party and republicans including for the republican president Bush it may prove to be prudent to stay on guard during this period.
Saturn-Jupiter square (Oct 18 – 31)
Jupiter-Saturn square is going to be unfavorable for those who have such square in their natal charts. Loss of motivation, insecure feeling, loss of direction in life, general unhappiness, difficulty in keeping the faith in God are some of the symptoms of this square. This is like a test period. A period that can be viewed a real positive from self discovery standpoint since it will require you to bring best out of you to deal with situations around you. If you have such a square in your birth chart, and if any one of these planets is presently influencing you through your current progressive cycle then you need to look at the things with a different attitude. The best thing to do is to stay the course of present action without making new commitment. Remember the time when you felt the life is not fair and not worth living, very unsure of yourself, and unhappy with family.. well, that’s how you going to feel this time. Keep your faith strong!
On a collective level, religions around the world will find difficulty in carrying out their activities, more controversies that test traditional moral values are likely to occur, and in general, religious authorities will have difficulty in keeping people happy.
Jupiter’s transit in the sidereal zodiac sign Scorpio (October 27)
On October 27, Jupiter leaves (sidereal) Libra and enters the next zodiac sign, Scorpio. Jupiter’s transit from one zodiac sign to the next occurs, on average, once a year. Scorpio being a fixed and water sign ruled by Mars, Jupiter in Scorpio being a close friend of Mars, has a tendency to enhance creativity and physical capacities of Mars for those who have well placed and connected Mars and Jupiter in their birth charts. For one thing dynamic activities such as sports activities, friction in the form of war or terrorism, chaos, etc., and political maneuvering around the world is likely to expand at a phenomenal rate. However, because of Jupiter’s auspicious influence the final outcome or world transformation is certainly going to be positive for collective happiness. Military personnel around the world are likely to enjoy public support, and as a result, the dealing with adversaries would likely to become relatively easy from success standpoint. In addition, the influence of contemporary spiritual leaders on society will shape the future direction of our social evolution through the theosophical and metaphysical debates. In general, Scorpio Jupiter is known to be responsible for leading the world towards more spiritual direction through visible action. So from that perspective witness some positive human evolution related changes during this period and welcome the Jupiter’s entry in Scorpio.
On individual levels, for those who have dominant Jupiter in their birth charts and have Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces, Taurus, or Cancer as their natal ninefold ascendant are likely to experience a very positive twelve months period beginning October 27.
Saturn’s transit in the sidereal zodiac sign Leo (October 29)
On October 29, 2006 Saturn will enter the sidereal zodiac sign Leo, and it will remain in Leo till January 13, 2007. It returns to Cancer on January 14 via its retrograde motion (actually becomes retrograde on December 6, 2006) and will stay in Cancer till July 14, 2007 before reentering in Leo.
Leo being the fire and fixed sign, for the next two and half years, Saturn will strongly influence the world politics and economy. Those who have Saturn in sidereal Leo will see their lives transformed to a new settings due to a drastic change (mostly at emotional and psychological level). In my opinion, it’s going to be a very positive and exciting two and half years for those who have dominant Saturn in their birth chart and have Gemini, Pisces, Scorpio, and Libra as their natal ninefold ascendant.
On a collective level, in the next two and half years, on a world political scene, countries like United Kingdom and China will make news headlines. Direct confrontation between superpowers in most part of the world will be on rise. Terrorism or terrorist activities will also be on rise.
Saturn-Rahu (and Ketu) ninefold square(s) (Oct 21-25)
Saturn-Rahu (and Ketu) ninefold squares are going to be devastating for those who have such squares in their natal charts. Anything that you attempt will be failed or result in agonizing and frustrating experience. This is not the time to take any risk. If you have such squares in your birth chart, and if any one of these planets is presently influencing you through the current progressive cycle then you need be extra careful. The best thing to do is not make any new commitment, and totally avoid taking any business or monetary risk.
On a collective level, barbaric activities all around the world are likely to increase. Terrorists are likely to be successful in creating confusion and chaos. Social turmoil in Middle East, Europe and Russia is likely. Religious activities could get stalled for no apparent reason.
Uranus-Saturn ninefold conjunction (Oct 2-6)
The time when Saturn-Uranus ninefold conjunction occurs is not good for those who have such conjunction or square in their birth charts. In addition, if the planet Uranus or Saturn is affecting your life via your current progressive chart, then you might want to consider taking extra precautions in the areas which are affected by these planets as shown in your natal chart. Such people should avoid taking any kind of risk at any cost during this period. Such conjunction can make things so miserable and difficult for you that most likely you are not going to forget them in your entire life. Staying low key is certainly the way to go. Avoid any new ventures and postpone the matters that you want to begin till this period is passed.
On a collective level, the United States of America, Russia or China may experience social or political turmoil at home as well as tensions rising among them.