Date Posted: February 29, 2024
Planetary events for March mainly deal with transits of Venus in sidereal Aquarius and Mercury in sidereal Pisces on March 7. And Sun in sidereal Pisces and Mars in sidereal Aquarius on March 15.
The personal planet Venus is likely to favor the month (beginning March 7) for those who have Venus favorably placed in their natal chart and presently have Venus active in their Gochar (transit) chart, and especially not born under Virgo, Leo or Taurus ninefold (Navamansa) ascendant. For instance, if Venus is favorably placed in the 11th house of the natal chart then it’s likely that the person would enjoy relationship/romance, good times with friends and financial gains.
Similarly the personal planet Mercury is likely to favor the month (beginning March 7) for those who have Mercury favorably placed in their natal chart and presently have Mercury active in their Gochar (transit) chart, and especially born under Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius ninefold (Navamansa) ascendant. As an example, if Mercury is favorably placed in the 5th house of the natal chart then the person is likely to enjoy being popular among his peers, boost in creativity and recognition.
The ingress of Mars in sidereal Capricorn continues until March 15. Being a sign of exaltation, Mar’s transit is always significant in Capricorn. Capricorn is a cardinal and an earth sign ruled by Saturn. This is where Mars finds the balance between the impulsive nature and steadiness, between dynamic nature and patience, between child’s ambition and matured person’s wisdom.
Another important planetary event that began on January 27 is Uranus turning direct in its motion in sidereal Aries. As a result, the uncertain and fuzzy picture of political landscape in the United States as well as confusion in international politics and affairs that include both the Ukraine-Russia and Israeli-Hamas wars is likely to fade away and a clear picture likely to emerge.
Mars ingress sidereal Capricorn
Mars entered sidereal Capricorn on February 5, and it will transit through Capricorn till March 15. Being a sign of exaltation, Mar’s transit is always significant in Capricorn. Capricorn is a cardinal and an earth sign ruled by Saturn. This is where Mars finds the balance between the impulsive nature and steadiness, between dynamic nature and patience, between child’s ambition and matured person’s wisdom.
For individuals, placement of Mars in their natal charts is important. The most favorable houses for Mars to occupy are tenth, eleventh, sixth and the third. The most challenging houses would be the first, fourth, seventh, eighth and twelfth. However, for exalted Mars, almost all houses can be positive unless its energy is blocked by the adverse planets. The favorable houses become more favorable and the challenges are almost reduce to zero in unfavorable houses.
For those who have Scorpio, Leo, Pisces and Aries as their ninefold (Navamansa) ascendant are very much likely to enjoy this six weeks period with success, recognition, victorious over adversaries and pretty much things going their way.
At collective level, Mars in Capricorn means very active and brisk period for political leaders, entrepreneurs, military personnel and leaders in almost all fields. It’s also a very event driven period that would likely to leave its mark for a long time.
With Uranus direct in Aries a clear picture emerges in world affairs.
On January 27, Uranus became direct in motion in sidereal Aries. Therefore, going forward the uncertain and fuzzy picture of political landscape in the United States as well as confusion in international politics and affairs that include both the Ukraine-Russia and Israeli-Hamas wars is likely to fade away and a clear picture likely to emerge with in few weeks as it takes about couple of weeks for the stagnant Uranus to pick up the speed. I wouldn’t be surprised if the obstacles for the aid from the United States to Ukraine and Israel wars disappear as both parties in the congress come together and clear the way for the aid.
At collective level, the ongoing presidential politics of both the Republican and Democratic parties will start picking up the speed culminating by the end of May as Uranus then will be leaving the sidereal Aries and entering the next sign Taurus. A lot of surprises in the US politics are likely to emerge. During the same period politics of the United Kingdom is also likely to take a center stage in world affairs.
At individual level, for those who have a reasonably well placed Uranus in their birth charts and have Aquarius, Scorpio, Cancer or Gemini as a ninefold (Navamansa) ascendant will likely to experience a sudden change in their daily routine as the things that were stagnant start moving forward, especially if Uranus is active in their transit charts.
Neptune in sidereal Pisces
Pisces being a water and mutable sign ruled by Jupiter some of its significant characteristics are: Divine, fruitful, fertile, emotional, honest, outspoken, religious, spiritual, nonviolent, polite, modest, moody, affectionate, hermit, psychic, water, compassion, love, heart connection, non-verbal communication and introvert. These qualities complement very well with qualities of Neptune that include: spiritual, intuitive, divine, psychic, magical, highly emotional, moody, clairvoyant, inspiration, imaginative, love, compassionate and mystical.
As a result, a subtle and slow change in our collective moral and spiritual perceptions has certainly been going to be manifested in the way we never experienced before. This era (next 13 years or so) will be remembered as the period of spiritual inspiration and transformation. Interestingly, this era also complements well with the era of Pluto’s transit in sidereal Capricorn (a sign ruled by spiritual Saturn) that runs in parallel during the same time. The way we have been used to deal with religions will no longer be our norms. Our moral codes will be greatly influenced by our collective spiritual experiences. And in that sense a subtle but most effective transformation of world morality during this unique era of the next 13 years is likely to take us to a level where the norms solely based on spiritual experiences will dictate and guide our lives with new level of understanding.
Pisces, being the sign for poets, musicians, singers, monks, religious leaders, spiritual leaders, nurses, nuns, social workers, caregivers, saints, psychics, actors, sailors and ship captains, these respective fields will go through significant transformations. And these transformations will be reflected in the new norms of morality and ethics, expansion of our collective psychic abilities and mystical experiences keeping in line with steady progress in our ability to directly perceive truth. Also, creativity in areas of music will likely complement our spiritual progress.
In scientific and technological areas, a lot of drastic changes and emerging new ideas coupled with mystical experiences will find their way into innovations and discoveries. However, it will be the first time the scientific and technological research will be more focused in areas that will bridge the gap between the science and morality. The likely areas of research will be in spiritual healing, and life-force related activities, looking for ways to tap new sources of energy without disturbing global climate (recent news about the possibility of harnessing energy from nuclear fission and minimizing the usage of fossil fuels will very likely be materialized in next 13 years). The return to the holistic and Ayurvedic practices and alternate medicines are also very likely. The availability of inexpensive generic drugs for those who cannot afford the expensive brand name drugs is becoming reality. A new wave of philosophers and philanthropist with their new perspectives on living, in general, will certainly transform our world in next 13 years with a new level of understanding of life.
However with Rahu’s (the north lunar node) transit in sidereal Pisces, for next 15 months, the Neptune’s positive energy is going to be countered by Rahu and gets stalled as new challenges emerge that must be dealt. In that sense, for a short term Neptune’s downside is likely to become more significant than normal. As a result, the religious leaders and social reformers may tend to form cults and spread cult like activities, rise in organized religion scandals, deceptive activities under the disguise of promise of spiritual experiences are likely to be on rise in certain parts of the world. The scandals of the secretive collaboration between the medical doctors and pharmaceutical industries will continue to be exposed. The increase usage of mind altering drugs, disregard for social and to some extent moral responsibility, rise in mental disorders, and losing the touch with reality are some of the likely symptoms of the negative side of Neptune. One of the prominent fall-outs of the Piscean Neptune will be a significant decline of authoritarian regime’s influence around the world. However, with Rahu’s transit in Pisces, Russia, China and other authoritarian regimes may temporarily get upper hand for next 15 months or so as Rahu’s energy counters Neptune’s energy creating a favorable period for authoritarian regime.
On individual level for those who have water sign (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces) as their ascendant in their natal ninefold (Navamansh) chart should get ready for a brand new and long lasting (13 years) cycle of change, especially a very pronounced cycle for those who have Neptune as a dominant planet in their birth charts. The changes that might occur would be very subtle and would deal with new or renewed interest in spirituality, openness, psychic abilities to perceive truth, divine experiences, transformed perceptions and beliefs, and the way of living.
Russian-Ukraine and Israel-Hamas war and senseless killings
The intensity of Russian-Ukraine war has been steady at a remarkable speed with both sides incurring severe human tolls and destruction of wealth. The war continues with Ukraine slightly losing more ground. Going forward, due to Rahu’s transit in Pisces, the Russian president Putin, although for a short term, is likely to become successful in expanding the war and his control in dealing with the uprising in Russia. However, until the Russian president Putin loses his grip and becomes powerless this war is not going to end and so will be killings of innocent civilians.
For Israel-Hamas war, it seems that it has been losing its momentum and continues to temporarily subside. However, it’s a perpetual conflict that is likely to be around for a long time unless until there’s a spiritual awakening in that region of the world that transcends religion based conflict.
President Biden’s challenges in March
For President Biden, politically, March looks to be, politically, a favorable month, especially the second half during which his popularity starts rising, success and prestige follows, and his future prospects start looking better.
During March with Saturn’s major and intermediate cycles and Venus sub-cycle, the planets that fall in the constellations ruled by Saturn and Venus become active. They are: Pluto, Venus and Sun for the entire month.
The transiting Pluto has been in the 4th house and the transiting ninefold Pluto in the 6th house. The 6th house being a favorable house for the transiting ninefold Pluto, the political environment for him is positive.
His popularity is likely to rise. Success and recognition will follow and in general he is likely to feel pretty good about his future prospects.
As for Venus, the entire month continues to be favorable for him from the personal and family happiness standpoint.
From the Sun’s energy point of view, however, until March 14, he may have to deal with health issues and stress caused by his adversaries. But after March 14, Sun’s transit turns favorable for the rest of the month assuring political success, rise in popularity and recognition.
As for the transiting planet’s interaction with his natal chart, the transiting Pluto continues to sextile his natal Sun and Venus, and opposes his natal Jupiter. Given the Sun’s current transit, especially after March 14, it’s politically very favorable.
In summary, March looks to be, politically, a favorable month, especially the second half during which his popularity starts rising, success and prestige follows, and his future prospects start looking better.
Global Insights……..
The important challenging planetary configurations for March include: Pluto-Jupiter (Feb 27 – March 2) and Neptune-Rahu (March 8-14) ninefold oppositions; Neptune-Saturn (Feb 28 – March 6) and Saturn-Jupiter (March 24-30) ninefold quincunxes; Uranus-Mars (March 6-7) square; and Pluto-Saturn (March 11-17) ninefold conjunction.
The Pluto-Jupiter (Feb 27 – March 2) may become responsible for significant changes in religious, academic and to some extent social fields. Initial reaction to the change might appear to be a bit confusing and perhaps chaotic, but a majority of us are going to embrace this new wave of change and very likely to enjoy it.
The energy of the Neptune-Rahu (March 8-14) ninefold opposition would likely to become responsible for economic turmoil in Russia and China. Covert activities around the world may find a new momentum (but because of Neptune’s secretive character we may never know) with regard to terrorism and other international conflicts.
The Neptune-Saturn (Feb 28 – March 6) ninefold quincunx may become responsible for rise in covert activities and natural as well as man-made calamities. Places like Russia and China are likely to experience political or social turmoil. Non-democratic countries are likely to see shift of power from one faction (or dictator) to another. Religious activities around the world will likely to appear more secretive than open.
The energy of the Saturn-Jupiter (March 24-30) ninefold quincunx becomes responsible for the challenges that religions around the world likely to face in carrying out their routine activities. More controversies are likely to occur to test traditional moral values, and in general, religious authorities will have difficulty in having people keep their faith.
The manifestation of the energy of the Uranus-Mars (March 6-7) square maybe reflected in both natural and man-made calamities, especially in the United States and possibly a sudden outbreak of a violent event.
The energy of the Pluto-Saturn (March 11-17) ninefold conjunction may be reflected in an outbreak of violence and terrorism around the world. Also, natural calamities like earthquakes, severe weather conditions and natural as well as man-made accidents are more likely during this period.
The important auspicious planetary configurations for March include: Uranus-Rahu (March 14-20) and Saturn-Rahu (March 25-28) ninefold sextiles
The energy of the Uranus-Rahu (March 14-20) ninefold sextile may allow Republicans and Democrats in the United States congress come to some agreement to pass some important bills that have been lingering for a long time to be resolved. This period is also good for technological discoveries and inventions.
The manifestation of the energy of the Saturn-Rahu (March 25-28) ninefold sextile maybe reflected in a good period for European economy.
The countries that are more likely to be affected during this month are: Ukraine, Russia, China, the United States and Middle-East including the Israeli and Palestine regions.
Natural and Man-made Calamities……..
The natural calamities like extreme weather conditions, wildfires, hurricanes, heavy rains, snow storms, air crashes as well as manmade accidents are likely to occur almost through the entire month, more specifically, during March 1-15.
Earthquakes:Based on a new Earthquake prediction model (the work is still in progress), the earthquake(s) of magnitude 6.9 or higher, if occur, are likely to occur on following dates and Times and possible locations: Earthquake Predictions 2024. Please note that these hourly predictions refer to the Universal time (GMT).
While man-made calamities may manifest themselves in terrorism, unrest, violence, accidents, and air crashes, the natural calamities are likely to include extreme weather conditions such as severe cold winters, and equally intensive droughts, hurricanes or typhoons, thunderstorms, earthquakes and fires