Monthly Astrological Insights for October 2021

October is likely to bring some relief from the on going anxiety filled and stagnant atmosphere that we have been collectively experiencing for a long time as three major planets become direct during October. Pluto becomes direct on October 7th, Saturn on October 11th and Jupiter on October 18.  In addition, the retrograde Mercury becomes direct on October 19. The picture of the slow pace of the economic growth and the stalled progress on economic and political activities in getting things accomplished is likely to change to a new brisk period reflecting the beginning of a period with a new set of priorities.  The world financial markets are likely to witness very high volatility and the world political landscape is likely to drastically alter as some of the allied nations switch their partners.

As far as Covid-19 related challenges are concerned they are not likely to go away or met for at least until Saturn leaves sidereal Capricorn. Saturn first temporarily leaves Capricorn during April 2022 but then via its retrograde motion  returns to Capricorn in July 2022 to remain in Capricorn through the end of 2022.

Lastly, although it won’t intensify till December, the manifestation of the energy of the Pluto-Uranus square will slowly likely to be reflected in rising violence, higher frequency of the occurrence of natural and man-made calamities and the period filled with fear and uncertainties. 

Retrograde Jupiter (June 20 – October 18)

On June 20, Jupiter turned retrograde in sidereal Aquarius.  With its retrograde motion it returned to the sidereal Capricorn on September 15.  It will continue to be retrograde in Capricorn until October 18.

When it’s in Capricorn, entrepreneurs, business people, CEO’s of big companies, money managers, etc., should consider taking a pause in their activities and review their goals and agendas.

For those who have a well placed Jupiter in their birth charts and if Jupiter’s period is currently in operation are likely to feel a slight deceleration in their progress.  Remember it’s only temporary!  Need to put more energy in to whatever you do to achieve the same result that you would have achieved when it’s direct. Especially those born with Capricorn, Libra, Leo, Gemini and Aries as a ninefold (Navamansha) ascendant are likely to do well while Jupiter in Aquarius, and those who are born with Sagittarius, Virgo, Cancer, Taurus and Pisces as a ninefold (Navamansha) ascendant would experience favorable period when Jupiter in Capricorn. 

On the world scene, particularly in religious world, “Confusion” will dominate and their agendas are likely to get stalled. The world economy is likely to experience a real slow growth.

Retrograde Mercury (Sept 27 – Oct 19) 

On September 27, Mercury became retrograde in sidereal Libra. It will stay retrograde in Libra (until Oct 2) and then in sidereal Virgo till October 19. 

Typically retrograde Mercury means anxieties, communication breakdowns, unexpected delays, frustrations, missing deadlines, unforeseen obstacles and disappointment in daily chores. Retrograde Mercury in Libra means more frustrating periods for entertainers; movie producers, directors, actors; musicians, singers, artists, etc.,. And the retrograde Mercury in Virgo means more challenging periods for entrepreneurs, scientists, business people, designers, decorators, etc.,  This is not a good time to start a new project or

venture, but rather reflect on what’s been done so far.  Also, this is the best time to cleanup that closet and do other chores that you have been postponing due to lack of time.

In addition, if you have dominating Mercury in your birth chart and if Mercury is currently as an active planet, then you are likely to experience the pronounced  effects of retrograde Mercury during this period with respect to matters signified by the house it’s currently transiting through in your Gochar (transit) chart.

About President Joe Biden and his challenges…….

Currently President Joe Biden’s Dasa cycles are: Jupiter major, Rahu intermediate and Ketu as sub cycle lasting till October 28. After October 28, the sub cycle of Venus begins and it lasts through March 22, 2022.  The planets in the Nakshatras (constellations) ruled by Jupiter are: Jupiter and Mercury; in the Nakshatras ruled by Rahu are: Mars and Ketu; and in the Nakshatras ruled by Ketu are Moon and Rahu, and in the Nakshatras ruled by Venus: none. Thus, until October 28, the activation of energies of Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Ketu and Moon and Rahu are expected to be reflected in President’s activities and actions. 

With Libra as his ninefold (Navamansh) ascendant, the slightly favorable to neutral Jupiter continues to be in the 4th house of his Gochar (transit) chart;  the unfavorable retrograde Mercury in the 1st house till October 2 and then back in the twelfth house.  The unfavorable Mars in the 12th house till October 21, and then in the first house for the rest of  month, and Ketu in the 2nd house.

Given Gochar chart dispositions of the above planets, Jupiter will be neutral to slightly favorable for him to be successful in achieving his goals: dealing with multi trillion dollar budget deal, Afghan refugees and the border crisis, continued Covid-19 (Delta Variant) nationwide vaccinations efforts, global humanitarian vaccine drive, providing help to needy nations, infrastructure bill, voting right bill etc. He is likely to get stuck in achieving most of these goals.  Mercury continues to be unfavorable for him for the entire month and it will be reflected in strenuous and stressful situation in dealing with media as well as his adversaries. He is likely to be seen as a failure and being humiliated. His popularity will continue to be in the declining mode for a short term, although not that as severe as it was in September.

In addition, the 12th house Gochar Mars (till October 21) will be extremely challenging for him as he will be severely attacked and accused by his critics on a daily basis; and then after October 21, he might be dealing with minor to moderate health issues.

More importantly, the continuation of the opposition of the transiting Uranus to his natal Mars will test his ability to govern.  It is likely to be a very painful experience for him, especially, the energy of the transiting Uranus opposing his natal Mars is likely to force him to be more confrontational, the act that he always like to avoid. However, the opposition of the transiting Saturn to his natal Pluto might impart a very subtle and favorable energy that will help him navigate through this challenging October despite ongoing crisis.

Overall, October may turn out to be a slightly better month than September. And he is likely to come out stronger than before in the following few months. 

Global Insights……..

The important challenging planetary configurations for October include:  Uranus-Rahu (Oct 1 – Nov 13) ninefold opposition; Uranus-Mars (Oct 5-7) and Neptune-Mars (Oct 16-17) quincunxes, Uranus-Saturn (Oct 8-22) and Pluto-Neptune (Oct 2-26) ninefold quincunxes; Pluto-Uranus (Aug 8 – Oct 4) and Pluto-Rahu/Ketu (Sept 26 – Oct 8) ninefold squares. 

The manifestation of the Uranus-Rahu (Oct 1 – Nov 13) ninefold opposition maybe reflected in difficult period for the United States, and in particular for the Republican party and republicans. Also, USA and China might go through a crisis situation during this period.

The Uranus-Mars (Oct 5-7) quincunx may become responsible for natural and man-made calamities around the world, especially in the United States of America.

The energy of the Neptune-Mars (Oct 16-17) quincunx is likely to be reflected in outbreak of covert activities among leading nations and possibilities of both natural and man-made calamities. 

Uranus-Saturn (Oct 8-22) ninefold quincunx may become responsible for social or political turmoil in USA, Russia and China as well as tensions rising among these nations.

The manifestation of the Pluto-Neptune (Oct 2-26) ninefold quincunx may be reflected in  outbreak of violence and terrorist activities in the Middle east, especially in Syria, Afghanistan, Israel and Palestine region. Also, the occurrences of natural as well as man-made calamities are more likely during this period. Some of the east-European countries, Russia, and China may experience political as well as social turmoil.

The Pluto-Uranus (Aug 8 – Oct 4) ninefold square may continue to become responsible for a unique change in the way the current US administration deals with other nations with respect to its international agenda, and also with its domestic matters. (This has been clearly reflected in current Afghanistan crisis–getting Americans out of Afghanistan safely, and providing the asylum to the frightened Afghans, especially girls and ladies, also some quick flip flops for the third booster covid-19 shot guidelines by the CDC, and change in strategy to deal with the migrants at the border etc.). Thus, there has been a transformation of a political strategy that became responsible of a change in the current political agenda, and foreign policy matters of the Biden administration as the planet Pluto with its tremendous energy has a power of irreversibly transforming the field of politics to a new level or setting with a new set of norms. Expect some serious issues that the Biden administration continues to get tangled with.

The manifestation of the Pluto-Rahu/Ketu (Sept 26 – Oct 8) ninefold squares may be reflected in a new wave of violence in Afghanistan, Syria, Israel and Palestine region, as well as outbreak of terrorism around the world during these days.

The important auspicious planetary configurations for October include Neptune-Rahu (Sept 8 – Oct 3) ninefold sextile.

The manifestation of the Neptune-Rahu (Sept 8 – Oct 3) ninefold sextile may be reflected in a positive period the technological fields for making significant progress via inventions and discoveries. Spiritual and religious activities are likely to impart positive energy and create a very healthy atmosphere around us.

The countries that are more likely to be affected during this month are:  The United States, Russia, China and the Middle Eastern countries-Afghanistan, Israel and Palestine.

Natural and Man-made Calamities……..

The natural calamities like extreme weather conditions, wildfires, hurricanes, heavy rains, snow storms, air crashes as well as manmade accidents are likely to occur during Oct 1-23.


Based on a new Earthquake prediction model (the work is still in progress), the earthquake(s) of magnitude 6.9 or higher, if occur, are likely to occur on following dates and Times: Earthquake Predictions 2021.  Please note that these hourly predictions refer to the Universal time (GMT).

While man-made calamities may manifest themselves in terrorism, unrest, violence, accidents, and air crashes, the natural calamities are likely to include extreme weather conditions such as severe cold winters, and equally intensive droughts, hurricanes or typhoons, thunderstorms, earthquakes and fires