Date Posted: March 31, 2003
One of the major and deadly planetary configurations that happens once about every 8 years is going to occur during April (Apr 3-23), and it is the square between Uranus and each of the lunar nodes (Rahu and Ketu). It is probably the most crucial and challenging time of the year for the USA and especially for the Bush administration in dealing with the nations of the world and its adversaries (Refer to my annual prediction caption for 2003 in archived comments). And the influence of this configuration will be felt all over the world. It’s going to be a period marked with domination of fear, uncertainties and anxieties about future. There will be more violence, social unrest and terrorism in the Middle-East, USA as well as in other regions of the world. And, as has been predicted in this column for last few months, President Bush and his administration will continue to struggle with Iraq war with no end and success in sight.
The planetary configurations that will influence world events in April are: Mars-Saturn and Mars-Rahu regular and Saturn-Rahu ninefold quincunxes, Uranus-Rahu/Ketu squares, Pluto-Neptune and Jupiter-Rahu ninefold trines, and Ketu-Jupiter and Uranus-Saturn sextiles.
The countries that are likely to make headline news are: United States, Russia, Western Europe, China, Middle eastern countries including Iraq, North Korea and Pakistan.
- United States of America:
President Bush and his administration: As predicted last month, President Bush had been frustrated and consumed in facing his adversaries and traditional international allies during March due to his decision of going ahead with war with Iraq. And as it has been repeated before he will be in for a long and frustrating spring with a very little success.
Based on President Bush’s current planetary transits, he will continue to be engulfed with frustration and anxiety with his ongoing occupation with the Iraq war. The transit of Pluto that opposes his natal Uranus and lunar node Rahu will continue to be a cause of anguish and personal pain for him. In addition, the intense pressure from the square aspect of Uranus with lunar nodes in April makes it extremely difficult for him to handle his own ego. Also, from health and personal safety standpoint April is not so favorable for him. President Bush must take an extra care of his health during this month and it would be very prudent of him if he takes extra precaution for his own personal safety during this month.
The first three weeks of April are not good for the country, especially from terrorism, general social unrest and on going anti-war protests standpoint.
· Russia: While Saturn-Rahu ninefold quincunx may prove to be negative for Putin administration during the third week (April 15-19) of April, Pluto-Neptune ninefold trine (April 11-30) should prove to be positive from international diplomacy standpoint. The relationship with USA (particularly with Bush administration) will reflect a sort of indifference towards each other.
· Europe: Uranus-Rahu/Ketu squares (Apr 3-23) will certainly prove to be very negative as far as relationship between Western European countries and USA is concerned. Social unrest and increased terrorist activities are likely.
· China, Japan and Pacific-rim Countries: April is not going to be that bad for China. Besides a possibility of some new domestic crisis occurring I don’t see a whole lot happening in China. However, terrorism and violence in Pacific-rim countries (Indonesia, for instance) will likely to be on rise.
· Religion: In general, except for United States, the entire month will be a quiet month for religions around the world. In United States the friction between the religious authorities and their counter parts will accelerate.
· Natural and Man-made Calamities: Except for the last week of the month, April doesn’t look favorable. Both the natural and man-made calamities (especially the latter) are very likely to occur, particularly in western world as well as in the Middle-East region.
While man-made calamities may manifest themselves in terrorism, unrest, violence, and accidents, the natural calamities are likely to include extreme weather conditions such as severe cold winters, and equally intensive droughts; and thunderstorms, earthquakes, air crashes and fires.