Date Posted: March 31, 2004
As we enter in April, Neptune-Uranus ninefold opposition which began on March 14 will continue to provide fuel for friction (at least until April 10) between conservatives and liberals in the United States. The Pluto-Rahu ninefold opposition (April 8-23) will likely to accelerate terrorist activities (including those originated by Al-Qaida organization) not just only in the Middle East attacking western interests (particularly those of US and its allies) but also in Europe and Asia. During the same time a new crisis in Europe and the occurrences of natural and man-made calamities all around the world are very likely. However, on a positive note, terrorist may come under pressure and some of them are likely to be captured during April 16 – May 9 period.
For science and technology until at least up to April 10 is a very favorable period. Acceleration in research activities resulting in innovations and discoveries in modern medicine and biotechnology will continue to take place. Innovations in other fields such as high-tech and information technology will also make the headlines.
The countries that are likely to make headline news are: United States, major European countries, Iraq, Middle Eastern countries including Israel and Palestine, and Russia.
- United States of America:
President Bush and his administration:
For President Bush during April Saturn will be squaring his natal Neptune at least until April 15 and the lunar nodes will be squaring natal Pluto from the last week of the month to the first couple of weeks in May. As a result, I expect a lot of smoke and mirror type of activities coming out of Bush White House in defending their position against the charges brought up by Mr. Clarke as well as on going Iraq crisis. There may be some changes occurring in the existing White House cabinet during the same time. But… it’s the three week period beginning the last week of April ..that will prove to be very crucial for the President. Personally, it’s certainly going to be extremely frustrating for him as the likelihood of some of his very close associates deserting him or forced to leave him becomes high. In addition, some of the key republican leaders are likely to be disappointed with his performance and more importantly with his stubbornness.
The Country:
For the country in general, April is not that bad a month. April 7-19 is really positive period for the country. Positive news with respect to terrorism related activities are likely after April 16. However, a possibility of either man-made or natural calamity does exist during April 8-23.
For the Democratic Party April 7-19 is a favorable period to score some political gains over its rival Republic Party. During the same time the party may go through a surprise transformation (I can’t really predict what exactly that transformation will be) to enhance its position for the upcoming presidential election. For the Republic Party the third week is positive but the last week indicates frustration.
· Russia: April 24 through May 2 will certainly be a challenging week for the Putin administration. More covert activities are likely to be on rise. However, over all, the country will do just fine.
· Europe: April 8 through 23 is not positive for the continent as a major shift in political or in social arena is very likely to happen causing an irreversible change in European politics. It may have to do with violence or fighting against terrorism.
· Religion: Religions or religious leaders will come under social scrutiny and political pressure as traditional norms will be challenged by a new wave of living demanding more individual freedom and less dogmatic pressure.
· Natural and Man-made Calamities: April 8-23 is likely to filled with events related to both man-made and natural calamities.
While man-made calamities may manifest themselves in terrorism, unrest, violence, and accidents, the natural calamities are likely to include extreme weather conditions such as severe cold winters, and equally intensive droughts; and thunderstorms, earthquakes, air crashes and fires.