Date Posted: March 31, 2020
The manifestation of the Pluto’s ingress in Capricorn and the conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in sidereal Capricorn will continue to be reflected in painful, fearful and destructive world events (especially the Coronavirus outbreak, natural as well as man-made calamities, violence, senseless killings, etc.,). The posting of March 17, 2020 on Coronavirus outbreak underscores the Pluto’s Capricorn ingress, and is reiterated (below) in this posting.
The political, social and economical turmoil, especially in the United States will likely to continue during the entire month and beyond, especially with respect to the president Trump’s governing style in uncertain political, economical and social environment.
However, a few observations (silver linings?) that can be made from the ongoing “Coronavirus worldwide outbreak” are worth mentioning.
As the world has been forcefully slowdown (or shutdown? or lockdowns) by bowing to the spread of the virus to avoid catastrophic human casualty, there were articles and pictures in New York Times showing the comparison of the amount of air pollution in big cities (New York City, Los Angeles, Beijing and others) year ago and today. The results are striking! The daily normal air pollution due to just driving (car, trucks etc) in these cities were significant and alarming compared to today.
What does this tell us?
It’s obvious that for living, we need to work, and therefore, we must get from home to work by car or any other means of transportation.
When we work, economy grows and material wealth is created. However, as we keep expanding our objective of annual growth in GDP, we give more emphasis to work. The question then becomes: is there a limit to which we can extend our economic growth that becomes harmful or has a downside? The New York Times articles, as mentioned above, clearly tell us that with increase in activities in cities the pollution grows. And the more the pollution, the more the health risk. Then there has to be optimum point for GDP to flatten out. Perhaps, the present crisis will easily prove that point (and thus teach us) at which the work is maximized without sacrificing our health and quality of life. (pollution of air, water, noise, etc.,).
I wonder if the same reasoning could be extended in inquiring about “climate change”, and other aspects of life as we uncover them going forward. If we look at the life as a whole, wouldn’t all aspects of life (money, health, psychological and emotional well being, etc.) need to be considered? And if we did, then would this “awareness” of what’s going on around us, become the beginning of our collective transformation leading to spirituality?
March 17, 2020
Coronavirus Outbreak
As I had mentioned in my 2020 annual prediction column (2020 Annual Prediction ):
“The year 2020 is likely to go on the record to be the most eventful year for the first two decades of the 21st century, as three spiritual planets (Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter) converge in sidereal Capricorn during this year. “
As recently as last January we have witnessed the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan province in China, and then it slowly but steadily has been progressing all over the world, making it the worldwide pandemic. Astrologically speaking, in my opinion, this is clearly the mark of the modern planet Pluto’s transit in sidereal Capricorn.
It (Pluto transit) occurred during February 2020. Pluto stays in Capricorn till July 3, and then with its retrograde motion returns to Sagittarius and stays in Sagittarius till December 28. After December 28, 2020 it will remain in Capricorn for the following 19 to 20 years (till March 2039).
Although it’s going to be in Capricorn for only about little over 4 months before it returns to Sagittarius, Pluto, being the planet of transformation, has been and will certainly provide us the glimpse of what to expect during the following 19-20 years after it returns to sidereal Capricorn by the end of 2020. And we certainly have been experiencing the manifestation of Pluto’s energy while it transits through Capricorn as reflected in “Coronavirus outbreak”
Capricorn being the earth sign (material world) ruled by Saturn (spiritual planet) and being the cardinal sign (leader of the earth signs) and Pluto being the planet of transformation (irreversible change), the drastic changes in our collective perceptions of our material world are certainly going to be manifested in the way we never experienced before by Pluto’s transit in Capricorn. Such transformations, in the material world are very painful.
In light of Coronavirus outbreak, one can relate the possibility of spiritual transformation of our material world as it brings us closer to as human beings.
By the end of the year 2020, the following 19 to 20 years will be remembered as the period of material destruction and transformation to a new and very different way of living that would align with our human evolution. This may mean the events that are likely to take place during this twenty year era are going to be the result of the Pluto’s transformation energy through the destruction of material world for (transforming it to) creating a new world that would reflect the next level of human evolution entailing the quality that aligns with clear perception of the world around us. However, I must add: perhaps the idea behind the destruction of material world might be (Pluto in Capricorn) a wakeup call for us to realize and understand that the happiness (or joy in life as I would prefer to put it) is not in material things around us (this doesn’t by any means we do away with the material world, but we do not put sole emphasis on the material gains) but to connect with each other as human beings. We take so many things for granted. This wakeup call might bring us that awareness that material world cannot lead us to permanent happiness (joy).
What to expect during 2020?
One of the biggest planetary aspects of 2020 is the conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in sidereal Capricorn.
Pluto is a planet of transformation. The process is irreversible and very subtle. The old must die for the new to be born. These two spiritual planets will be in Capricorn for next two and half years and in close conjunction in Capricorn during September 10 – October 13, 2020 (+/- 3 degrees orb) to bring out the best in these two spiritual planets reflecting the accelerated collective spiritual growth as a result of Pluto’s phenomenal speed of transformation (being in conjunction with Saturn in the sign (Capricorn) ruled by Saturn.
Thus, this conjunction is likely to bring drastic changes in our collective moral and spiritual perceptions (consciousness), as Pluto breaks away from the traditional barriers of our collective prejudices and conditionings, and Saturn fully supports Pluto in its endeavor.
However, this wonderful process of spiritual transformational growth is likely to be accompanied by very painful, chaotic and frustrating human experiences (wars, violence, terrorism, social and political conflicts, natural (such as virus outbreaks) and man-made calamities are some of the few examples) required to completely annihilate our present social norms and our prejudice based conditioning, resulting in drastic changes in our collective moral and spiritual perceptions (consciousness).
The world financial markets have been and will likely to be very volatile throughout this year.
In scientific and technological areas, lot of drastic changes and emerging new ideas will find their ways into innovations and discoveries that are aligned with our collective spiritual progress, as those (new ideas) will be more focused in areas that will bridge the gap between the science and morality. The likely areas of research will be in biotechnology, medicine, spiritual healing, and life-force related activities. A new wave of philosophers with their new perspectives on living, in general, will certainly transform our world to a new level of understanding.
As far as the Caronavirus is concerned, in my opinion, it is likely to linger around at least until the retrograde Pluto returns to Sagittarius (July 3). Until that time, we are more likely to be forced to live in certain way that we are not accustomed to . However, after July 3, we might get a much needed break (perhaps we have a solution by then; at least, the clinical trials would be underway to test the vaccine). The following six months would hopefully result in successful trials and then vaccine development. However, after the beginning of 2021, we may be faced with the next painful crisis reflecting the Pluto’s material world transformation (it may occur at subtle level before it becoming apparent). Regardless, the next couple of decays will certainly change our lives and world perception reflecting the spiritual growth as we march ahead into future.
Incidentally, for near term, the transiting Mars will be in conjunct with the transiting Pluto (March 22-24) and then with transiting Saturn (March 30 – April 1). I wouldn’t be surprised if these days turn out to be significant reflecting the painful journey of Coronavirus outbreak.
Monthly Astrological Insights for April 2020
March 31, 2020
Jupiter’s brief entry in sidereal Capricorn on March 29, 2020 (Mar 29 – July 1)
On March 29, 2020, Jupiter entered Capricorn, it becomes retrograde in Capricorn on May 11 and with its retrograde motion returns to Sagittarius on July 1, 2020. Thereafter, it stays in Sagittarius until November 20, 2020. While in Capricorn, being a cardinal and earth sign ruled by Saturn, Jupiter in Capricorn (despite debilitated in Capricorn) has a tendency to enhance material prosperity of those who have well placed and well connected Saturn and Jupiter in their birth charts while others likely to experience their prosperity diminish. However, given the Pluto’s presence in Capricorn, the rate of destruction of material wealth far outweighs the material prosperity of Capricorn Jupiter.
During this period of March 20 – July 1, 2020, the influence of contemporary philosophers on society will shape the future direction of our social evolution through the philosophical and metaphysical debates.
Since Jupiter will be in conjunction with Pluto during March 27 – April 15, 2020 in Capricorn, the possibility of a severe religious or morality crisis as well as financial crisis are very likely. Certainly, the way we have the religious and morality based norms today will be challenged by the new forces of human evolution. And the world financial markets will exhibit unprecedented volatility. The contemporary philosophers, reformers, industrialists, scientists, and all those who have power to influence people with their unique intelligence based talents will enjoy this period to its fullest.
About President Donald Trump and hispresent challenges
President Trump’s operating planets (the planets that presently active for him) for April continue to be Saturn and Venus. And they will continue to be operating planets for him for several more years. In addition, Sun remains operating planet until May 10.
During April Saturn will be in the sidereal Capricorn, in the eighth house of his Gochar (transit) chart. Also, in his ninefold Gochar (transit) chart, Saturn will be in the 10th house for the entire month. Venus will be in sidereal Taurus (the 12th house of his Gochar Chart) for the month.
From Dasa standpoint, Saturn continues to be unfavorable, being in the eighth house of his Gochar (transit) and in the 10th house of his ninefold Gochar (transit) chart. As a result, President Trump becomes self-destructive and continues to face challenges in dealing with his friends and adversaries alike. In addition to be frustrated and depressed, he is likely to be in the company of wrong people. In light of his on going Coronavirus crisis, he will continue to have an on going friction with his cabinet members and political adversaries. Furthermore, he will be dealing with his self-created feud with congress men and women and others. Overall chaos, fear, confusion and disappointment will continue to dominate to describe his political experiences.
The manifestation of the 12th house resident transiting Venus is likely to be unfavorable for him when it comes to dealing with women and his personal finances.
The most severe challenge due to the opposition of transiting Pluto to his natal Saturn during April is very likely to turn out to be extremely intensive for him from governing the country standpoint for he would likely to be overwhelmed by defeat and humiliation due to his eccentric behavior.
Thus, during April, the challenging transit of Saturn present very intensive and painful time for him. In addition, the opposition of the transiting Pluto to his natal Saturn will certainly continue to create explosive political climate, governing failures, mishandling of coronavirus crisis, and threfore, resulting in yet another trying and frustrating month.
However, when one looks at the close conjunction of Sun and Rahu, and Rahu and Uranus in the 10th house of his natal chart, and Moon in very close conjunction with the lunar node Ketu in the 4th house of his natal chart, it’s not very surprising why he operates the way he does. It seems to me, he is totally driven by the country’s (USA) destiny (at least at this point in history) which is very closely tied with his own due to the Rahu-Uranus conjunction in the 10th house of his natal chart.
It’s the reflection of what collectively the country (USA) as a whole is going through at this point in time. Perhaps, it’s a part of painful process of transformation and discovery of the next phase of its evolution, as reflected in constant churning (and becoming aware of them) of our die hard social prejudices and inherent, deeply rooted biases. If the country’s destiny is at the crossroad of “CHANGE” at this point in history, that will certainly be reflected in political events of April.
Global Predictions……..
The important challenging planetary configurations for April include
Uranus-Jupiter (Apr 8 – May 13) ninefold opposition; Rahu-Mars (Apr 3-5) and Saturn-Rahu (Apr 18 – May 17) quincunxes; Neptune-Rahu (Apr 7-13) and Uranus-Rahu (Apr 13-18) ninefold quincunxes; Uranus-Mars (Apr 6-8) square and Saturn-Rahu/Ketu ninefold squares (Apr 26 – May 4).
The Uranus-Jupiter (Apr 8 – May 13) ninefold opposition may become responsible for challenges the world religions (or religious leaders) must face with earthshaking ideas. Those religious leaders, who are willing to be open minded and ready to listen and act on new and fresh ideas, are the ones that going to be responsible to transform our religious world to a new level. Others will fade away with time. The new age philosophers are likely to emerge as lead contemporary philosophers.
While the manifestation of the Rahu-Mars (Apr 3-5) quincunx may be reflected in natural and man-made calamities causing destruction and loss of lives and perhaps a demise of an international level political leader, the Saturn-Rahu (Apr 18 – May 17) quincunx may become responsible for political or social unrest in China or Russia (or both). Also, in the United State for the Republican Party and Republicans including President Trump, it may prove to be prudent to stay on guard during this period.
While the Neptune-Rahu (Apr 7-13) ninefold quincunx may become cause for social as well as economic turmoil in Russia and China; covert activities around the world may find a new momentum (but because of Neptune’s secretive character we may never know) with regard to terrorism and other international conflicts, the Uranus-Rahu (Apr 13-18) ninefold quincunx may become responsible for a difficult period for the United States, and in particular, the Republican Party and Republicans. Also, USA and China may go through a crisis situation during this period.
The manifestation of the Uranus-Mars (Apr 6-8) square maybe reflected in a possibility of some sudden outbreak of an undesirable happening and strong possibilities of both natural and man-made calamities in the United States.
The Saturn-Rahu/Ketu ninefold squares (Apr 26 – May 4) may become responsible for rise in barbaric activities all around the world. Terrorists are likely to be successful in creating confusion and chaos. Social turmoil in Europe and Russia is likely. Religious activities could get stalled for no apparent reason.
The important auspicious planetary configuration for April include Neptune-Jupiter (Apr 19 – May 24) ninefold trine; Pluto-Saturn (Apr 12 – May 7) and Neptune-Uranus (Apr 20 – May 11) ninefold sextiles and Pluto-Jupiter (Mar 27 – Apr 15) conjunction.
The manifestation of the Neptune-Jupiter (Apr 19 – May 24) ninefold trine may be reflected in positive changes occurring in religious, academic, and social fields.
The Pluto-Saturn (Apr 12 – May 7) ninefold sextile may become responsible for improvement in European and Russian economy, progress in technical fields (new innovations and discoveries) and religious reconciliation.
The Neptune-Uranus (Apr 20 – May 11) ninefold sextile may mean an extraordinary time for collective spiritual growth, technological discoveries and inventions. Expect some new important technological breakthroughs during this month. For the United States, in general, it’s going to be a remarkable and very successful period
The Pluto-Jupiter (Mar 27 – Apr 15) conjunction is likely to be responsible for drastic changes in religious and academic and to some extent social fields. Initial reaction to the change might appear to be a bit confusing and perhaps chaotic, but the majority of us are going to embrace this new wave of change and are very likely to enjoy it.
The countries that are more likely to be affected during this month are: United States, China, Russia, Middle East (Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Palestine-Israel regions).
Natural and Man-made Calamities……..
The natural calamities like extreme weather conditions, wildfires, hurricanes, heavy rains, snow storms, air crashes as well as man made accidents are likely to occur through the entire month, more specifically during April 6-13, 18-30.
Earthquakes: Based on the Earthquake prediction model V, the earthquake(s) of magnitude 7 or higher, if occur, are likely to occur on April 1, 3-5, 10-12, 15-19, 21-22, 24. Please note that these dates refer to the Universal time (GMT). For your convenience, the earthquake predictions for the entire year 2020 are provided at Earthquake Predictions 2020. While man-made calamities may manifest themselves in terrorism, unrest, violence, accidents, and air crashes, the natural calamities are likely to include extreme weather conditions such as severe cold winters, and equally intensive droughts, hurricanes or typhoons, thunderstorms, earthquakes and fires