Date Posted: July 31, 2010
The important planetary configurations for August include the last leg of the Uranus-Saturn (July 16 – Aug 4) opposition, Saturn-Jupiter (Aug 11-21) opposition; Saturn-Rahu (Aug 18-21), Uranus-Saturn (Aug 20-24) and Neptune-Saturn (Aug 26-30) ninefold quincunxes; Pluto-Mars (Aug 2-4), Pluto-Jupiter (July 4 – Aug 21), Rahu/Ketu-Mars (Aug 12-14) and Pluto-Saturn (Aug 12-28) squares, and Uranus-Rahu (July 25 – Aug 15) ninefold conjunction. The auspicious planetary configurations include Pluto-Rahu (Aug 5-22) and Pluto-Uranus (Aug 12- Sept 8) ninefold sextiles.
The fifth and the last leg of the Saturn-Uranus opposition will end on August 4, 2010 along the sidereal Virgo-Pisces axis. This leg of the Saturn-Uranus opposition has been positive for the United States from economic and spiritual growth standpoint since this opposition occurs along the creative and spiritual Virgo-Pisces axis. The Russia and/or China may experience social or political turmoil at home as well as tensions between the USA and Russia and USA and China will be on rise.
The manifestation of the Saturn-Jupiter opposition is likely to be reflected in challenges that religious leaders around the world must face in carrying out their activities. More controversies that test traditional moral values are likely to occur, and in general, religious authorities will have difficulty in keeping people happy.
The Neptune-Saturn and Uranus-Saturn ninefold quincunxes will become responsible for increased covert activities in Middle East, Russia and China. They may also become responsible for political deception in USA politics.
The Pluto-Mars deadly square will be the cause for natural and man-made calamities, and the squares of Mars with lunar nodes will add gasoline to fire with respect to the natural and man-made calamities. The Pluto-Jupiter square will continue to influence the religion and religious activities reflecting a major shift in religious norms and transformation. The violence, in the name of religion, in the Middle-East region will continue to erupt and spread around that region and beyond.
The Uranus-Rahu ninefold conjunction may be reflected in intensive friction between Israel and Palestine with rise in terrorism and violence.
The auspicious ninefold sextiles will continue to be responsible for scientific advances and technological breakthrough in areas like bio-energy, biotechnology, medicine, high tech and communication sciences.
The countries that are most likely to be affected during this month will be: Middle-East (Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Palestine and Israel), United States, Russia and China.
- United States of America:
President Obama and his administration:
His operating planet Neptune, being stationed in the seventh house of his progressive chart and the Neptune’s opposition to his natal Rahu and Uranus, President Obama will have additional challenges as well as he must deal with people of political spin and deception. With Uranus in the eighth house of his progressive chart and in the first house of his ninefold progressive chart with lunar nodes, expect some dramatic changes he might make to steer the country in the direction that he set out to do as a part of American evolution of the 21st century. He will continue to be challenged by the staunch conservatives and hard line republicans. Overall, August will be a very eventful month for him. And by the end of the month (the last week) he might be in a better shape as a leader than he is at the beginning of the month.
The Country:
The fifth and the last leg of the Uranus-Saturn opposition is likely to leave its distinct mark by manifesting itself in a crisis and triumph like situation reflecting the core American values and characteristics during the first week of the month. In the second half of the month, Pluto-Saturn square will be responsible for dramatic changes in the Republican Party platform and politics. Financial markets will continue to be volatile during the second half of the month..
The Pluto-Jupiter square will certainly be responsible for dramatic influence on society from morality and the norms of morality and religion (the role of religion) standpoint. A collective and profound transformation of morality which has been in work for quite sometime will take an important step forward through the serious questioning of the present usefulness of religious norms, and in that very process the seeds of future spirituality will be sowed.
The Pluto-Uranus ninefold sextile is certainly positive for the United States from economical growth and the social evolution standpoint.
· Russia: The first few days and the second half of August is likely to be the period of uncertainty and confusion for the Russian government from political, social and economic standpoint. As a result lot of drastic measures are likely to be enforced. Occurrences of natural and man-made calamities are likely to happen during the second half of the month. The repercussions of Pluto-Jupiter square will continue to be reflected in new social trend for spiritual expansion.
· Europe: Except for the second week of the month, August may prove to be positive for Europe from social, political, religious and economical progress standpoint. In addition, the manifestation of Jupiter-Pluto square during the month will be reflected in social and spiritual transformation through serious questioning of the religious norms and actions of authorities. During the third week, the occurrences of natural and man-made calamities are likely.
· China, Japan, and Pacific-rim countries: The second half of August is certainly not good for China from economy and politics standpoint. The Saturn-Jupiter opposition may seem to be socially chaotic, but it will prove to be positive from the evolution (social progress) standpoint. The financial markets will continue to be volatile. Destruction of wealth due to natural calamities or man made accidents are likely during the second half of the month.
· Middle East: The second half of the month will be very negative for the region since terrorism, violence and social unrest are likely to accelerate, especially in Israeli-Palestine and Afghan-Pakistani region. During the first half of the month religious authorities are likely to come under pressure as the present religious norms will continue to be indirectly questioned by people.
· Religion: The Saturn-Jupiter opposition means changes in the religious agenda. The middle ten days of the month may prove to be a period of transformation where world religions are likely to face new challenges of morality and ethics. The Pluto-Jupiter square means painful period of transition and irreversible change for the religious authorities.
· Natural and Man-made Calamities: The natural calamities like extreme weather conditions, wildfires, heavy rains, air crashes, earthquakes as well as man made accidents are more likely to occur on August 1-4, 12-14, 19-23, and 26-30..
Earthquakes: Based on the new earthquake prediction model (based on 1900-2009 data), the earthquake(s) of magnitude 7 or higher, if occur, are likely to occur on August 4-5, 8, 11, 15, 17-23 and 25-26.
While man-made calamities may manifest themselves in terrorism, unrest, violence, accidents, and air crashes, the natural calamities are likely to include extreme weather conditions such as severe cold winters, and equally intensive droughts, hurricanes or typhoons, thunderstorms, earthquakes and fires.