Date Posted: November 30, 2005
Despite some pockets of days in December during which natural and man-made calamities will likely to continue, relatively, December may turn out to be a positive month for world stability, economic prosperity and peace. The major planetary configurations for December are: a friendly Mars-Jupiter opposition, not-so-friendly Mars-Ketu regular quincunx; challenging Saturn-Jupiter and ferocious Mars-Saturn regular squares; favorable Saturn-Rahu trine and desirable Pluto-Uranus ninefold and Saturn-Ketu regular sextiles. In addition, Mars continues to be retrograde till December 10. Although quincunxes and squares are negative and challenging planetary forces (natural and man-made calamities) the positive and favorable trines and sextiles (world stability and material prosperity) will compensate for the negative influence of quincunxes and squares.
The other planetary configurations that may play significant roles in influencing events in December are Pluto-Saturn ninefold trine and Uranus-Saturn ninefold sextile.
The countries that are likely to make headline news are: Russia, Europe, Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, Palestine, India, Pakistan, and USA.
- United States of America:
President Bush and his administration:
Just as November, December will prove to be a challenging, stressful, and mostly negative month for president Bush in dealing with domestic and Iraq war issues. In addition, Saturn’s transit through his natal Mercury and Pluto will not only put pressure on him from health standpoint, but also, he will have trouble managing his administration as he will continue to be under extreme emotional and mental pressure. Rahu will quincunx his natal Mars through the entire month. As a result, he is likely to become more anxious, impatient and impulsive, and that will clearly reflect in the decisions he makes during December. The retrograde Saturn, which is currently his most operative and influencing planet, will not just only test his will and character but it will manifest in bringing out in open his past secretive and deliberate actions in a most damaging way. His job approval rating will likely to reach a new record low both domestically and internationally.
As his ninefold Saturn will be transiting his second house of his progressive chart, at personal level, he is likely to remain under tremendous stress due to family matters and finances.
The Country:
The Uranus-Rahu (Dec 1-10) and Uranus-Saturn (Dec 5-22) sextiles are positive for the country from economy and technological progress standpoint. Positive news reflecting outstanding achievements by Americans in various fields (political, social, scientific, technology, humanity, etc.) are likely to dominate media. However, on the downside, Mars-Ketu quincunx (Dec 18-28) and Mars-Saturn square (Dec 23-31) are likely to manifest in the form of natural as well as man-made disasters.
For the Republic party the political atmosphere is likely to get better except for the last week of the month. However, the differences between the senior leaders of the party and the Bush administration on domestic and Iraq war issues will remain and will continue to be the cause for friction between them. The party leaders are likely to distance the administration or take neutral stance on most of the issues that are going to dominate the political news during December.
For democrats, December is going to be an exciting month. The party will transform into a new party with positive agenda and new leaders. New optimism will be on rise attracting new members.
· Russia: The Saturn-Rahu regular and Pluto-Saturn ninefold trines are positive forces for economical and political progress in Russia. As a result, the country is likely to enjoy December a great deal.
· Europe: The positive influence of Saturn-Rahu trine will continue to be reflected in economic expansion and general well being of public all over Europe. However, Mars-Saturn square may manifest in terrorism or attempts of suicide bombings during Dec 23-31. In addition, during the same period events of natural calamity are likely.
· China, Japan, and Pacific-rim countries: Except for the last week the entire month for China looks to be positive. The economic growth for the region will continue to be phenomenal.
· Religion: Except for the third week (Dec 13-21) of the month religious leaders are likely to enjoy the month in advancing their agendas. The last week is really good for religious activities, especially for those in the United States. However, during the third week, occurrence of an undesirable incident or friction between orthodox and moderately liberal leaders is likely.
· Natural and Man-made Calamities: Mars-Ketu quincunx, Mars-Saturn squares will be responsible for both the natural and man-made disasters. While Mars-Saturn square is likely to manifest in the form of violence, suicide bombings, and fire related natural disasters in Europe, Middle East and Asia, the Mars-Ketu quincunx is likely to be responsible for chaotic situation, especially in Middle East region. Thus, the probable periods of both natural and man-made calamities are: Dec 12-21 and Dec 23-31.
Earthquakes: During December 13-17 and December 23-31 a probability of occurrence of one or more earthquakes of magnitude 7 or higher is very high in regions of Asia that include Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Japan and pacific-rim-region.
While man-made calamities may manifest themselves in terrorism, unrest, violence, accidents, and air crashes, the natural calamities are likely to include extreme weather conditions such as severe cold winters, and equally intensive droughts, hurricanes or typhoons, thunderstorms, earthquakes and fires.