Date Posted: November 30, 2006
The major planetary configurations for December include Neptune-Uranus ninefold quincunx (Nov 18 – Jan 31), Pluto-Saturn (Dec 1-5) regular trine and Neptune-Ketu (Dec 5-13) and Neptune-Saturn (Dec 22-31) ninefold trines, Saturn-Mars (Nov 27 – Dec 1) and Uranus-Mars (Dec 20 – 23) regular squares and Uranus-Rahu/Ketu ninefold (Dec 3-12) ninefold squares, and Mars-Jupiter (Dec 9-14) conjunction.
While quincunx, squares are challenging and difficult to deal with, the counter-acting auspicious trines and conjunction will be responsible for world political stability and peace.
Neptune-Uranus ninefold quincunx will be responsible for natural and man-made calamities all around the world, rise in tension between Russia and USA, insurgency in Iraq, and escalating fight in Israel and Palestinian region. Saturn-Mars and Uranus-Mars regular squares are likely to manifest in a chaotic and undesirable event(s) in the form of sudden and unexpected calamities. The ninefold squares of Uranus with lunar nodes may prove to be disastrous from man-made calamity standpoint for the United States. It may include suicide bombings or terrorist attack.
The influence of positive trines is likely to become a significant factor for the world political and economical stability due to world economic expansion, diminishing friction between liberals and conservatives in the United Sates, and higher probability of successful diplomatic solutions for Iraq and Israel-Palestine regional crisis as well as for the temporarily benign nuclear threat from Iran and North Korea.
The countries that are likely to make headline news will be: United States, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Palestine, central European countries, Russia and China.
- United States of America:
President Bush and his administration:
Since during first two weeks of December Uranus continues to quincunx his Natal Mercury, President Bush, as a result of intense pressure from his advisors as well as from American people (midterm election outcome) and as predicted in last couple of months, has begun to pursue the path of withdrawal of U.S. military force from Iraq. In addition, for him Mars being an influencing operating planet in the first house of his ninefold progressive chart he will continue to display his anger, frustration, stubbornness more openly.
Although his Neptune continues to trine his natal Moon all through the month, the tenth house ninefold Neptune has been creating an atmosphere of deception around him (as it was evident during November). And as during last month, he will continue to be totally delusive and end up making wrong decisions on both foreign and domestic policy issues. Additional political challenges that he must face during December come from square aspects of his lunar nodes his natal nodes and Uranus. Overall, for him December may prove to be even worse than November.
The Country:
Pluto-Saturn regular and Neptune-Saturn ninefold trines are certainly favorable for the country from prosperity and technological advances standpoint. However Neptune-Uranus ninefold quincunx has been responsible for a continued challenge in dealing with Russia and to some extent China.
Saturn-Mars and Uranus-Mars direct squares, and ninefold squares between lunar nodes and Uranus will likely to reflect in man-made and natural calamities across the United States.
For republicans, although Pluto-Saturn regular and Neptune-Saturn ninefold trines are positive, they will continue to be on defensive due to Bush administration’s post-Iraq war mismanagement and failed domestic policies.
For democrats, the month of December may prove to be very challenging and frustrating. Uranus-Mars square and Uranus-Rahu/Ketu ninefold squares will likely to be manifested in continued power struggle with in the party. It will be difficult for democrats to come up with a cohesive political strategy to effectively counter their republican opponents. December 1-12 and 20-23 will be difficult period. Nonetheless the end of the month will shape to be good for them against their opponents.
· Russia: In general, the entire month is not positive for the country, and especially during the third week (Dec 15-22) the Putin administration is likely to come under tremendous domestic and international pressure in dealing with the United States on international matters. Man-made and natural calamities are likely during the third week of the month.
· Europe: Except for the first week, the month looks to be positive for Europe. However religion related undesirable and unwanted incidents are likely during this month.
· China, Japan, and Pacific-rim countries: The entire month will be positive for Japan and Pacific-rim-countries. However, for China, the first week of the month is likely to see political unrest and a new domestic crisis (possibly economical or political).
· Middle East: Although violence and suicide bombings in Iraq and Palestine-Israel regions will continue through all month, the rate of such activities is likely to taper off. However, the relationship between Iraq and USA will turn sour. Also, in general, the USA is likely to suffer its credibility in the region as transformation of Middle-East politics will likely to favor countries like Iran, Syria, and Palestine. The notable dates for violence related activities are: Dec 1-2, 4-12, and 20-23.
· Religion: Overall all around the world religious activities are likely to be more provoking than normal. The religious atmosphere is likely to get tarnished with violence and unrest. The Vatican may come under serious pressure from moderates and liberals.
· Natural and Man-made Calamities: Uranus-Mars and Saturn-Mars direct and Uranus-Rahu/Ketu ninefold squares, and Neptune-Uranus ninefold quincunx will be responsible for both the natural and man-made disasters during December. The likely notable dates are: December 1-12, and 20-23.
Earthquakes: Based on earthquake prediction model, the earthquake(s) of magnitude 7 or higher are likely to occur on December 2-3, 5, 12-13, 17-22, 24-25. While man-made calamities may manifest themselves in terrorism, unrest, violence, accidents, and air crashes, the natural calamities are likely to include extreme weather conditions such as severe cold winters, and equally intensive droughts, hurricanes or typhoons, thunderstorms, earthquakes and fires.