Date Posted: January 31, 2014
The important challenging planetary configurations for February include Saturn-Rahu (Feb 1-4) ninefold opposition; Saturn-Uranus (Jan 26 – Feb 18) ninefold quincunx; Uranus-Jupiter (Feb 14 – Mar 22) square; Pluto-Saturn (Jan 12 – Feb 5 and Feb 24 – March 19) and Pluto-Rahu/Ketu (Feb 1-8) ninefold squares.
The Saturn-Rahu ninefold opposition may become responsible for political unrest in Russia or China. Also, the Republican Party in the United States may go through a painful political experience. The manifestation of the Saturn-Uranus ninefold quincunx will be reflected in increased tension between USA and Russia (or China) as well as political turmoil in Russia or China.
The Uranus-Jupiter square will become responsible for significant changes in religious, academic and to some extent social fields. Initial reaction to the change might appear to be a bit confusing and perhaps chaotic, but the majority of us are going to embrace this new wave of change and are very likely to enjoy it. The religious norms will certainly be under pressure for changes and those changes will be reflected in modified norms.
The Pluto-Saturn ninefold square may become responsible for serious and sudden social and political challenges for Russia. Also, during the same period instability in Middle East is likely and the both natural and man-made calamities in Europe and in the Middle-East cannot be ruled out.
The manifestations of the ninefold squares of Pluto with the lunar nodes Rahu and Ketu are likely to be reflected in a new wave of renewed violence in Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, and Israel and Palestinian region, as well as outbreak of terrorism around the world during the same time.
The auspicious planetary configurations for January include Pluto-Jupiter (Jan 23 – Feb 6) opposition.
The Pluto-Jupiter opposition is an important planetary event for people who deal with religion, religious and academic institutes. This opposition could become responsible for a unique transformation in the field of religion as the planet Pluto with its tremendous energy has a power of irreversibly transforming the field of religion and academics to a new level or setting with a new set of norms. Initial reaction to the change might appear to be a bit confusing and perhaps chaotic, but the majority of us is going to embrace this new wave of change and is very likely to enjoy it.
The countries that are more likely to be affected during this month are: The Middle East (Turkey, Syria, Iran, , Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan and Palestine-Israel regions) and USA.
- United States of America:
President Obama and his administration:
From February 2 through March 26, President Obama’s operating planets will be Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Mercury becomes retrograde on February 7. It remains in sidereal Aquarius till Feb 19 and then goes into Capricorn for the rest of the month. Therefore, in his progressive chart, Mercury will remain in the 7th house till February 19, and then in the 6th house till the end of the month. The 7th house Mercury will be very challenging for him during the first twenty days of February during which he is likely get frustrated with domestic political challenges that he must overcome. However after February 20, the 6th house Mercury will be favorable for him with success in governing the country and rise in his popularity. Despite Mercury’s trials and tribulations, the favorable positions of Mars and Jupiter and Saturn in his progressive chart will keep things from going to extreme. Somehow he will manage to come through the month.
The Country:
The Uranus-Saturn ninefold quincunx will be responsible for a painful experience that the Republican Party may go through during the first half of the month. During the same period, increased tension between USA and Russia (or China) is a good possibility.
The Uranus-Jupiter square will certainly leave its mark as significant changes in religious, academic and to some extent social fields are likely to occur. The religious norms will certainly be under pressure for changes and those changes will be reflected in modified norms.
· Russia: The Saturn-Uranus ninefold quincunx may become responsible for increased political uncertainty, internal social crisis and increased friction with the USA during the first half of the month.
· Europe: The first two weeks of the month looks to be very challenging from both economic expansion and political stability standpoint. In the second half of the month, the manifestation of Uranus-Jupiter square will be reflected in new challenges for the religious activities in Europe.
· China, Japan, and Pacific-rim countries: Besides the Uranus-Saturn quincunx (which occurs during the first half of the month) things look to be good for the region. During the first half of the month economic challenges and social and political instability in China will dominate the headlines.
· Middle East: During the first half of the month the situation in the Middle-East may become volatile and critical, and during the rest of the month religious leaders will come under pressure to reform some of the old norms that the region is accustomed to.
· Religion: The Pluto-Jupiter opposition (Jan 23 – Feb 6) is an important planetary event for religious leaders and religions. This opposition could become responsible for a unique transformation in the field of religion as the planet Pluto with its tremendous energy has a power of irreversibly transforming the field of religion to a new level or setting with a new set of norms.
The Uranus-Jupiter square will become responsible for significant changes in religious fields. Initial reaction to the change might appear to be a bit confusing and perhaps chaotic, but the majority of us are going to embrace this new wave of change and are very likely to enjoy it. The religious norms will certainly be under pressure for changes and those changes will be reflected in modified norms.
· Natural and Man-made Calamities: The natural calamities like extreme weather conditions, wildfires, hurricanes, heavy rains, air crashes as well as man made accidents are very likely to occur during February 1-18.
Earthquakes: Based on the earthquake prediction model II, the earthquake(s) of magnitude 7 or higher, if occur, are likely to occur on February 6-7, 9-10, 14-15, 23-24 and 28. While man-made calamities may manifest themselves in terrorism, unrest, violence, accidents, and air crashes, the natural calamities are likely to include extreme weather conditions such as severe cold winters, and equally intensive droughts, hurricanes or typhoons, thunderstorms, earthquakes and fires.