Date Posted: December 31, 2003
The major planetary configurations that will be responsible for global events in January are: vicious Pluto-Uranus (Jan 11 – Feb 8) and Saturn-Jupiter (Jan 8 – Feb 12) ninefold squares, and Pluto-Rahu (Jan 3 -10) and Pluto-Jupiter (Jan 24-30) auspicious ninefold trines. While the squares will continue to manifest themselves in challenges of counteracting violence and terrorism, and dealing with manmade and natural calamities, the auspicious trines will be responsible to maintain peace and hope all around the world including the world economical progress. Saturn-Jupiter square may become responsible for religious crisis, especially in Europe.
In general, while the first week of the month looks to be positive the rest of the month looks to be mired with events of violence and bombings in Iraq, Palestine and Israel area. Peace efforts will be on hold and economic progress is likely to be stalled. Also, US interests both at home and abroad are likely to be targeted by terrorists. Pakistan’s President should take extra precaution about his safety during the first week of January.
The countries that are likely to make headline news are: United States, Iraq, and Middle Eastern countries including Israel and Palestine.
- United States of America:
President Bush and his administration:
Pluto’s transit opposing the natal lunar node Rahu will likely to bring changes in Bush administration policies. Certainly the surrounding around the President (advisors and cabinet ministers) is most likely to be changed. Jupiter’s square with natal Uranus and lunar nodes during the first two weeks of January will likely to make him face new challenges for his presidential campaign, domestic issues, and national security matters.
The Country:
Pluto-Uranus square will certainly change the political landscape for both parties. The democratic party will be faced with serious challenges with regard to presidential election as the primaries approach. There will be a significant shift in people’s perception about country’s future. Social, political, and economical norms are likely to be threatened requiring a change, a transformation, to a new level.
· Russia: The first and the last week seems very positive for the country, especially for the Putin administration. Economic progress will accelerate. The social uprising in neighboring countries are likely to diminish.
· Europe: Saturn-Jupiter square is likely to leave its mark with respect to religious activities in Europe. The last week of the month seems favorable for the continent from social as well as economic progress standpoint.
· Religion: Saturn-Jupiter ninefold square will create new challenges and contraversies that religious authorities must face and come up with new solutions.
· Natural and Man-made Calamities: The first few days of the month are likely to witness fire related accidents (both manmade and natural). The period of Jan 11 through Feb 12 will likely to filled with events related to both man-made and natural calamities.
While man-made calamities may manifest themselves in terrorism, unrest, violence, and accidents, the natural calamities are likely to include extreme weather conditions such as severe cold winters, and equally intensive droughts; and thunderstorms, earthquakes, air crashes and fires.