Date Posted: July 1, 2007
The important planetary configurations for July are: Neptune-Saturn opposition (until July 3), Mars-Neptune (July 23-26) and Mars-Saturn (July 29 – Aug 3) squares, and Pluto-Jupiter and Neptune-Saturn ninefold quincunxes. Despite the continued violence in Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel and Palestine areas, the overall continued world economic growth, more peace and order due to political stability in most part of the world, and phenomenal growth in scientific and technological fields due to innovations and discoveries in medicine, biotechnology, and communications will still likely to dominate the news. During the first week of July, the Neptune-Saturn opposition will certainly become responsible for world oil shortages, unrest in the Middle-East, more violence in Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel and Palestine.
The countries that are likely to make headline news will be: United States, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Israel, and Palestine, India and Pakistan.
- United States of America:
President Bush and his administration:
Since Pluto continues to quincunx his natal Saturn until July 21 and Pluto being in the seventh house of his ninefold progressive chart until July 6, President Bush will likely to remain under pressure until at least during the first week of July to yield to his opposition for changing the course on Iraq War. In addition, Ketu transits over (while Rahu opposes) his natal Mars, and Ketu being in the tenth house of his progressive chart, he will experience a lot of resistance to his course of action on Iraq war, on immigration and other domestic issues even from the people around him in the White House. During the second half of July when the Uranus becomes the operative planet for him, the fourth house progressive Uranus is likely to make matter worse for him in dealing with American people on domestic issues like economy, immigration, justice department, etc. The White House will continue to be on defensive and President Bush will continue to do worse in public poll.
The Country:
Neptune-Jupiter ninefold square and Pluto-Jupiter ninefold quincunx will be responsible for more news headlines on moral challenges and religious conflicts. On economic front, the economy is likely to do well. Jupiter-Saturn and Ketu-Saturn ninefold trines will be positive for scientific and technological breakthroughs.
For republicans the first week will bring challenges for them to deal with domestic issues that Democrats want to enforce. For democrats the entire month is reasonably positive.
· Russia: In general, during the third week of the month, political power struggle in the current government and social unrest in general are likely. The covert activities will continue to rise. Man-made and natural calamities are likely during July 19 – 23.
· Europe: In general, July is going to be a favorable month for the continent from economical growth and political stability standpoint. During the last two weeks, natural and man-made calamities are likely.
· China, Japan, and Pacific-rim countries: For China the the third week of the month may turn out to be disastrous with respect to economy and general wellness of the society. Nonetheless, economically the first two weeks of the month will be positive for China. For Japan and pacific-rim-countries, except for the last week, July will likely to be a favorable from the economical growth standpoint.
· Middle East: Although the violence and suicide bombings in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine-Israel regions will continue, the intensity or frequency of violence is likely to gradually diminish. However, the power struggle in Iraq during the last two weeks of the month may manifest in an ugly event. Covert activities and killing behind the scenes will increase. The notable dates for violence related activities are: July 19-31.
· Religion: The second half of the month will certainly be challenging for the religious activities all around the world. This is the time during which subtle changes in conventional or traditional norms are very likely to reflect the new direction of human evolution that emphasizes the importance of personal spiritual experience.
· Natural and Man-made Calamities: The likely notable dates are: July 1 -3, 9-12, 19 – 26, 29-31.
Earthquakes: Based on our earthquake prediction model, the earthquake(s) of magnitude 7 or higher, if occur, are likely to occur on July 4, 16, 22, 29 and 31.
While man-made calamities may manifest themselves in terrorism, unrest, violence, accidents, and air crashes, the natural calamities are likely to include extreme weather conditions such as severe cold winters, and equally intensive droughts, hurricanes or typhoons, thunderstorms, earthquakes and fires.