Date Posted: June 30, 2013
On June 27, the planet Mercury turned retrograde in sidereal Gemini. It will stay retrograde until July 21 in Gemini. Typically retrograde Mercury means anxieties, communication breakdowns, unexpected delays, frustrations, annoying experiences, missing deadlines, unforeseen obstacles and disappointment in daily chores. Mercury being the ruler of Gemini, retrograde Mercury in Gemini becomes more important. It means more frustrating periods for air sign people (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius), academics, business people, especially the marketing and sales people; also for, speakers, communicators, interpreters, linguistics and people in showmanship business. This is the time not to start a new project or a venture, but rather reflect on what’s been done so far. Also, this is the best time to cleanup that closet and do other chores that you have been postponing due to lack of time.
In addition, if you have dominating Mercury in your birth chart, and if your current planetary cycle provides the results of Mercury then you are more likely to experience the pronounced effects of retrograde Mercury during this period with respect to matters signified by the house it’s transiting in your progressive chart.
In addition to the influence of retrograde Mercury, the important challenging planetary configurations for July include Pluto-Mars (July 25-27) opposition, Pluto-Rahu (July 2-24) ninefold quincunx and Uranus-Rahu (July 10 – Aug 29) quincunx, and Uranus-Rahu/Ketu (July 23 – Aug 7) ninefold square.
The Pluto-Mars opposition may become responsible for both natural and man-made calamities, especially in Turkey, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and Israel, and the United States. The manifestation of Pluto-Rahu ninefold quincunx may be reflected in an eruption of new waves of violence in the Palestine-Israel, Syria and Afghanistan-Pakistan regions. And the a crisis like situation between USA and China may be influenced the Uranus-Rahu quincunx.
The Uranus-Rahu/Ketu ninefold squares may become responsible for forcing President Obama and his administration to take extra precaution in dealing with foreign matters. During the same period, terrorist activities are likely to occur in the United States besides the volatile region of the Middle-East (Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Israel and Palestine).
The auspicious planetary configurations for July include Neptune-Saturn (May 24 – Aug 5), Saturn-Jupiter (July 12-21) and Neptune-Jupiter (July 13-20) trines.
The Nepune-Saturn trine is very positive for Russia and China. In addition, during the same time, most of the technological areas (especially biotech and social media) are likely to make significant progress via inventions and discoveries. Spiritual and religious activities are also likely to impart positive energy, creating a very healthy atmosphere around us.
The manifestation of Saturn-Jupiter and Neptune-Jupiter trines will be reflected in religions, academics and social fields enjoying positive experiences. People will likely to be convinced with the importance of moral values and will have no difficulty in maintaining their religious faith.
The countries that are more likely to be affected during this month are: China, Russia, USA, Middle-East (Turkey, Syria, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Palestine-Israel region) and Europe.
- United States of America:
President Obama and his administration:
Until August 1, 2013, President Obama’s operating planets will be Mercury, Uranus and Rahu. In his progressive chart, the Mercury will remain in the 11th house of his progressive chart through the entire July (It turned retrograde on June 27 and then becomes direct on July 21), while Uranus and Rahu will be in the 8th and the 3rd house respectively. The favorable 11th house Mercury and the third house Rahu will continue help him succeed in almost all activities of governing and protecting the country during July despite the retrograde Mercury. However, the 8th house Uranus will bring new challenges (in June it was espionage charges against Mr. Snowen) that he must face and perhaps be consumed without any positive outcome. Overall he is likely to enjoy July lot better than June.
The Country:
The Uranus-Rahu/Ketu ninefold squares may become responsible for forcing President Obama and his administration to take extra precaution in dealing with foreign matters. During the same period, terrorist activities are likely to occur in the United States besides the volatile region of the Middle-East (Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Israel and Palestine).
On a positive note, Neptune-Saturn, Saturn-Jupiter and Neptune-Jupiter trines will be responsible for significant progress in most of the technological areas (especially biotech and social media) via inventions and discoveries. Spiritual and religious activities are also likely to impart positive energy, creating a very healthy atmosphere around us.
· Russia: For the entire month, thanks to Neptune-Saturn trine, the economical growth and progress in technical fields (new innovations and discoveries) will continue. Russia is likely to enjoy political and economical stability and international prestige.
· Europe: During the second and the last week of the month, the continent is likely to face significant religious, economic and social challenges due to the ninefold squares of Jupiter and Uranus with the lunar nodes. However, due to Neptune-Saturn trine the other weeks of the month look to be positive from social and economic growth standpoint.
· China, Japan, and Pacific-rim countries: The manifestation of Saturn-Neptune trine will be reflected in economical growth for China, pacific rim-countries and Japan during the entire month, especially the period of July 12-21 may turn out to be extremely favorable for the region.
· Middle East: Due to the ninefold squares of Jupiter and Uranus with the lunar nodes during the respective second and the fourth week of the month, the region is likely to see increased violence and unrest (especially in Turkey, Egypt, Syria, Afghanistan, Israel and Palestine region). During the same period, both the natural and man-made calamities (with violence) are also likely. However, during the other weeks of the month Middle is likely to enjoy relatively peaceful and stable period.
· Religion: Due to the positive and auspicious influence of the Neptune-Saturn trine through the entire month, the religious leaders and religions all around the world are likely to enjoy positive period if they are receptive for new ways understanding the nature of spiritual growth, and consequently, the positive changes will bring more harmony in the coming months.
· Natural and Man-made Calamities: The natural calamities like extreme weather conditions, wildfires, hurricanes, heavy rains, air crashes as well as man made accidents are very likely to occur during July 10-12, 23-31.
Earthquakes: Based on the earthquake prediction model II, the earthquake(s) of magnitude 7 or higher, if occur, are likely to occur on July 1-2, 10-11, 16, 20-23, 26, 28-29. While man-made calamities may manifest themselves in terrorism, unrest, violence, accidents, and air crashes, the natural calamities are likely to include extreme weather conditions such as severe cold winters, and equally intensive droughts, hurricanes or typhoons, thunderstorms, earthquakes and fires.