Date Posted: June 30, 2014
About the Iraq Crisis…..
Although I was expecting Ukrainian crisis to be a full blown crisis situation during June – Oct 2014 period, it can be Iraq civil war crisis instead or some other crisis that is yet to be manifested during this Summer and early Fall 2014 period, as was pointed out, as a probable period for such crisis in my Annual Prediction column for 2014.
About the Malaysian Airline Flight 370………
This is what was posted on March 31…..
With the north lunar node (Rahu) and the retrograde Mars within 5 degrees in sidereal Libra along with the exalted Saturn and Moon, we enter the Spring Equinox of 2014. The mysterious disappearance of the Malaysian flight 370 (Rahu + retrograde Mars in air sign Libra) on Saturday, March 8 (soon after Mars and Saturn turned retrograde) is intriguing. The nature of the retrograde Mars, Rahu and the retrograde Saturn means a possible tragedy in air (accidents?). Did the plane crashed over sea? Considering the planetary picture, none of these planets connected to water sign…and therefore, it doesn’t seem likely that the plane crashed over waters. Did it crash over land? Only if the mystery gets solved before the Mars become direct. If the mystery is not solved by the time Mars becomes direct (May 20) then it’s possible that survivors of that flight (at least some of them) might be found.
Update….(April 30)
As of now no trace of the plane or bodies. Nobody knows what happened to the plane. Since Mars will be in the earth sign Virgo, it seems either the mystery gets solved (crashing on land) before May 20 or we may be looking at the surprise of “the survivors of that flight”. We just have to wait and see…
Update…. (May 31)
May 20 has passed. No news yet. Since Mars is going to be in sidereal Virgo till July 14….until then the possibility of the surprise of “the survivors of that flight” exists.
Update…. (June 30)
No definite news about the flight yet. We just have to wait till July 14. After that it’s most likely to remain a mystery.
Global Predictions……
The important challenging planetary configurations for July include, the retrograde Saturn (March 3 – July 21), Uranus-Saturn (June 23 – Aug 15) quincunx, Saturn-Rahu (July 21-30) ninefold quincunx, Uranus-Saturn (July 9 – Aug 2) and Neptune-Saturn (July 28 – Aug 10) ninefold squares, and Rahu-Mars (July 11-14) conjunction.
Retrograde Saturn (March 3 – July 21)
Saturn became retrograde on March 3 and is going to stay retrograde till July 21, 2014 in sidereal Libra. On the world scene, generally, the projects that deal with expansion are likely to either stay on hold or experience sluggish progress. In religious world, things are likely to move at frustratingly slow rate. In the political arena what may seem like a progress will turn out to be a disaster.
The manifestation of the Uranus-Saturn quincunx will be reflected in rise in covert activities among nations, possibilities of natural as well as man-made calamities and political and social turmoil in places like Russia and China. Non-democratic countries (Iraq, Syria?) are likely to see shift of power from one faction (or dictator) to another. Religious activities around the world will likely to appear more secretive than open.
The Saturn-Rahu ninefold quincunx may become responsible for social and political unrest in Russia and/or China. The Republic Party and republicans may find it difficult to navigate through the current politics during this period.
The influence of the ninefold square of Uranus with Saturn will likely to be reflected in social or political turmoil in the United States, Russia or China as well as rising tensions among them. In addition, violence in the volatile region of the Middle-East (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Israel and Palestine) can not be ruled out. It would be prudent for The President Obama and his administration to take extra precaution in dealing with foreign matters during this period of crisis.
The Neptune- Saturn ninefold square will become responsible for chaotic situation in countries like China and/or Russia. International covert activities will be at the elevated level. The Rahu-Mars conjunction may become responsible for natural and man-made calamities causing destruction and loss of lives.
The auspicious planetary configurations for July include Neptune-Rahu (July 6-24), Uranus-Rahu (July 23 – Aug 6) ninefold trines.
The influence of the Neptune-Rahu ninefold trine maybe reflected in the expansion of religious activities all around the world with new vigor and energy, conservatives will have upper hand over the liberals, and China and Russia are likely to see positive developments occurring in the social and economical fields.
The countries that are more likely to be affected during this month are: United States, Russia, China, and the Middle East (Syria, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan and Palestine-Israel regions).
About President Obama……(rise in his popularity in public opinion polls?)
For July 2014, President Obama’s operating planets are going to be Mercury and Ketu. Mercury will remain in Gemini almost during the entire month (it moves into the next sidereal zodiac sign-Cancer on July 29). Therefore, in his progressive chart, Mercury will remain in the 11th house until July 29. Since the 11th Mercury bestows positive results (success, gains, fame, etc.) he will absolutely going to have a good deal of success in domestic as well as international matters. However, on July 18, Ketu changes the sign and enters sidereal Pisces (and thus in the 8th house of his progressive chart) which is not as favorable as the 9th house Ketu. Therefore, until July 18, he is likely to enjoy a real good period, and thereafter, he will slowly get mired in domestic and international matters as he will be faced with new challenges.
About USA…..
The Uranus-Saturn quincunx will likely to be the cause for rising friction between democratic and republican leaders. Also, during the same period, the possibilities of natural as well as man-made calamities can not be ruled out. Also, the Rahu-Mars conjunction will likely to be responsible for natural and man-made calamities causing destruction and loss of lives.
The manifestation of the Neptune-Rahu ninefold trine will be reflected in the expansion of religious activities with new vigor and energy and conservatives will have upper hand over the liberals. Expect some new important technological breakthroughs during this month.
· Russia: Uranus-Saturn quincunx (June 23 onwards) will be reflected in rise in covert activities in Russia, Ukraine and the surrounding area, possibilities of natural as well as man-made calamities and political and social turmoil. The Neptune- Saturn ninefold square ( July 28 – Aug 10) will become responsible for chaotic situation in Ukraine and Russia.
· Europe: The Uranus-Saturn quincunx will likely to be the cause for rising friction between the USA and some of the major European countries. Also, the possibilities of natural as well as man-made calamities can not be ruled out.
· China, Japan, and Pacific-rim countries: Except for China, the entire region is likely to enjoy this month with positive events. For China, the middle two-third of the month (July 6-24) may turn out to be positive from social and political stability standpoint. The economic activities will likely to expand in the entire region.
· Middle East: Under the influence of the Uranus-Saturn quincunx, the situation in the Middle-East will continue to become more volatile and uncertain. As predicted last month, a new crisis in Iraq did take place when Al-Queda backed Sunnis (ISIS) began capturing most of the key cities in Iraq. And although the involvement of USA is minimal at this point, it will be interesting to watch the unfolding of events in July and beyond.
· Religion: Not much is going to happen in the religious world that will make significant news. However challenges that regional religious leaders face may be on rise, and an occurrence of an isolated incident involving the friction between the religious and their counterparts is likely.
· Natural and Man-made Calamities: The natural calamities like extreme weather conditions, wildfires, hurricanes, heavy rains, air crashes as well as man made accidents are very likely to occur during almost through the entire month, especially during July 11-14 and 21-30.
Earthquakes: Based on the earthquake prediction model II, the earthquake(s) of magnitude 7 or higher, if occur, are likely to occur on July 4, 10-13, 17, 22, 24-25, 28, 30.
While man-made calamities may manifest themselves in terrorism, unrest, violence, accidents, and air crashes, the natural calamities are likely to include extreme weather conditions such as severe cold winters, and equally intensive droughts, hurricanes or typhoons, thunderstorms, earthquakes and fires.