Date Posted: May 31, 2002
The major planetary configurations that are likely to influence the world events during June are: Rahu-Saturn (June 5-8) conjunction, Uranus-Saturn (June9-14), Jupiter-Rahu/Ketu (June 6-9), Neptune-Saturn (June 22-27) ninefold squares, and Neptune-Ketu (June 10-28) ninefold trine. While the Neptune-Ketu trine is very favorable for world prosperity and religious activities around the world the influence of oppositions and squares will overshadow the trine. In addition, a total solar eclipse which occurs on June 10 is very important since along with the Sun and Moon the lunar node (northern or ascending node) Rahu will also be in conjunction with Saturn while the Ketu (the other node) with Pluto. Consequently this eclipse, according to Vedic astrology, is likely to create extremely unfavorable, and perhaps very fearful climate all around the world. In general, June 10 may prove to be the worst day of the year for the world.
The countries that are likely to make headline news are: Israel, Palestine, Pakistan, India, United States and Russia. The terrorist activities will likely to accelerate during the second week of the month (June 5-15).
On a positive side, most of the technological areas are likely to experience significant progress via inventions and discoveries. Spiritual and religious activities are likely to impart positive energy, creating a very healthy atmosphere around us.
- United States of America: In general, for the entire country, the second week of June (June 9-14) is not favorable from the standpoint of natural as well as man-made calamities. However, the second half of the month turns positive for the country with some moral and political victories on war on terrorism.
For President Bush and his administration, the test of his Presidency continues. Bush administration must deal with difficult and serious issues with respect to terrorism and ongoing terrorist activities around the world during the first half and the last week of the month . During these periods, Bush administration is more likely to get tangled with India-Pakistan conflict over Kashmir, and with Israel-Palestine conflict. Also, during the same period at home, the administration is likely to face with the national security related problems that could undermine the president’s leadership.
Except for the third week of the month, the Republic Party will be forced to deal with serious political issues. For the Republic Party and republicans including the republican president Bush it may prove to be prudent to stay on guard during the first ten days of the month. For the Democratic Party, except for the second week of the month, the rest of the month, in general, is not so bad.
· Russia: June 11-28 is a very good period for Russia for international diplomacy. During the same period Russia’s likely to make a lot of progress with its domestic economy. Mr. Putin and his administration will be handsomely rewarded for their successful efforts both domestically and internationally.
· China, Hong Kong, and Pacific-rim countries: China may experience social or political turmoil during the first ten days of the month. But later, China and most of the Pacific-rim region is likely to experience a very positive period from economic standpoint.
· Europe: For the entire continent the June 6-15 period doesn’t look good. Economical conditions may suffer due to unavoidable circumstances caused by either or both natural and man-made calamities.
· India and Pakistan: For the subcontinent the the first ten days of June are extremely critical. Although the likelihood of both countries going to a full scale war is low the tension along the border and cross-border terrorism are not likely to let up. The months of July and August seem more critical for both of these countries from the war standpoint.
· Religion: During the second week of the month religious activities around the world will find difficulty in carrying out their agendas and in general keeping people happy. Loss of a well known religious figurehead is likely.
· Natural and Man-made Calamities: The days that could bring such calamities are likely to be: June 6-15 and June 22-27. Although such calamities can occur anywhere in the world, the areas that are more prone for such causes are: the United States, Israel, Palestine, India, and Pakistan along with some of the other Middle Eastern countries.
While man-made calamities may manifest themselves in terrorism, unrest, violence, and accidents, the natural calamities are likely to include extreme weather conditions such as severe cold winters in the northern hemisphere, and equally intensive droughts in the southern hemisphere; and thunderstorms, earthquakes, air crashes and fires.