Date Posted: February 28, 2002
Month of March will begin with very positive mood from the world stability and prosperity standpoint as Jupiter becomes direct, however, (I hope not but) I’m afraid the month (and/or the early part of April) may end up with either a severe natural or man-made calamity or a fresh wave of terrorism (which is likely to manifest in a destructive act) especially in the United States, Palestinian and Israel.
For Russia and China the first two weeks of March are very positive from prosperity and world recognition standpoints. The covert activities in these countries should yield positive results helping these countries further to achieve their political and economical goals. Uranus-Pluto ninefold square is likely to put pressure on USA towards the last week of the month to respond to the new wave of terrorism either at home or in Palestinian and Israel. The countries that are likely to make headline news are: USA, Israel, Palestine, Russia and China. The first two of weeks of March is likely to be overwhelmed with news in the area of Bio-technological research, and new crisis like situations in the religious world, especially in the United States.
The major planetary configurations that are likely to play key roles for world events during March are: Rahu-Neptune (Mar 1-8), Rahu-Jupiter (Mar 8-16), and Saturn-Rahu ninefold trines, and Neptune-Saturn (Mar 11-April 15) regular trine, Neptune-Saturn ninefold conjunction (Mar 25-Apr 5), Pluto-Uranus (Mar 28 – Apr14) and Uranus-Jupiter (Mar 27 – April 10) ninefold squares. Except for the squares, these configurations are positive for the entire world.
- United States: The first two to three weeks in general are good for the country. But as the month approaches the last week, it may end up with either a severe natural or man-made calamity or a fresh wave of terrorism (which is likely to manifest in a destructive act) especially in the United States, Palestinian and Israel. If terrorism escalates in the Mid-east (Israel and Palestinian area) the USA is most likely to get involved, and the administration would likely to face unprecedented challenges that would have long term effect on the international politics.
For Bush administration, except for the last week of the month the entire month looks favorable. The adverse influence of the Enron crisis on the administration is likely to either diminish or stay contained. Republic Party will be forced to be on defensive in dealing with Democrats on several issues during the last two weeks of the month.
For Democratic Party, the last week of the month will bring new difficulties and challenges.
· Russia: Pretty much the entire month looks great for Russia to handle the domestic and international affairs with positive results. Covert activities in Russia will be on rise and will bring in positive results for the Putin administration..
· China, Hong Kong, and Pacific-rim countries: For China, the entire month is very positive as she becomes successful in dealing with domestic as well as international challenges. Japanese as well as pacific-rim economies are likely to expand during the month.
· Europe: First half of the month is good for the entire continent. But latter half may result in crisis (religious?) causing some social turmoil. ·
· Religion: Uranus-Jupiter ninefold square (February 23-Mar 8, and Mar 27-Apr 10) will become cause for religious tensions between the orthodox zealots and their liberal counterparts, especially in Europe and the Unites States.
· Natural and Man-made Calamities: The last week the month looks pretty grim.
While man-made calamities may manifest themselves in terrorism, unrest, violence, and accidents, the natural calamities are likely to include extreme weather conditions such as severe cold winters in the northern hemisphere, and equally intensive droughts in the southern hemisphere; and thunderstorms, earthquakes, air crashes and fires.