Date Posted: February 28, 2010
The deadly influence of the debilitated retrograde Mars in the water sign Cancer will continue to be reflected in upheaval of political world until May 26. Also, during the same period financial markets will become extremely volatile and destruction of wealth due to natural calamities or man made accidents are very likely. Other possibilities include a positive shift in spiritual world, outbreak of war or war like atmosphere in Afghanistan-Pakistan-India region.
On the other hand, the Jupiter’s unprecedented transit through Aquarius (taking only 4 months to transit through Aquarius and enter Pisces by May 1) means a great deal of material prosperity and advances in science and technology. Aquarius being the most powerful air sign representing intelligence as well as spirituality, and with the presence of Neptune in Aquarius, Uranus in Pisces (a sign ruled by Jupiter) and Pluto in Sagittarius (another sign ruled by Jupiter), the world will transcend to a new level of intelligence and creativity in next few months.
The important planetary configurations for March include: Neptune-Ketu ninefold opposition (March 18-24) and Uranus-Rahu/Ketu ninefold squares (March 24-29). The auspicious planetary configurations include Uranus-Saturn (March 3-7), Pluto-Saturn (March 10-17), Neptune-Saturn (March 24-29) and Pluto-Rahu (Feb 26-March 6) ninefold trines, and Saturn-Mars (March 17-25) sextile.
While Neptune-Ketu ninefold opposition may become responsible for increased covert activities in Middle East, Russia, Europe and China, the ninefold squares of Uranus with the lunar nodes are likely to manifest themselves into terrorism and violence, especially in the United States. The auspicious ninefold trines and sextiles will likely be the cause for scientific advances and technological breakthrough in areas such as biotechnology, medicine, high tech and space sciences as well as for world economic growth.
The countries that are most likely to be affected during this month will be: United States, Russia, and China, European countries, Middle-East (Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Palestine and Israel).
- United States of America:
President Obama and his administration:
Since February 9, with the beginning of a brand new Dasa cycle: Jupiter-Rahu, his operating planet Neptune, being in the seventh house of his progressive chart with Jupiter, President Obama has been dealing with people of political spin and deception. But because of the presence of auspicious Jupiter things are least likely to go to extreme and against him, and in the end (by June or so) he will prevail and be successful in effectively governing the country. Its likely that he will be very heavily involved in international politics during the next 3-4 months. During March the transiting Neptune opposes his natal Uranus and Rahu. He will certainly have to deal with a huge political challenge with his republican adversaries. In addition, the transiting Uranus will be quincunxing his natal Uranus and Rahu, and therefore, he is very likely to be publicly drilled and scrutinized by republicans during March. But that very scrutiny might win him public support in the later months.
Due to the influence of ninefold squares of lunar nodes with Uranus, the President Obama and his administration should take extra precaution in dealing with foreign matters during the third and the last week of the month.
The Country:
Although the first three weeks of March (except for political bickering) are relatively good for the country from economical expansion standpoint, the deadly influence of ninefold squares of Uranus with lunar nodes, and also the influence of Uranus-Saturn ninefold quincunx may likely become responsible for increased violence, terrorism, man-made calamity, or social unrest in the United States.
The retrograde Mars in water sign Cancer will continue to create political chaos as well as volatility in financial markets. The Jupiter’s unprecedented transit through Aquarius means a great deal of prosperity and advances in science and technology. Aquarius being the most powerful air sign representing intelligence as well as spirituality, and with the presence of Neptune in Aquarius, Uranus in Pisces (a sign ruled by Jupiter) and Pluto in Sagittarius (another sign ruled by Jupiter), manifestation of a new level of intelligence and creativity in next three months is very likely.
· Russia: During the last two weeks of March, the Neptune-Rahu ninefold conjunction may become the cause for social as well as economic turmoil in Russia. Covert activities will certainly be on rise (but because of Neptune’s secretive character we may never know). Also, occurrences of natural and man-made calamities are likely.
· Europe: The first three weeks of March are favorable for Europe from economic progress standpoint. However, in the last week of March, due to the Neptune-Rahu ninefold conjunction, eastern European countries are also likely to be negatively influenced by this planetary configuration resulting into chaotic social climate and confusion. During the same time, occurrences of natural and man-made calamities are likely.
· China, Japan, and Pacific-rim countries: During the last two weeks of March, due to the negative influence of the Neptune-Rahu ninefold conjunction, social as well as economic turmoil in China can not be ruled out. Financial markets will become extremely volatile. Destruction of wealth due to natural calamities or man made accidents are also very likely. However, in March, Japan and the Pacific-rim-countries are likely to enjoy favorable economical growth period.
· Middle East: During the second half of March, upheaval in political and religious worlds is likely. Destruction of wealth due to natural calamities or man made accidents are also very likely. Other possibilities include outbreak of war or war like atmosphere in Afghanistan-Pakistan-India region.
· Religion: Generally, the religious projects that deal with expansion are likely to either stay on hold or experience sluggish progress. In religious world, things are likely to move at frustratingly slow rate. In the religious political arena what may seem like progress will turn out to be a disaster.
· Natural and Man-made Calamities: The natural calamities like extreme weather conditions, wildfires, heavy rains, air crashes, as well as man made accidents are more likely to occur on March 18-31.
Earthquakes: Based on our earthquake prediction model, the earthquake(s) of magnitude 7 or higher, if occur, are likely to occur on March 8-11, 17, 19-20, and 25-26. While man-made calamities may manifest themselves in terrorism, unrest, violence, accidents, and air crashes, the natural calamities are likely to include extreme weather conditions such as severe cold winters, and equally intensive droughts, hurricanes or typhoons, thunderstorms, earthquakes and fires.