Date Posted: April 30, 2002
As predicted last month, the first half of April was dominated with the Middle East conflict that continued through the first half of April with no letting up in terrorist activities in that part of the region (Israel and Palestine). Also, the first two of weeks of April were overwhelmed with news in the area of bio-technological and computer technology research, and almost the entire month of April was plagued with morality crisis (sexual conduct of cardinals and bishops in the churches of the United States) in the religious world, especially in the United States.
The major planetary configurations that are likely to influence the world events during May are: Uranus-Saturn (May 14-19), Uranus-Jupiter (May 4-7), and Rahu-Jupiter (May 25-27) ninefold trines. However, the evil Pluto-Mars (May 7-10) and scary Pluto-Saturn (May 19 – June 1) oppositions and destructive Uranus-Rahu/Ketu (May 18-31) ninefold squares will likely to become cause for another round of a fresh terrorist activity in the Middle East, United States, and to some extent in Europe.
The countries that are likely to make headline news are: USA, Israel, Palestine, European countries. Expect some sudden outbreak of war-like climate (particularly in the Middle East), and possibilities of man-made calamities (terrorism).
- United States: The last half of the month (May 18 – June 1) will turn out to be very crucial as either a new wave of terrorist activities are likely to hit the shores of the USA or USA getting deeply involved in the Middle East conflict and perhaps with military commitment as the Uranus-Rahu/Ketu squares will intensify the Middle East conflict. The conflict and the deep US involvement is likely to overwhelm the country and (perhaps) likely to manifest into hot political debates over the Middle East conflict as the third and the fourth week are certainly unfavorable for the entire country.
For President Bush this is the time of test of his Presidency as a serious regular and ninefold Pluto-Saturn opposition along the first-seventh house axis in his progressive ninefold chart will dominate this month causing him a lot of anguish. Bush administration must deal with difficult and serious issues and clearly define the course of action. Regardless of the outcome, President Bush will never forget the summer of 2002, perhaps the most difficult period of his career. In a nutshell, United States and particularly the President Bush and his administration should take extra precaution in dealing with foreign matters. Terrorist activities are very likely to occur in the United States besides the volatile region of the Middle-East (Israel and Palestine).
Except for the first two week of the month, Republic Party will be facing tough political issues and frustrating experiences.
For Democratic Party, the second half of the month is not favorable. The party must deal with the potential negative consequences of the issues that it has been riding with.
· Russia: No serious news are likely to come out of Russia that will significantly impact the world events during this month.
· China, Hong Kong, and Pacific-rim countries: For China, the entire month is a bag of mixed results as on one hand she will find it difficult to reconcile with her neighbors but on the economic front China is likely to do very well along with the other Pacific-rim countries.
· Europe: For the entire continent the second half of the month doesn’t look good. Economical conditions may suffer due to likelihood of outbreak of potential man-made terrorist activities.
· Religion: The world of religion is likely to enjoy the return of stability, and the current positive planetary forces will manifest into further expansion of the ongoing religious activities. However, the American churches will need some more time to heal from their recent morality crisis.
· Natural and Man-made Calamities: The days that could bring such calamities are likely to be: May 7-10 and May18-31. The areas that are going to be affected will be the United States, Israel, Palestine, Europe, and also some of the other Middle Eastern countries.
While man-made calamities may manifest themselves in terrorism, unrest, violence, and accidents, the natural calamities are likely to include extreme weather conditions such as severe cold winters in the northern hemisphere, and equally intensive droughts in the southern hemisphere; and thunderstorms, earthquakes, air crashes and fires.