Date Posted: April 30, 2010
On May 1, Jupiter leaves (sidereal) Aquarius and enters the next zodiac sign– Pisces. Jupiter’s transit from one zodiac sign to the next occurs, on average, once a year. Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, and it’s a mutable and water sign. Jupiter in Pisces means spiritual progress and peace around the world. For those who have well placed Jupiter in their birth charts are likely prosper and will have very happy time. In general, transit of Jupiter in Pisces is extremely positive. For one thing despite material unhappiness, people are likely to feel rejuvenated during this period. (It must be noted that despite Jupiter’s positive influence on world peace, effects of other planets should be taken into account to assess the net result or effect). In addition, the influence of contemporary religious leaders and mystics on society will shape the future direction of our social evolution through the religious and metaphysical debates. In general, the Pisces Jupiter is known to be responsible for world spiritual expansion. So from that perspective expect some positive spiritual changes during this period and welcome the Jupiter’s entry in Pisces.
On the other hand, the deadly influence of the debilitated Mars in the water sign Cancer will continue to be reflected in upheaval of political world till May 26. Also, during the same period financial markets will continue to be extremely volatile and destruction of wealth due to natural calamities or man made accidents are very likely. Other possibilities include an outbreak of war or war like atmosphere in Afghanistan-Pakistan-India region, and fire related accidents.
The fourth leg of the Saturn-Uranus opposition which occurred since April 18 will continue through May 7 along the sidereal Virgo-Pisces axis. In my opinion, this leg of the Saturn-Uranus opposition will be positive for the United States since this opposition occurs along the creative and spiritual Virgo-Pisces axis. Also, one of the manifestations of this opposition will be world financial market growth and less political instability around the world.
Other important planetary configurations for May include: Saturn-Jupiter opposition (May 17-27), Rahu-Mars (May 4-7) and Neptune-Saturn (April 18 – July 10) quincunxes, Pluto-Rahu/Ketu (May 1-9) and Neptune-Saturn (May 1-8) ninefold squares. The auspicious planetary configurations include Saturn-Rahu (April 1 – May 19) and Pluto-Neptune (May 1-18) ninefold trines and Saturn-Ketu ninefold sextile.
While the Saturn-Uranus opposition will be positive for the USA, the accompanied social and spiritual transformations will be distinctly reflected in irreversible changes in American people’s attitude and interests. These changes at first may seem chaotic, but they lay the foundation of the the next level of social and spiritual transformation of the American people.
The Neptune-Saturn quincunx may become responsible for increased covert activities in Middle East, Russia, Europe and China. The manifestation of Rahu-Mars quincunx will be reflected in renewed violence and instability in Middle East and India-Pakistan region.
The Neptune-Saturn ninefold square is likely to become responsible for a temporary setback for republicans and conservatives in the United States and increased covert activities in Europe and Russia. The ninefold squares of Pluto with the lunar nodes Rahu and ketu will certainly make its mark by manifesting itself in the form of increased violence in Israeli-Palestine as well as Middle-East region.
The Saturn-Jupiter opposition is very important for transformation of religious norms as they have been going on involving the Pope and Vatican. The auspicious ninefold trines and sextiles will likely be the cause for scientific advances and technological breakthrough in areas such as biotechnology, medicine, high tech and space sciences as well as for world economic growth and increased political stability around the globe.
The countries that are most likely to be affected during this month will be: Russia, China, European countries, United States of America and Middle-East (Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Palestine and Israel).
- United States of America:
President Obama and his administration:
His operating planet Neptune, continues to be in the seventh house of his progressive chart. And therefore, President Obama will continue dealing with people of political spin and deception. With Saturn in the seventh house of his ninefold progressive chart it’s not going to be easy for him as his republican adversaries will keep on attacking him and try to prevent him in advancing his political agenda. However in the end (soon after May 26) he is likely to prevail over his adversaries and be successful in effectively governing the country. During May the transiting Neptune opposes his natal Rahu, and as a result, he will be more challenged by the staunch conservatives than the extreme liberals. In addition, the transiting Uranus quincunxes with his natal Rahu, and therefore, again he is very likely to be publicly drilled and scrutinized by the republicans.
Because Mars has been transiting in the twelfth house of his progressive chart his political ride will continue to be stressful requiring constant awareness to effectively deal that stress until at least May 26 when Mars leaves sidereal Cancer and enters Leo.
The Country:
The fourth leg of the Saturn-Uranus opposition (April 18 – May 7) along the sidereal Virgo-Pisces axis will be positive for the United States from political stability and economic expansion standpoint, since this opposition occurs along the creative and spiritual Virgo-Pisces axis. However, during the same period, the accompanied social and spiritual transformations will be distinctly reflected in irreversible changes in American people’s attitude and interests. These changes at first may seem chaotic, but they lay the foundation of the the next level of social and spiritual transformation of the American society.
The Neptune-Saturn ninefold square is likely to become responsible for a temporary setback for republicans and conservatives in the United States. The auspicious ninefold trines and sextiles will likely be the cause for scientific advances and technological breakthrough in areas such as biotechnology, medicine, high tech and space sciences as well as for world economic growth.
· Russia: The first ten days of May may prove to be very challenging for the Russian government from political, social and economic turmoil standpoint. Covert activities will certainly be on rise during the entire month, and occurrences of natural and man-made calamities are more likely during the first two weeks of the month.
· Europe: The first week of May is likely to be disastrous one from social and economical progress standpoint. In addition, the religious freedom and politics are likely to get tangled during the second half of the month to redefine the new norms of the society. For instance, the ban on Muslim wearing Vail in France may become an important force to transform the entire Europe to a new level of society and its functioning. During the first two weeks the occurrences of natural and man-made calamities are likely.
· China, Japan, and Pacific-rim countries: From the economic expansion standpoint, except China, the entire region is likely to enjoy a very positive period. For China, the entire month is not positive both politically as well as economically. During the same period friction between the USA and China will be on rise. Financial markets will become extremely volatile. Destruction of wealth due to natural calamities or man made accidents are also likely.
· Middle East: During the first two weeks of May, terrorism, violence, social unrest are very likely in the region, especially in Israeli-Palestine and Afghan-Pakistani region. Also, religious authorities are likely to come under pressure as new wave of Woman’s freedom is likely to challenge the existing norms.
· Religion: The second half of the month will prove to be challenging for conservative religious leaders as they will be facing the changing world with new demands for redefining the morality standards and norms.
· Natural and Man-made Calamities: The natural calamities like extreme weather conditions, wildfires, heavy rains, air crashes, as well as man made accidents are more likely to occur on May 1-9.
Earthquakes: Based on our earthquake prediction model, the earthquake(s) of magnitude 7 or higher, if occur, are likely to occur on May 2-7, 11,16-20, 24-25 and 28-31.
While man-made calamities may manifest themselves in terrorism, unrest, violence, accidents, and air crashes, the natural calamities are likely to include extreme weather conditions such as severe cold winters, and equally intensive droughts, hurricanes or typhoons, thunderstorms, earthquakes and fires.