Date Posted: November 9, 2009
The most important planetary configurations for November include: Pluto-Saturn square (Nov 1 – Dec 5), Neptune-Rahu/Ketu (Nov 16-26) and Uranus-Saturn (Nov 24 – Dec 1) ninefold squares, and Pluto-Rahu (Nov 1-7) and Neptune-Saturn ninefold quincunxes. Other important planetary configurations include Uranus-Ketu (Nov 21 – Dec 24) trine, and Saturn-Ketu (Nov 7-10) ninefold sextile.
While Pluto-Saturn square may become responsible for increased violence, and man-made and natural calamities in the Middle East region , the Neptune-Rahu/Ketu ninefold squares are likely to manifest themselves into rise in covert activities and behind the scene world politics. Uranus-Saturn ninefold square will become responsible for increased tension between the USA and Russia as well as between USA and China. Pluto-Rahu ninefold quincunx will manifest in increased uncertainty and rising anxiety for European countries, and the Neptune-Saturn ninefold quincunx will be responsible for covert activities in Russia and China.
The auspicious Uranus-Ketu trine and Uranus-Rahu sextile will be positive for world economical growth and increased optimism for future all around the world.
The countries that are most likely to be affected during this month will be: European countries, Russia, China, Middle-East (Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Palestine and Israel), and the United States.
- United States of America:
President Obama and his administration:
For President Obama, his operating planet Ketu will be in the twelfth house of his progressive chart until November 23, and it will then move to the favorable eleventh house. As a result, he will be successful in getting his plans approved, and also, he will experience rise in his popularity. However, the transiting Ketu will oppose with his natal Saturn in first half of the month putting a bit pressure on him to be more defensive. But by the end of the month he is likely get help and be successful with in pursuing his health care reform and fiscal economical policies.
During this month Rahu will conjunct his natal Saturn, and as a result, minor health issues may come to the surface that must attend to. But overall before the month ends he is likely to shed his difficult period and move on to achieve more challenging objectives of serving his people.
The Country:
The Neptune-Saturn ninefold quincunx is not positive for republicans as they will be on defensive during the first week of November. Also, the Pluto-Saturn square will pose more challenges for republicans to maintain their credibility and power. For the democrats the last two weeks are mixed. While the Uranus-Ketu trine is very auspicious in achieving their agenda in both the house and senate, the Uranus-Saturn ninefold square will test their political will during the last week of the month.
The Uranus-Rahu ninefold sextile will manifest in new advances in science and technology through innovations and breakthroughs.
· Russia: The Pluto-Saturn square, and Uranus-Saturn ninefold square are certainly not positive for Russian government during the entire month. These planetary forces will manifest themselves in creating new friction with the western world including the USA. The Neptune-Rahu/Ketu ninefold squares will further add to their problems as unsuccessful covert activities will bring shame to the government. During second half of the month rise in natural and man-made calamities are likely.
· Europe: The Pluto-Saturn square and the Uranus-Saturn ninefold square may become responsible for increased economical challenges for the continent as well as friction between the USA and the European Union. Neptune-Rahu/Ketu ninefold squares will create political deception in the continent with more confusion as to what stand the Union should take in the world politics. During the last two weeks of the month the occurrences of natural and man-made calamities are likely.
· China, Japan, and Pacific-rim countries: The Pluto-Saturn square, and Uranus-Saturn ninefold square are certainly not favorable for China during the entire month from both political and economical progress standpoint. The friction between the USA and China is likely to escalate during the last week of the month. Also, during the same period likelihood of natural or man-made calamities is high.
· Middle East: The Pluto-Saturn square, and Uranus-Saturn ninefold square will be responsible for increased violence in the Middle-East region (Iran, Iraq, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Afghanistan, and Pakistani region) during the entire month. The influence of Increased covert activities in Afghanistan and Pakistan will be reflected in shift of power in that region.
· Religion: Relatively the month of November is likely to be more peaceful for religious activities around the world.
· Natural and Man-made Calamities: The natural calamities like droughts, wildfires, heavy rains, air crashes, severe weather conditions, as well as man made accidents are more likely to occur on November 11-20 and 24-30.
Earthquakes: Based on our earthquake prediction model, the earthquake(s) of magnitude 7 or higher, if occur, are likely to occur on November 12, 17 and 26-27.
While man-made calamities may manifest themselves in terrorism, unrest, violence, accidents, and air crashes, the natural calamities are likely to include extreme weather conditions such as severe cold winters, and equally intensive droughts, hurricanes or typhoons, thunderstorms, earthquakes and fires.