Date Posted: September 30, 2002
As predicted last month, during September, there were clear signs of declining violence and natural or man-made accidents, and again as predicted, the violence irrupted only during the third week of September (September 18 and 19) in the form of bus bombings in Israel and civilian killings in Kashmir. Also, President Bush indeed announced his plans to dethrone Saddam Hussein in Iraq during the last week (Sept 24 onwards) of the month and took his case to Americans for winning their support.
With retrograde Mercury delaying plans or activities till October 7, and then beginning October 11, both retrograde Saturn and retrograde Venus poised to turn our lives (relationships, dealings, and daily chores) into messy and frustrating ones mainly due to either by clouds of suspicion, misunderstandings or by happenings that are beyond our control, the month of October for most of us, it seems, going to be a real trying one. And that frustration will reflect in world politics. Delays which are longer than normal and poor payoffs for painstaking efforts by world leaders to make our world a better place are likely to become norms during October. However, on a positive note, Pluto-Jupiter trine will be responsible for an emergence of a new philosophy, and people will welcome this philosophy as a refreshing change in their lives. Religious leaders who are ready to embrace this liberal yet morality based philosophy are likely to see their popularity on rise.
Major planetary configurations that are going to influence news around the world in October are: Neptune-Uranus ninefold quincunx, Uranus-Pluto ninefold (Sept 24-Oct 11) and Saturn-Mars regular squares, Pluto-Neptune (Sept 10-Oct 6), Uranus-Rahu (Sept 3-Oct 5) ninefold and Pluto-Jupiter regular trines, and Pluto-Saturn (Oct 7-26) ninefold sextile, and retrograde Mercury, Venus, and Saturn. While the favorable ninefold trines and sextiles will be responsible for world stability and prosperity, the retrograde Saturn, Venus, and Mercury along with the squares and quincunx will likely to unfavorably tilt the overall balance more towards pessimism and frustration.
The countries that are likely to dominate media will be: United States, Russia, Iraq, Israel, Palestine, and some European and Middle-East countries. Religions around the world are likely to experience transformation that are likely to be more inline with people’s needs and creativity. However, a possibility exists that major world religions may find themselves on a collision course, but in my opinion, humanity will prevail in subverting the likely disaster.
- United States of America: Neptune-Uranus ninefold quincunx is likely to create an environment of deception at workplaces, social gatherings, and political rallies. It would be difficult to separate reality from deception. The relationship between Russia and USA (particularly Bush administration) is likely to become more strained, and as a result, President Bush will find himself frustrated in carrying out his crusade of dethroning of Saddam Hussein’s regime in Iraq. President Bush and his administration must be careful in dealing with his allies, and based on his progressive chart, he is likely to face an uphill battle both at home (Republicans) and abroad (allies) in convincing them the need for overthrowing the Saddam Hussein’s regime, and subsequently may be forced to abandon his idea of taking Saddam Hussein’s regime out sometimes in October or November. If not, he is destined to face a very challenging and frustrating fall and possibly winter with a failed mission. From health standpoint, it would be prudent of him to take extra care of his health and safety during this month.
During the second week of October (Oct 12-15) the Republican party is likely to suffer a political setback. In general, both democrats and republicans are likely to play safe with least amount of friction between them at least until the fourth week of the month. Extreme weather conditions and a possibility of a severe natural or man-made disaster is likely during the first eleven days of the month.
· Russia: Despite a likelihood of strenuous relationship with Bush administration Putin administration should have relatively easy time during Oct 7-26. The economic progress will continue unabated. However, a possibility of a political or social crisis during Oct 12-15 period can not be ruled out.
· Europe: October is not going to be so bad for Europe. Besides a likelihood of either natural or man-made calamity during the second week of the month, the continent should experience a smooth sailing though this month.
· India and Pakistan: For the subcontinent the period of October 12-15 is not favorable. During those days the tension along the border and cross-border terrorism is likely to rise.
· Religion: In general, October may prove to be a crucial month for world religions. While a lot of progress is expected in expanding religious activities all around the world, a possibility of religious turmoil exists, especially in the United States, during October 18-22 period. In addition, there is a possibility that major world religions may find themselves on a collision course, but in my opinion, it’s likely to be a short lived event.
· Natural and Man-made Calamities: Except for the first eleven days, October, will likely to be a relatively quiet month. More accident prone period, in my opinion, will be October 1-11, and perhaps October 12-15 affecting mostly United States, Israel, and Palestine.
While man-made calamities may manifest themselves in terrorism, unrest, violence, and accidents, the natural calamities are likely to include extreme weather conditions such as severe cold winters, and equally intensive droughts; and thunderstorms, earthquakes, air crashes and fires.