Date Posted: September 30, 2005
October begins with three major planetary events.
Jupiter’s entry in sidereal Libra (September 27) is certainly a good news for material prosperity all around the world (However, it must be noted that despite Jupiter’s positive influence on world material prosperity, effects of other planets should be taken into account to assess the net result). World economies are likely to expand. Also, judicial systems around the world are likely to become focus of public scrutiny, and as a result, implementation of positive changes within the existing system will be incorporated. In addition, the influence of contemporary philosophers on society will shape the future direction of our social evolution through the philosophical and metaphysical debates. In general, Libra Jupiter is known to be responsible for justice and fairness. So from that perspective expect some positive human right related changes during this period and welcome the Jupiter’s entry to Libra.
The second astrological event is Mars turning retrograde in sidereal Aries. On October 2, Mars becomes retrograde in the sidereal zodiac sign Aries and stays retrograde till December 10. And further Mars continues to remain in Aries well beyond the end of 2005. Since the fire sign Aries is ruled by Mars the influence of retrograde Mars will be significantly felt both individually as well as collectively. For one thing the fire related disasters (both natural and man-made) are more likely to occur during its retrograde period. In addition, frequency of suicide bombings, terrorism, and fighting reflecting personal revenge and cruelty will be very high. In particular, engineers, designers, construction workers, people who work in military, leaders, managers and like are likely to be more affected than others. On collective level, a rise in political tension among developed nations and destruction of wealth due to natural calamities or man made accidents are more likely. Other possibilities include escalation in a warlike climate, and of course, increased covert activities among developed nations.
The third major event is the total solar eclipse which occurs on October 3, approximately during the hours of 8:00 to 13:00 GMT. This eclipse will be visible in continents of Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and the east-coast of South America. This eclipse is important since the Sun and Moon will be within 3-4 degrees from Ketu, the Southern or descending node, in the sidereal zodiac sign Virgo. As a result, this eclipse is likely to manifest into natural or man-made (or both) disasters causing severe destruction of wealth (Virgo) and perhaps lives.
The other planetary configurations that may play significant roles in influencing October are Mars-Pluto quincunx and Pluto-Rahu/Ketu ninefold squares.
The countries that are likely to make headline news are: Iraq, Middle Eastern countries including Israel and Palestine, India and Pakistan, and USA.
- United States of America:
President Bush and his administration:
Pluto’s trine with his natal Venus will continue to help president Bush maintain his focus on his political agenda and achieve partial results, especially the ones that deal with domestic issues. However, the entire month will be negative for him from health and safety standpoint as stationary retrograde Neptune will quincunx his natal Sun. In addition, during the second half of the month, Saturn’s transit through his natal Mercury and Pluto will not only put pressure on him from health standpoint but also, he will have trouble staying focused as he is likely to be under extreme emotional and mental pressure.
As his ninefold Saturn will be transiting his first and the second house of his progressive chart, at personal level, he will be under tremendous stress and likely to make political mistakes. In addition, the ninefold retrograde Mars transiting through his second and the first house of his progressive chart will certainly make him irritated and angry in dealing not only with the media but with his own administration. Also, personally he is likely to suffer monetary loss.
Pretty much the entire month will prove to be challenging for Bush administration in dealing with international crisis such as post Iraq war issues, and Israel-Palestine conflict.
The Country:
The retrograde Mars and the Mars-Pluto quincunx (Oct 7-18) will certainly be responsible for military related news or undesired happenings involving military. The military activities in Iraq and Afghanistan are likely to accelerate. The terrorists may get upper hand over military.
The Uranus-Jupiter ninefold square (Oct 12-14) may manifest in a religious or morality related crisis that will likely to create a platform for a renewed friction between liberals and conservatives.
For the Republic party October 21-29 period will certainly prove to be a disaster one as it will fail to address the current domestic challenges. In addition, a continued friction between senior party leaders and the Bush administration on post-Iraq war conflict will be reflected in news.
The democrats are likely to enjoy pretty much the entire month of smooth sailing except for Oct 12-16 period.
· Russia: The first week (till Oct 4) and possibly Oct 21-29 period doesn’t look good Putin administration as new domestic challenges are likely to emerge, some of which will be required be dealt immediately. The good news is with Neptune becoming direct on October 27, going forward, most of the stalled domestic issues will be resolved. Economic growth will continue to maintain its current pace.
· Europe: The Mars-Pluto quincunx will be reflected in uncertain and anxiety filled environment during Oct 7-18 period all over the Europe. While Uranus-Saturn ninefold sextile will provide the needed help from USA in dealing with terrorism, the attempts of suicide bombings and terrorist attacks in civilian work place are more likely during Oct 21-29 period. In addition, during the same period events of natural calamity are likely.
· China, Japan, and Pacific-rim countries: In general the entire months for China, Japan, and the Pacific-rim countries region is positive. The economic growth will be phenomenal.
· Religion: Although religion and religious leaders are likely to enjoy the month with positive results the ninefold squares between Pluto and lunar nodes (Oct 21-29) and also between Uranus and Jupiter (Oct 12-14) may become responsible for new morality related challenges which will reflect the demands from more liberal reforms.
· Natural and Man-made Calamities: The total solar eclipse (Oct 3), Mars-Pluto quincunx, and ninefold squares between Pluto and lunar nodes will manifest in both the natural and man-made disasters. While Mars-Pluto quincunx (Oct 7-18) is likely to manifest in the form of violence, suicide bombings, and fire related natural disasters the Pluto-Rahu/Ketu (Oct 21-29) squares are likely to be responsible for chaotic situation, especially in Europe and in Middle East region. Thus, the periods of calamities are: Oct 3, Oct 7-18, and Oct 21-29, the last one being more predominant.
While man-made calamities may manifest themselves in terrorism, unrest, violence, accidents, and air crashes, the natural calamities are likely to include extreme weather conditions such as severe cold winters, and equally intensive droughts; hurricanes or typhoons, thunderstorms, earthquakes and fires.