Date Posted: September 30, 2011
The important challenging planetary configurations for October include Saturn-Rahu (Oct 14-17) ninefold quincunx, Neptune-Saturn (Sept 28 – Oct 2) and Neptune-Jupiter (Oct 1-6) ninefold squares, and Uranus-Saturn (Oct 11-19) ninefold opposition.
The auspicious planetary configurations for October are: Pluto-Neptune (Sept 29 – Oct 22) and Neptune-Jupiter (Oct 30 – Nov 3) ninefold trines; Rahu-Mars (Oct 15-17) and Pluto-Jupiter (Oct 21 – Nov 2) trines; Neptune-Uranus (Oct 8 – Nov 4), Pluto-Uranus (Oct 10-22), Neptune-Saturn (Oct 22-27), Pluto-Saturn (Oct 26-31) ninefold sextiles and Saturn-Mars (Oct 23-27) sextile.
Saturn-Rahu ninefold quincunx may become responsible for political and social unrest in Russia or China. In the United State, for the Republic Party and republicans, it may prove to be prudent to stay on guard during Oct 14-17.
The manifestation of Neptune-Jupiter ninefold square will be reflected in the challenges the world religions are likely to face. The religious leaders, who are willing to be open minded and ready to listen and act on new and fresh ideas, are the ones that going to be responsible to transform our religious world to a new level. Others are going to fade away with time.
The Uranus-Saturn ninefold conjunction may result in the increased tension between the United States of America and Russia, China and Europe. Russia and China may experience social or political turmoil at home.
The influence of auspicious Pluto-Neptune ninefold trine, Neptune-Uranus ninefold sextile and Pluto-Jupiter trine are in general positive for the world as follows:
The Pluto-Neptune ninefold trine will bring terrorism under control or even wipe out major terrorist cells through covert operation. Furthermore, this ninefold trine is good for Russia and to some extent for China. Also, on technological front, expect some positive breakthroughs in medical, high technology and biotechnological fields.
The Neptune-Uranus ninefold sextile will be responsible for an extraordinary time for collective spiritual growth, technological discoveries and inventions. For the United States, in general, it’s going to be a remarkable and very successful period.
The Pluto-Jupiter trine’s positive influence will be reflected in changes in religious, academic and to some extent in social fields. Initial reaction to these changes might appear to be a bit confusing and perhaps chaotic, but the majority of us are going to embrace this new wave of change, and are very likely to enjoy it.
The countries that are more likely to be affected during this month will be: United States of America, Russia, China, Europe and Middle-East (Libya, Egypt, Syria, Saudi-Arabia, Yemen, Iraq, Iran, Palestine and Israel).
- United States of America:
President Obama and his administration:
President Obama’s operating planet Neptune has been opposing his natal Rahu since mid-July and will continue opposing natal Rahu till January 20, 2012. With Neptune in the seventh house of his progressive chart, it’s a very challenging and deceptive environment around him, making it very difficult for him to deal with the current pressing issues: the economy, international dealings, and deficit. The Neptune in the fourth house of his ninefold progressive chart will force him to deal with the domestic issues, such as homeland security and immigration. However, with Jupiter in Aries, the 9th house (11th from the eleventh) of his progressive chart, he will continue to be amiable, and will continue to slowly but surely inch towards to successfully lead the country to progress.
The Country:
After October 2, the influence of the Neptune-Saturn ninefold square will be diminished and a clear picture may begin to emerge about the possible republican front runner. The Neptune-Uranus ninefold sextile will be responsible for a rewarding period for the United States. This successful period will be highlighted with collective spiritual growth, technological discoveries and inventions. The influence of Pluto-Uranus ninefold sextile will be reflected in technological and economical growth. The Pluto-Jupiter trine’s positive influence will be reflected in changes in religious, academic and to some extent in social fields.
· Russia: The first couple of days of October may prove to be challenging for Russia from political perspective, and it will be reflected in her domestic as well as international political instability. During the same period, the natural or man-made calamities will be on rise. However, after the first week of October, a very favorable period is likely to return with economic growth and political stability.
· Europe: Except for first few days of October and during Oct 22-26, the entire month looks to be positive for Europe from the economical growth and political stability standpoint. During the first few days of October, covert activities, political unrest and occurrences of natural or man-made calamities maybe on rise, and the deception will continue to play an important part in European politics during Oct 1-3, and perhaps it will be reflected in continued economical crisis in Greece, Portugal, Italy and Spain. The period of Oct 22-26 is not positive since the possibility of increased friction between USA and Europe becomes high.
· China, Japan, and Pacific-rim countries: For China, the first couple of days of October may prove to be challenging from the political and economical standpoint. But after October 4 or so, the entire month looks to be very positive for the entire region from the economical growth standpoint.
· Middle East: Although Saturn-Rahu ninefold quincunx and Uranus-Saturn ninefold conjunction may become responsible for violence and unrest in Middle East, overall, the entire month in general looks to be lot more peaceful and prosperous than other months.
· Religion: The auspicious influence of the Pluto-Jupiter trine during the last two weeks of the month will be reflected in religious challenges that religious authorities will be forced to deal with. The resulting changes might appear to be a bit confusing and perhaps chaotic, but the majority of those changes are going to be responsible for spiritually transforming the world to a level never seen before.
· Natural and Man-made Calamities: The natural calamities like extreme weather conditions, wildfires, hurricanes, heavy rains, air crashes as well as man made accidents are more likely to occur on October 1-3, 14-17 and 22-26.
Earthquakes: Based on the new earthquake prediction model, the earthquake(s) of magnitude 7 or higher, if occur, are likely to occur on October 7, 10, 12, 16-18, 22-23 and 26-29.
While man-made calamities may manifest themselves in terrorism, unrest, violence, accidents, and air crashes, the natural calamities are likely to include extreme weather conditions such as severe cold winters, and equally intensive droughts, hurricanes or typhoons, thunderstorms, earthquakes and fires.