Date Posted: September 30, 2017
About President Donald Trump and his challenges……
President Trump’s operating planets (the planets that presently influence him most) continue to be, until October 25, Saturn, Venus and Mars. And after October 25, Saturn and Venus.
During October, the Saturn will be in sidereal Scorpio (the sixth house of his progressive chart) till October 24 ( and in his ninefold progressive chart in the 10th house) and then after October 24, it enters in sidereal Sagittarius, the seventh house of his progressive chart and the 11th house of his ninefold progressive chart. Venus will be in sidereal Leo and Virgo, the third and the fourth house of his progressive chart. The Mars will be in the third house of his progressive chart until Oct 13, then in the fourth house till the rest of the month.
From Dasa standpoint, until October 24, while Saturn seems to become favorable for making it easy for him to move forward possibly with his legislative agenda (DACA immigration, health care, tax reform and budget), the 10th house resident ninefold Saturn will be responsible for more challenges in dealing not only with his legislative agenda but also with foreign affairs and adversaries. After October 24, Saturn becomes unfavorable (being in the seventh house of his progressive chart) for him and therefore, Mr. trump is likely to cause a lot stir by exhibiting immature and senseless behavior in dealing with his friends and adversaries alike.
The third and the fourth house resident transiting Venus will probably be positive for him for his showmanship.
While until October 13, the third house resident Mars remains favorable for him from better governing standpoint, however, after October 13 through October 25, Mars. being in the fourth house of his progressive chart, will become responsible for increasing friction between him and his family members as well as between him and his cabinet members.
More importantly, when the planetary transits with respect to his natal chart are considered, the transiting Saturn has been opposing his natal Rahu (July 10 – Oct 10). As a result, he will continue likely to delve in matters that will prove to be self destructive, resulting in failures due to his impulsive and unpredictable behavior. Additionally, the transiting Saturn has been in conjunction with his natal Ketu (July 10 – Oct 10) and his natal Moon (June 28 – Oct 18), and the manifestation of these transits have been reflected in family crisis (Donald Jr.’s Russian connection) and his separation from his family members (possibly Donald Jr., Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump). Furthermore, the transiting Saturn will oppose his natal Sun (Oct 11 – Nov 4) resulting in self destructive and self humiliating behavior, and (the transiting Saturn) will quincunx his natal Saturn (Oct 21 – Nov 13) making him more confrontational and perhaps irrational, and therefore making him more frustrated and tired.
Thus, while the operating planet Saturn (till October 25) and the operating planet Mars (till Oct 13) is not so unfavorable for him from the Dasa cycle standpoint, the same planets Saturn and Mars become very unfavorable later in the month. Also, the influence of transiting Saturn as explained above, may become responsible for yet another extremely challenging, trying and serious month for him to deal with people around him and his political agenda. Perhaps, the second half of October may prove to be extremely critical for him in saving his presidency.
As indicated last October (2016) in my US 2016 Presidential Election prediction, column,as reproduced below, there was a very strong possibility that President Trump would have difficulty remaining in power and have to let that power go.
“However, I must add that, regardless of the election outcome, the destiny of the United States, which in my opinion, is very much dependent on the transiting Uranus. And because the retrograde Uranus being temporarily back in the sidereal Pisces and will not return to sidereal Aries (the cardinal fire sign) until April 2017, there’s a strong possibility that the election outcome may not matter come April 2017. Without being sensationalizing and dramatizing the future of the United States, I think that when Uranus returns to sidereal Aries in April 2017 it will certainly and drastically change the political landscape. As a result, it’s very likely that the person who will be the leading the world’s powerful nation then as the president of the USA will be a different one.”
August 30, 2017
While the strong possibility of President Trump let his power go has not so far materialized, he is not out of woods yet as the transiting Saturn opposes his natal Rahu and conjuncts his natal Ketu (July 10 – Oct 10) (demeaning, impulsive, arrogant, divisive, vicious and failures); conjuncts his natal Moon (June 28 – Oct 18) (family crisis); opposes his natal Sun (Oct 11 – Nov 4) (self destructive and self humiliating), quincunxes his natal Saturn (Oct 21 – Nov 13) (confrontational, frustrating and tired) and quincunxes his natal Venus (Nov 10-30) (governing mess).
Jupiter’s transit in the sidereal zodiac sign Libra (September 11)
On September 11, Jupiter left (sidereal) Virgo and entered the next zodiac sign, Libra. Jupiter’s transit from one zodiac sign to the next occurs, on average, once a year. Jupiter will stay in Libra until October 11, 2018. Libra being cardinal and air sign ruled by Venus, the Libra Jupiter’s manifestation will be reflected in changes and enhancement of judiciary system, especially for the United States, since Jupiter will be in opposition with Uranus during the first month (September 15 – October 15) after it enters Libra (and even afterwards), I wouldn’t surprised some important landmark cases will be handled by the Supreme Court of the United States during this one month period. Judicial systems around the world are also likely to become focus of public scrutiny, and as a result, implementation of positive changes within the existing system are likely.
In addition, the influence of contemporary philosophers on society will shape the future direction of our social evolution through the philosophical and metaphysical debates. In general, Libra Jupiter is known to be responsible for justice and fairness. So from that perspective, expect some positive human right related changes during this period and welcome the Jupiter’s entry in Libra.
The manifestation of the Uranus-Jupiter opposition (almost through the entire year, especially during the rest of 2017) will also be reflected in the changes the way we understand and perceive the role of religion and what religion means to us.
Because Libra being the air sign representing intelligence, humanity, society, rule of law etc., lawyers, judges, academia (professors, teachers, researchers), social reformers, philosophers, philanthropists and religious leaders are likely to lead us into future. Also, Venus being the ruler of this sign and Jupiter’s tendency of expansion of qualities of the sign it transits, a new wave of artists, musicians, art directors, actors, film producers, architects, etc., are likely to influence the society through their work and through their subtle but long lasting impressions.
For those who have well placed Jupiter and Venus in their birth charts, are likely to enjoy the Jupiter’s transit in Libra. In general, transit of Jupiter in Libra is positive. For one thing spirituality and humanity related endeavors around the world are likely to expand.
On individual levels, for those who have dominant Jupiter in their birth charts and have Aries, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Aquarius as their natal ninefold ascendant are likely to experience a very positive twelve months period beginning September 11. It must be noted that despite Jupiter’s positive influence on world, for individuals, effects of other planets in their birth charts should also be taken into account to assess the net result or effect.
Retrograde Saturn’s return to the sidereal Scorpio (June 22 – Oct 24)
On June 22, the retrograde Saturn returned to the sidereal zodiac sign Scorpio, and it became direct on August 25. It will stay in Scorpio until October 24. Then it reenters sidereal Sagittarius and remains there till January 23, 2020.
Scorpio being the water and fixed sign, for the next four months, Saturn will strongly influence the world psyche, world religions, commerce, and economy. In addition, Scorpio (disease, epidemics) Saturn (restrictions, challenges) can be very conducive for spreading of viruses. Scorpio being a water sign (emotions, violence) and ruled by Mars (aggression, power and violence), it is the most complicated (misunderstood) sign of the zodiac, and when Saturn (the planet of restriction and challenges) transits through this sign, typical manifestation of this transit are: wars, violence, disagreements, sufferings, mental sickness, injustice, famine and chaos in general.
Those who have Saturn in Scorpio will see their lives transformed to a new setting (Saturn return) due to a drastic change (mostly at emotional and psychological level). In my opinion, it’s going to be a very positive and exciting four months for those who have dominant Saturn in their birth chart and have Virgo, Gemini, Aquarius, and Capricorn as their natal ninefold (Navmansha) ascendant.
On a world political scene, countries like India and Pakistan will make news headlines. Covert activities in most part of the world will be on rise. Terrorism or terrorist activities will gain new found momentum with increasing number of incidences. The Middle-East region will continue to be the battle ground, especially the countries like Syria, Israel, Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Turkey and Iran.
Global Predictions……
The important challenging planetary configurations for October include Pluto-Uranus (Oct 3-17) ninefold opposition, Uranus-Mars (Oct 15-17) quincunx and Pluto-Saturn (Oct 16-25) ninefold quincunx, and Saturn-Mars (Oct 9-11) square.
The Pluto-Uranus (Oct 3-17) ninefold opposition may become responsiblefora unique change in the way the Trump administration deals with other nations with respect to its war against terrorism, and also with the domestic matters. There will be a transformation of a political strategy that might become responsible of a change in the current political agenda and foreign policy matters of the Trump administration as the planet Pluto with its tremendous energy has a power of irreversibly transforming the field of politics to a new level or setting with a new set of norms. Expect some serious issues that the Trump administration could get tangled with.
The manifestation of the Pluto-Saturn (Oct 16-25) ninefold quincunx will be reflected in an outbreak of violence and terrorist activities in Middle-East, a strong possibility of natural as well as man-made calamities, and to some extent, war-like climate in some part of the world. Tension between North Korea and the United States will remain unabated. Some of the east-European countries, Russia, and China may experience political as well as social turmoil.
The Uranus-Mars (Oct 15-17) quincunx may become responsible for natural and man-made calamities, especially in the United States of America.
The Saturn-Mars (Oct 9-11) square means a strong possibility of a short term but very intensive friction between India and Pakistan. Terrorism and violence around the world, especially in Syria, Afghanistan and Israel-Palestine area will be on rise. Outbreak of an undesirable happening, and occurrences of both natural and man-made calamities can also be not ruled out.
The important auspicious planetary configuration for October include Saturn-Rahu (Sept 15 – Oct 4) trine and Pluto-Rahu (Oct 22-31) ninefold trine.
The Saturn-Rahu (Sept 15 – Oct 4) trine is going to be favorable for conservatives in the United States. Republicans with possible help from conservative democrats in the both houses are likely to get some important legislative items passed. This is also favorable period for economic expansion.
The manifestation of the Pluto-Rahu (Oct 22-31) ninefold trine may be reflected in a good period for economy. This period is also good for progress in technical fields (new innovations and discoveries) and religious reconciliation.
The countries that are more likely to be affected during this month are: The United States of America, India and Pakistan, the Middle East (Syria, Afghanistan and Palestine-Israel regions), Russia, China and European countries.
Natural and Man-made Calamities……..
The natural calamities like extreme weather conditions, wildfires, hurricanes, heavy rains, snow storms, air crashes as well as man made accidents are more likely to occur during October 3-25.
Earthquakes: Based on the Earthquake prediction model III the earthquake(s) of magnitude 7 or higher, if occur, are likely to occur on October 1-2, 21-22. Please note that these dates refer to the Universal time (GMT). For your convenience, the earthquake predictions for the entire year 2017 are provided at Earthquake Predictions 2017. While man-made calamities may manifest themselves in terrorism, unrest, violence, accidents, and air crashes, the natural calamities are likely to include extreme weather conditions such as severe cold winters, and equally intensive droughts, hurricanes or typhoons, thunderstorms, earthquakes and fires