Date Posted: August 31, 2008
The important planetary configurations for September include: Saturn-Jupiter, Rahu-Mars, Neptune-Mars trines; Pluto-Neptune, Saturn-Ketu, Pluto-Saturn and Uranus-Saturn ninefold trines; Uranus-Mars and Saturn-Rahu quincunxes, Saturn-Jupiter and Neptune-Saturn ninefold conjunctions.
In general, September is likely to witness more positive than negative events around the world. World economies will likely to grow and the financial markets likely to experience bullishness. Phenomenal growth in technological (through breakthroughs) and scientific areas (through innovations) are very likely.
Uranus-Mars quincunx (Sept 17-19) may become responsible for unwanted events around the globe, especially in the United States. These unwanted events may include natural calamities. Saturn-Rahu quincunx (Sept 29 – Oct 9) and Pluto-Saturn ninefold quincunx (Sept 28 – Oct 3) will be the cause for continued violence in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq, Israel and Palestine region.
The countries that are most likely to be affected during the month would be: United States, Middle-East (Iraq, Iran, Palestine and Israel), Russia, Europe and China.
- United States of America:
President Bush and his administration:
President Bush’s operating and the currently dominating planet Pluto will continue transiting though the 7th house of his ninefold progressive chart during September. In addition, all through September, the transiting Pluto will quincunx his natal Saturn-his other operating planet. As a result, his frustration will continue in dealing with international matters as well as with post war Iraq crisis. As it has been, his ability to govern the country will continue its slide, and it will be reflected in his failures in dealing with the representatives of congress (both republicans and democrats) as well as with his own administration. Towards the end of the month (last week of September) the transiting Uranus will square his natal Uranus and the lunar nodes. As a result, expect more disagreements between him and his friends and close advisors. Misunderstanding and confusion will also take the center-stage with regards to domestic and foreign matter issues.
The Country:
Uranus-Mars (Sept 17-19) and Saturn-Rahu (Sept 29 – Oct 9) quincunxes may become responsible for natural and man-made calamities and outbreak of an unwanted social or political crisis.
Saturn-Jupiter, Neptune-Mars and Rahu-Mars trines along with Pluto-Neptune, Uranus-Saturn ninefold trines are very auspicious for the country. Religion and religious leaders will play positive role in enhancing their humanity-related activities. New inventions, scientific discoveries and technological advances will dominate the news. Technological breakthroughs in fields of medicine, biotechnology, high technology, and space science will lead the news and spotlights.
· Russia: Except for the last week of September (Sept 28 – Oct 9) the month seems to be reasonably positive for Russia. During the last week of the month, the crisis between Georgia and Russia may again intensify. During the same period occurrences of natural or man-made calamities are likely.
· Europe: Relatively the entire month is positive for the continent. Economic growth and bullish financial markets will dominate the news. Religious activities are likely to expand and those will include spiritual experiences.
· China, Japan, and Pacific-rim countries: From the economic growth standpoint China is likely to do very well in September. Also, for Japan and Pacific-rim countries, the month looks to be reasonably positive from economical progress standpoint.
· Middle East: Except for September 5-11, and September 28-30 periods, the month appears to be good. The political and social unrest and violence in Middle-East (Iraq, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Afghanistan, and Pakistan region) will only likely to be during the above specified dates.
· Religion: The positive influence of Saturn-Jupiter trine (September 2 -17) and Pluto-Neptune (September 11 – Oct 5) ninefold trine will be responsible for positive and productive religious as well as spiritual activities around the globe.
· Natural and Man-made Calamities: The notable dates for calamities around the world are likely to be: September 5-7, 17-19, and 28-30.
Earthquakes: Based on our earthquake prediction model, the earthquake(s) of magnitude 7 or higher, if occur, are likely to occur on September 8-10, 13-15, 20-21 and 24-25. While man-made calamities may manifest themselves in terrorism, unrest, violence, accidents, and air crashes, the natural calamities are likely to include extreme weather conditions such as severe cold winters, and equally intensive droughts, hurricanes or typhoons, thunderstorms, earthquakes and fires.