Date Posted: August 31, 2013
The important challenging planetary configurations for September include Pluto-Saturn (Sept 18-24) and Pluto-Rahu (Sept 27 – Oct 8) ninefold oppositions, Neptune-Mars (Sept 1-3), Pluto-Mars (Sept 9-11) and Uranus-Saturn (Sept 27 – Oct 10) quincunxes, Saturn-Mars (Sept 7-9) and Rahu/Ketu-Mars (Sept 11-12) squares, and Saturn-Rahu (Sept 18-30) conjunction.
The Saturn-Rahu conjunction (Saturn-Ketu opposition) may become responsible for social and political turmoil in Russia and China, chaos in the Republic Party of the United States and friction between moderate and conservative republicans.
The manifestations of Pluto-Saturn and Pluto-Rahu ninefold oppositions may be reflected in the outbreak of violence and terrorist activities, natural as well as man-made calamities, and to some extent, war-like climate in some parts (Syria) of the world. Tension between Israelis and Palestinians is likely to escalate again at a new level. Russia, and China may experience political or social turmoil.
The Neptune-Mars quincunx may become responsible for outbreak of covert activities among leading nations and the Pluto-Mars quincunx for outbreak of undesirable happenings and violence in the Middle East. In addition, both natural and man-made calamities are likely under the influence of these quincunxes.
The Uranus-Saturn quincunx may become responsible for increased tension between the United States of America and Russia or China.
The manifestations of Saturn-Mars square and the squares of the lunar nodes with Mars will be reflected in a short term but very intensive friction between India and Pakistan, and in terrorism and violence around the world, especially in Syria, Egypt and Israel-Palestine region. Outbreak of an undesirable happening, and occurrences of both natural and man-made calamities are also strong possibilities during the same periods.
The auspicious planetary configurations for September include Uranus-Mars (Sept 12-14) and Pluto-Ketu (Sept 14 – Oct 17) trines, Neptune-Ketu (Sept 1-21) ninefold trine, Saturn-Jupiter (Sept 1-9), Uranus-Saturn (Sept 9-13) and Neptune-Saturn (Sept 26 – Oct 1) ninefold sextiles, and Pluto-Saturn (Sept 10-29) sextile.
The Pluto-Ketu trine will be responsible for economical growth, progress in technical fields through inovations and discoveries, and religious reconciliation.
The manifestation of Neptune-Ketu ninefold trine will be reflected in expansion of spiritual and religious activities all around the world, positive periods for Russia and China and significant progress in biotech field and social media.
The influence of Uranus-Saturn and Neptune-Saturn ninefold sextiles will result in expansion of religious activities all around the world with new vigor and energy, conservatives will find ways to compromise with liberals on sticky issues. Democrats and Republicans will agree on more matters than the ones they disagree. This is a good time to get those lingering bills passed in U.S. Congress and Senates. China and Russia are likely to experience some mild setbacks in their foreign policies, especially the ones that deal with the United States.
The Saturn-Jupiter ninefold sextile may become responsible for the positive periods for religions around the world. People will likely to be convinced with the importance of moral values and will have no difficulty in maintaining their religious faith.
The manifestation of Pluto-Saturn sextile may be reflected in a good period for European and Russian economy. This period is also good for progress in technical fields (new innovations and discoveries).
The countries that are more likely to be affected during this month are: China, Russia, USA, Europe and Middle-East (Turkey, Syria, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Palestine-Israel region).
- United States of America:
President Obama and his administration:
Until February 2014, President Obama’s operating planets will be Mercury and Pluto. In his progressive chart, the Mercury will remain in the 1st house of his progressive chart through September 6, in the 2nd house through September 25, and in the 3rd house during the rest of the month. Pluto is going to be in the fifth house of his progressive chart and in the first house of his ninefold progressive chart. While Pluto is favorable for him for September, the ninefold Pluto conjuncts ninefold Ketu during the last week of September. And during that time his political will certainly be tested. In addition, Mercury for him is only marginally favorable during September 6-25. Thus, he will have tough time dealing with international issues (such as Syria), budget and health care. The most intensive and challenging period for him for this month would be the last week.
The Country:
The influence of Saturn-Rahu conjunction will certainly be reflected in chaos in the Republic Party of the United States and friction between moderate and conservative republicans. The Uranus-Saturn quincunx will be responsible for increased tension between the United States and Russia, and between the Obama administration and the conservative republicans.
The Saturn-Mars square (September 7-9) will certainly leave its mark as a setback for the republican party as a whole or for a republican leader.
· Russia: During the first three weeks of September, the Neptune-Rahu ninefold sextile is positive for Russia. In addition, Pluto-Saturn sextile during the last three weeks of the month will become responsible for significant progress in the technological areas via inventions and discoveries.
· Europe: The entire month looks to be more on positive side, especially due to the influence of Pluto-Saturn sextile and the Neptune-Rahu ninefold sextile. It will be reflected in the expansion of religious activities with new vigor and energy. The economic expansion will continue.
· China, Japan, and Pacific-rim countries: Besides the Saturn-Rahu conjunction (which occurs during second half of the month) things look to be good for the region. During the second half of the month, the above conjunction may become responsible for social and political turmoil in China. However the economic progress will continue to remain unabated.
· Middle East: During the first half of the month the situation in Syria will remain critical. However, somehow the crisis will be mitigated during the second half of the month. But for the entire region, due to the Saturn-Rahu conjunction, the second half of the month may prove to be very explosive involving intense conflict between the Israelis and others.
· Religion: The Saturn-Jupiter ninefold sextile may become responsible for the positive periods for religions around the world. People will likely to be convinced with the importance of moral values and will have no difficulty in maintaining their religious faith. In addition, the influence of Uranus-Saturn and Neptune-Saturn ninefold sextiles will result in expansion of religious activities all around the world with new vigor and energy.
· Natural and Man-made Calamities: The natural calamities like extreme weather conditions, wildfires, hurricanes, heavy rains, air crashes as well as man made accidents are very likely to occur during September 1-3, 7-12, 18-24 and 27-30.
Earthquakes: Based on the earthquake prediction model II, the earthquake(s) of magnitude 7 or higher, if occur, are likely to occur on September 2, 7, 12, 16, 18-22, 24-27, 29-30. While man-made calamities may manifest themselves in terrorism, unrest, violence, accidents, and air crashes, the natural calamities are likely to include extreme weather conditions such as severe cold winters, and equally intensive droughts, hurricanes or typhoons, thunderstorms, earthquakes and fires.