Monthly Global Predictions for September 2015

Date Posted: August 31, 2015

Eclipses in September….

A Weak Partial Solar Eclipse (September 13)

A weak and partial solar eclipse occurs on September 13 approximately during the hours of 6:30 – 7:15 GMT.  This eclipse will be visible in Western Europe,  Asia, Africa, Australia, Japan and Pacific-rim countries.

This eclipse is not very important since the sidereal 26 deg Leo Sun and Moon will be almost 12 degrees away from sidereal 8 deg Virgo Rahu, the Northern or ascending node. 

For those who have the lunar nodes in conjunction with either Sun or Moon may need to watch-out.  It’s probably not a good day for you.  Take extra precaution and avoid any sort of new venture or activity during this eclipse.

A Total Lunar Eclipse (September 28)

A total lunar eclipse occurs on September 28, approximately during the hours of 0:30 to 4:30 GMT.  This eclipse will be visible in Europe, Western Africa, the North and South American continents and pacific island regions including Hawaii.

This eclipse is important since the Sun and Moon will be within 5 degrees from Rahu and Ketu respectively, and therefore will last for a long time (4 hours). The eclipse will occur with the Southern or descending node Ketu, in the sidereal zodiac sign Pisces and the ascending node Rahu in Virgo . Consequently this eclipse, according to Vedic astrology, is likely to be unfavorable for those who have sidereal Virgo or Pisces rising or Virgo or Pisces as moon sign. 

For those who have the lunar nodes in conjunction with either Sun or Moon in their natal charts, should watch-out.  It’s probably not a good day. Take extra precaution and avoid any sort of new activity or new venture during the eclipse.

On world scene, Europe, Middle East, Western Africa, the United Sates, Canada, South America, Mexico and Pacific island region including Hawaii, might experience undesirable events.

Retrograde Venus (July 25 – September 6)

On July 25, the planet Venus became retrograde in its motion in sidereal zodiac sign Leo. With its retrograde (backward) motion Venus entered the sidereal Cancer on August 14 and then it becomes direct in Cancer on September 6.  Venus becomes retrograde about once every 19 months, and stays retrograde for about six weeks.  In general, a retrograde Venus means a very challenging period for women, marriages, home life, lovers, entertainment industries.  Expect the divorce rates to peak, fighting between spouses to intensify, and delays, frustrations, and misunderstandings to take a center-stage in domestic matters. In particular, while the Leo retrograde Venus means challenging period for lead personalities in entertainment field and women at high places, the retrograde Cancer Venus also means emotional breakdown for Cancer dominated individuals.   If you have a dominating Venus in your birth chart, and if your current planetary cycle influences your life via Venus then you are more likely to experience the effects of the retrograde Venus till September 6. The lead entertainers like lead actors, actresses, musicians, comedians, movie directors and producers may find themselves in a miserable situation during the retrograde Venus period especially if they are currently being influenced by Venus through their current progressive cycles.

Retrograde Mercury (Sept 18 – Oct 10) 

On September 18, the planet Mercury becomes retrograde in sidereal Virgo. It will stay retrograde in Virgo until October 10. Typically retrograde Mercury means anxieties, communication breakdowns, unexpected delays, frustrations, missing deadlines, unforeseen obstacles and disappointment in daily chores. Retrograde Mercury in Virgo means more frustrating periods for detail oriented people such as accounts, researchers, bookkeepers, also for people in agriculture and forest areas, people in small businesses and diplomats. This is the time not to start a new project or venture, but rather reflect on what’s been done so far.  Also, this is the best time to cleanup that closet and do other chores that you have been postponing due to lack of time.

In addition, if you have dominating Mercury in your birth chart and if Mercury is currently your operating planet, then you are more likely to experience the pronounced effects of retrograde Mercury during this period with respect to matters signified by the house it’s transiting in your progressive chart.

Global Predictions……

The important challenging planetary configurations for September include Neptune-Jupiter (Sept 12-19) opposition and Uranus-Saturn (Sept 9-15), Saturn-Rahu (Sept 25-29) ninefold oppositions;  and Pluto-Uranus (July 13 – Sept 21), Saturn-Rahu (Aug 26 – Sept 1) and Neptune-Saturn (Sept 27 – Oct 3) ninefold quincunxes.

The Neptune-Jupiter opposition (Sept 12-19) is a very auspicious planetary event from the spiritual and religious standpoint. This is the period during which world religions are likely to be challenged with earthshaking ideas that they must attend to. Those religious leaders, who are willing to be open minded and ready to listen and act on new and fresh ideas, are the ones that going to be responsible to transform our religious world to a new level. Others are going to fade away with time. 

The Uranus-Saturn (Sept 9-15) ninefold opposition may become responsible for social or political turmoil in the United States, Russia and/or China, and at the same time tensions rising among these nations.

The manifestation of the Saturn-Rahu (Sept 25-29) ninefold opposition maybe reflected in social and political unrest in places like Russia and China.  Also, in the United State the Republic Party and republicans likely to face a real critical period for their political future standpoint.

The Pluto-Uranus (July 13 – Sept 21) ninefold quincunx may become responsible for a critical and difficult period of international interaction for the United States.  This quincunx could manifest in the form of having the USA involved in international conflict or in a failed international diplomacy.

The manifestation of Neptune-Saturn (Sept 27 – Oct 3) ninefold quincunx maybe reflected in rise in covert activities among the leading nations. Possibilities of natural as well as man-made calamities are very likely during this period. Places like Russia and China are likely to experience political and social turmoil. Non-democratic countries are likely to see shift of power from one faction (or dictator) to another. Religious activities around the world will likely to appear more secretive than open. 

The countries that are more likely to be affected during this month are:  United States, Russia, China, Europe and Middle East (Syria, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan and Palestine-Israel regions).

About President Obama….

President Obama’s operating planets (the planets that presently influence him most) continue to be Mercury and Sun.  During entire September, Mercury stays in sidereal Virgo (and in the 2nd house of his progressive chart). It becomes retrograde in motion on September 18 and it stays retrograde in Virgo till the end of the month.

The second house Mercury means a frustrating period for him. And it can also be painful at times.  However, the second House mercury does bring success for him during this month.  During Mercury’s retrograde period (Sept 18-30) he is likely to get more frustrated with Congress, especially with respect to the Iran deal and other international matters. Things may appear to be not going well for him. But despite his continued stressful and frustrating situation, September may turn out to be positive for him.

The other planet, Sun is presently transiting through the first house of his progressive chart till Sept 16. And then for the remaining part of the month, through the second house of his progressive chart.  As a result, until Sept 17, he will continue to have real tough time as he will be filled with anxieties in dealing with delays, fear and worries.  For the remaining part of the month, Sun being in the second house of his progressive chart, he might have to go through the experience of being betrayed.

About USA…..

The manifestation of the Pluto-Uranus (July 13 – Sept 21) ninefold quincunx maybe reflected in a critical and difficult period for the USA from the international crisis (including terrorism) standpoint.  The Uranus-Saturn (Sept 9-15) ninefold opposition may become responsible for social or political turmoil.  

The manifestation of the Saturn-Rahu (Sept 25-29) ninefold opposition maybe reflected in having the Republic Party and republicans going through a critical period for their political future standpoint.


      The Neptune-Jupiter opposition (Sept 12-19) is a very auspicious planetary event from the spiritual and religious standpoint. This is the period during which world religions are likely to be challenged with earthshaking ideas that they must attend to. Those religious leaders, who are willing to be open minded and ready to listen and act on new and fresh ideas, are the ones that going to be responsible to transform our religious as well as spiritual world to a new level. Others are going to fade away with time. 

Natural and Man-made Calamities……..

      The natural calamities like extreme weather conditions, wildfires, unbearable heat, hurricanes, heavy rains, air crashes as well as man made accidents are likely to occur during September 9-19 and 25-30.

Earthquakes: Based on the latest earthquake prediction model III (yet to be published) the earthquake(s) of magnitude 7 or higher, if occur, are likely to occur on September 17-19, 21, 23-24, 28 and 30.  Earthquake predictions for the entire year 2015 is provided at Earthquake Predictions 2015.

      While man-made calamities may manifest themselves in terrorism, unrest, violence, accidents, and air crashes, the natural calamities are likely to include extreme weather conditions such as severe cold winters, and equally intensive droughts, hurricanes or typhoons, thunderstorms, earthquakes and fires.