Date Posted: February 28, 2001
March is very likely to be a positive and productive month for most of the world. Until March 7, the lingering February carryover period will continue with crisis pertaining to violence, terrorism, severe weather conditions, faltering economy, and in general, a lot of anxiety about the future. But later with the positive influence of the three simultaneous trines (Pluto-Uranus, Saturn-Ketu, Pluto-Ketu) the second week is going to fair a great deal better. And the latter half of the month due to three additional ninefold trines, the political and the social environment all around the world will improve with a very positive tone. The major planetary configurations that are likely to influence this month are:
The ninefold trine between the planet Uranus and Saturn, providing a positive energy for creativity and productivity will last through March 16. Similarly the Pluto-Uranus trine (till March 8) will provide additional boost to economic expansion as well as for general social well being, thus keeping most part of the world out of unwanted crisis and tension. Pluto-Ketu (March 5-8), Neptune-Ketu (March 19-27), Pluto-Neptune (March 23-April 16) will provide additional fire power for political, economical, and social improvement.
The Pluto-Saturn ninefold conjunction that will last through March may become responsible for man-made as well as natural calamities. Also, this conjunction is likely to provide fuel for a potential breakout of a political crisis in countries like Russia and China.
- United States: Bush administration is very likely to enjoy this month on almost all the fronts and will make significant progress in carrying out its political agenda. Except March 4-8 period, the entire month should turn out to be a piece of cake for the Bush administration. Every thing is pretty much going to go in their way.
· Russia: The first week of February may prove to be crucial for Russian politics. Expect some drastic and surprising changes on the political scene. However, from the second week onwards, expect some very positive political and economical development. The government will have a lot more stability to carry out its plan. The relationship with the USA will improve.
· China, Hong Kong, and Pacific-rim countries: China is likely to continue to have to face the political, social and economical problems during the first week of the month. However for the rest of the month the stars seem to favor the government. Much needed stability to effectively govern the country and to carry out the economic reform will certainly become a reality. People of of China will feel more positive about their future. From economic standpoint, the entire pacific-rim region, China, Japan, and Hong Kong are likely to experience further growth in their recovery with better future growth prospects.
· Europe: A very positive month for the entire continent. Expect rising trade between the USA and Europe. Euro currency will regain its position in the world markets.
· Religion: In general, religious activities worldwide will continue to expand. New initiatives or ideas that took roots and transformed the old religious perspectives to a whole new level of understanding will further make their marks. Except for March 14-19 period, the month looks pretty good.
· Natural and Man-made Calamities: Until March 7, and then during March 16 through March 20 period, man-made as well as natural calamities and accidents possible. Otherwise, the month looks pretty much problem free. Although it is very difficult to predict the geographic locations for man-made and natural calamities, the possibility of those occurring in North and Central America, Mid-East, and Indian subcontinent are more likely.
While man-made calamities may manifest themselves in terrorism, unrest, violence, and accidents, the natural calamities are likely to include extreme weather conditions such as severe cold winters in the northern hemisphere, and equally intensive droughts in the southern hemisphere; and thunderstorms, earthquakes, air crashes and fires.