Planetary Energies for Individuals for February 2025

Date Posted: January 31, 2025

Although it’s very difficult to predict the influence of planetary energy on a given individual without referring to his or her birth chart the following is intended only as a general guideline. For confirmation, however, you must refer to your birth chart. Based on the assessment of planetary strengths or weaknesses in your birth chart, placement of planets in your Gochar (transit) and ninefold Gochar (transit) chart and the current operating planets, the following may be applicable.

Uranus-Rahu ninefold trine (Uranus-Ketu ninefold sextile)  (Jan 24 – Feb 5)

Uranus-Rahu ninefold trine is going to be very favorable for you if you have lunar nodes favorably placed in your natal chart with respect to Uranus.  If such placing is connected to the first house, second house, ninth house, tenth house, or eleventh house then expect monetary as well as power gains, promotions and improved prestige in professional and social fields.  The idea that you always wanted to pursue but somehow could never get started….now is the time to follow that dream. You will distinctly notice and feel the positive energy flowing through you during this period.  It’s time to jump in and enjoy this period.

Neptune-Jupiter ninefold sextile (Jan 25 – March 6)

This auspicious ninefold sextile is good for all world religions as well as for people who are engaged in activities that help us expand morally, socially as well as materially.  

For those who have well placed Jupiter and Neptune in their birth charts (conjunction, trine, sextile, opposition) are likely to enjoy a positive experience during this period.  People involved in the religious activities are likely experience a sudden boost in their daily activities, and religious authorities are going to be well recognized by societies.

On a collective level, religious, academic, and social fields are very likely to enjoy the new and positive changes occurring in their respective fields.

Neptune-Saturn ninefold square (Feb 4-11)

If you have a Neptune-Saturn square in your birth chart, and if any one of these two planets is being active through your Gochar (transit) chart, then during this period you might want to consider postponing your plans of expansion or starting any new venture. Just stay in a defensive mode if you could.  This square has a tendency to ruin your plans in a very deceptive manner, and usually, there is very little you can do about it once the process begins.

On a collective level, countries like China and Russia may face some difficult time during this period.

Pluto-Rahu ninefold quincunx (Feb 11-18)

Unless these planets are favorably placed in your birth chart, such quincunx between Pluto and any one of the lunar nodes, in general, means drastic unwanted changes (transformations) pertaining to aspects of your life described by the houses they belong to. Usually such transformations are very painful if lunar node Rahu (or Ketu), and/or Pluto is active in Gochar (transit) chart.  In my opinion, best way to deal with this situation is to (which is not easy to do) accept the inevitable change, and move on with your life. There’s no point in brooding over it, and not letting your past go.

On a collective level, an eruption of new waves of violence in the Palestine-Israel, Syria, Iran and Afghanistan-Pakistan regions are likely. And perhaps, towards the end of this period due to Pluto’s transformation process, the resulting changes are likely to become irreversible. In addition, world religions, in general, and religious leaders in particular, may experience themselves having to go through undesirable situations that require changes. In other words, the orthodox religious leaders may come under social and moral pressures to change the way they handle their responsibilities. 

Pluto-Saturn ninefold sextile (Feb 13-19)

If either Pluto or Saturn is active in your transit chart and Pluto is favorably positioned with respect to Saturn in your natal chart, anticipate a highly favorable period ahead. Positive events will likely be related to the affairs signified by the houses occupied or aspected by these planets. For instance, if the seventh house is involved, expect new and positive developments in relationships, business partnerships, or success in captivating audiences if you deal with the masses. If the eleventh house is involved, it may prove to be a financially rewarding period.

On a collective level, this period bodes well for the European and Russian economies. Progress in technical fields, including new innovations and discoveries, is likely. Additionally, there may be opportunities for religious reconciliation during this time. Overall, expect favorable developments and progress both individually and collectively.

Saturn-Rahu (and Ketu) ninefold square(s) (Feb14-17)

Saturn-Rahu and Saturn-Ketu ninefold square are going to be devastating for those who have such squares in their natal charts.  Anything that you try to attempt will likely to fail or will result in agonizing and frustrating experience. This is not the time to take any risk.  If you have such squares in your birth chart and if any one of these planets is presently active in your Gochar (transit) chart then you need be extra careful. The best thing to do is not make any new commitment, and totally avoid taking any business or monetary risk.   

On a collective level, barbaric activities all around the world are likely to increase. Terrorists are likely to be successful in creating confusion and chaos. Social turmoil in Europe and Russia is likely. Religious activities could get stalled for no apparent reason.

Neptune-Rahu ninefold conjunction and Neptune-Ketu opposition (Feb 19-26)

If you have a poor placing of Neptune and Rahu (or Neptune and Ketu) by being connected to the sixth, eighth, and the twelfth house in your birth chart, and if one of them is currently active in your transit (Gochar) chart, then you are likely to experience instability caused due to sudden changes your activities and surroundings around you.  Such experiences might turn out to be very unfortunate and frustrating.  It would certainly be wise not to commit to anything new during this period and stay low key.

On the collective level, social as well as economic turmoil in Russia and China cannot be ruled out.  Covert activities around the world may find a new momentum (but because of Neptune’s secretive character we may never know) with regard to terrorism and other international conflicts.

Uranus-Saturn ninefold quincunx (Feb 22-27)

When Saturn-Uranus ninefold quincunx occurs, it’s a challenging period for you if you have such quincunx or square in your birth chart. In addition, if the planet Uranus or Saturn is affecting your life via your Gochar (transit) chart, then you might want to consider taking extra precautions in the areas which are affected by these planets as shown in your natal chart.  You should avoid taking any kind of risk at any cost during this period.  Such quincunx can make things very miserable and difficult for you. Staying low key is certainly the way to go.  Avoid any new ventures and postpone the matters that you want to begin till this period is passed. 

On a collective level, the United States of America, Russia or China may experience social or political turmoil at home as well as tensions rising among them. 

Rahu-Jupiter ninefold sextile (Ketu-Jupiter ninefold trine)  (Feb 22-26)

The Jupiter-Rahu sextile is favorable for individuals with such a sextile in their natal charts. Finding a balance between optimism and conservatism is the key to avoiding extremes of over-optimism or aggression, as well as excessive protectiveness. If you have this sextile in your birth chart and if either of these planets is currently influencing you through the current progressive cycle, you’re likely to experience this period with enthusiasm and success, as it aligns naturally with your abilities. Enjoy this time to the fullest!

On a collective level, religions worldwide will thrive in their activities, fostering positive experiences. People are likely to be persuaded of the importance of moral values and will find it easy to maintain their religious faith.