Date Posted: September 30, 2004
The predictions analysis is based on the following important ninefold planetary configurations (within 3 ninefold degrees or 1/3 regular degree orb) for this month.
Uranus-Neptune ninefold opposition (Oct 29 – Dec 31)
Neptune-Ketu ninefold opposition (Oct 4 -17)
Uranus-Saturn ninefold quincunx (Oct 7 -15)
Pluto-Saturn ninefold quincunx (Oct 4 – Nov 13)
Uranus-Jupiter ninefold trine (Oct 23 – 26)
Saturn-Jupiter ninefold trine (Oct 8 – 11)
Ketu-Jupiter ninefold trine (Oct 20 – 21)
Rahu-Jupiter ninefold square (Oct 7 – 8)
Ketu-Jupiter ninefold square (Oct 7 – 8)
Neptune-Jupiter ninefold square (Oct 6 – 8)
Uranus-Jupiter ninefold square (Oct 9 – 11)
Saturn-Jupiter ninefold square (Oct 28 – 30)
Rahu-Jupiter ninefold sextile (Oct 20 – 21)
Pluto-Uranus ninefold sextile (Oct 3 – 16)
Pluto-Jupiter ninefold sextile (Oct 27 – 30)
Neptune-Jupiter ninefold sextile (Oct 21 – 24)
Neptune-Rahu ninefold conjunction (Oct 4 -17)
The important regular planetary angles (within 1 degree orb) for this month are as follows:
Jupiter-Rahu quincunx (Oct 4 – 11)
Jupiter-Uranus quincunx (Oct 6 – 14)
Mars-Uranus quincunx (Sept 30 – Oct 2)
Uranus-Ketu trine (July 14 – Oct 22)
Mars-Neptune trine (Oct 14 – 17)
Uranus-Rahu sextile (July 14 – Oct 22)
Mars-Pluto sextile (Oct 26 – 29)
Other important information pertaining to this month is as follow:
On October 12 and 31, Mercury enters Libra and Scorpio respectively.
On October 17, Sun enters Libra and on October 24, Venus enters Virgo . Also on October 24, Neptune becomes direct in the sidereal zodiac sign Capricorn.
A weak solar eclipse occurs on October 14 at about 1:00 AM GMT. It will be visible in Asia, eastern Africa and Australia.
A total lunar eclipse occurs on October 28 at about 1:30 AM GMT. It will be visible in Europe, Middle East, western Africa, South America, and the eastern part of North America.
On October 12 and 29, the ninefold Jupiter enters Aries and Taurus respectively.
On October 24, the ninefold Saturn enters Leo and on October 26, the ninefold Pluto enters Pisces.